General Discussion

General DiscussionRelentless' theory on why games on Sunday suck

Relentless' theory on why games on Sunday suck in General Discussion

    "so basically i have this theory that Valve resets the report counter for every player on Sunday, so all the people who would otherwise be stuck in LPQ are mixed in with the normal pool of players"

    That's what he told me

    So yea don't play on Sunday, all the vermin and subhuman trash come out in full force.


      why not to play in 5-men stack then tho


        well i was implying solo q


          is solo really that bad on sundays? i mean, i play solo q very rarely but yet never noticed any difference between sunday and the rest of the week.


            i got prettymuch 10 reports at all times

            and im still reporting tryhards for picking wards as supports and shit like that


              I think it depends more on the time of the day rather than the day of the week tbh


                +1 with mokujin, ~8month ago, on eu west, the 5k5 branch wednesday arround 10am to 1pm was like a totally different world, with noobs (for 5k5 mmr) who would otherwise not even diserve 4k.
                At that time i was playing a lot of party mmr with a friend arround 2.5k mmr (and he diserved it totally) and he was better than those 5k5 of the 10am to 1pm wednesday people

                Quick maffs

                  10 am to 6 pm is a mmr suicide believe me.

                  Quick maffs

                    Matrice sometimes i play around that time in week days, its SO bad, i really dont know why.

                    BIG FAT DUCK

                      lol matrice...


                        Sundays, good god. Pls people, if you love yourself even a bit, dont play ranked at sundays or you gonna lose your shit and start shooting people. You wont believe how many of the autist casual once per month gamers play at that day.


                          I agree- I cannot for the life of me win games on sundays- the players go full retard.


                            I got 4 intentional feeders in a row for my games yesterday.

                            Yesterday was sunday.

                            BIG FAT DUCK

                              monday's pretty bad too

                              i think the reports start kicking in tuesday


                                he is wrong.

                                People who just don't play as often, aka "casuals" are more likely to play on sunday.

                                Bad Intentions

                                  For SEA, yes, Sunday is like MMR suicide madness day. Its really bad for your health :)


                                    Well, in weekends more people have time to finish their low priority matches.


                                      Sunday - Casual players. ppl who plays 4-5 games / month. + FREAKIN SCHOOLBOYS!!!! damn 10 years ol kids online ruining games all day long. i hate them. Mom thinks its sunday he should relax and i let him play few games on his pc cus im good mom. FUCK YOU MOM!!! send your fuckin shitkid to play lol or whatever.

                                      im not even mad :D :D :D

                                      plz do

                                        ^russia is right.

                                        Also its a good opportunity to crush them noobs and increase mmr. Play core on sunday/weekends and support all other days ;)