General Discussion

General DiscussionGuide to easy 5k MMR with Abaddon

Guide to easy 5k MMR with Abaddon in General Discussion

    I guess this is quite unusual, I have seen people grinding MMR with Jug, Troll, Storm, Meepo, Visage, Undying..., yet I haven't seen any body did that with Abaddon.

    I started grinding MMR intensively and abusing Abaddon a lot since last 3 month. Until last week, I achieved my objective of getting to 5k MMR (both solo and party). I would like to share my way of playing support Abaddon from 4k3 to 5k.

    1. Intro:
    Abaddon is an underrated hero in pub ranked games (4k-5k). He's a unique support with tanking ability. With the build that I am gonna present, Abaddon can scale well from early to late game and it is very hard to lose with him if he is played properly. I got 60+% winning rate over 350+ Abaddon games. My build may not be absolutely right but it can definitely help you guys on your way to gain MMR.

    2. When Abaddon and when not to:
    Abaddon is extremely good versus teams that have long single disables (e.g. lion, bane, support morphling, potm...). He is also good against enemies that have weak early game supp/carry. He is weak against team that have AOE disable (enigma, magnus, ...). AA can counter him well with Ice Blast. I personally spam him every game disregarding the counters.

    3. Lane:
    I prefer supporting the offlaner. Abaddon can help your offlaner to own weak safelane enemies (a few scenarios: Jugg Ogre vs Abaddon Phoenix, Troll ES vs Abaddon Axe, Jugg AA Dazzle vs Abaddon Undying...).
    If enemy safe lane is too strong, support the safelane instead. At safelane, try always double pull so that you don't have double range creeps that push your lane.

    4. Skill build:
    My favourite build is max 2 then 3 then stats, ignore 1. Curse of the Avenus is quite underrated. It increases your and allies' attack and movement speed by quite a lot (imagine sniper with free +40 AS and +15 MS). If you skill up 1, you are purely a position 5 support without tanking/slowing ability. I do occasionally skill up 1 when I am position 5 or when I am so behind and unable to hit the enemies.

    5. Item build:
    Focus on aura items: Chick + tango + RoP -> RoB + Brown Boots -> Phase Boots + Vlad -> Drum/Meka/Pipe/AC.
    Don't hesitate to get and carry a gem if enemies got invisible heroes.
    Usually game ends about 30-40 min. However if it is longer at about 40-50, once you get Drum+AC, you are a aura monster. Any meele that is near you is like superman with: +10 amor, 17% lifesteal, +65AS, +20MS. The one got hit by you got: -5 amour, -20AS, -20MS. His presence makes a difference.

    6. Playstyle:
    Early game: try winning their safe lane. Be agressive, but don't overextend if you can't make it. Bring a tp, ready to tp mid if enemies dive.
    Mid game: Ward + deward wisely, don't waste your gold. Stick to your carry. Watch him, don't go to far from him. If enemies don't focus him, be aggressive and hit any one near you. If enemies focus for carry, shield and heal him, hit the enemy with your super duper Frost blade.

    Hope you guys find this useful. Flames welcome :D


      long time no see brothers-abaddon lovers

      the realm's delight

        if u have the balls to play such a fucking boring hero every game u might as well play barathrum which is better than abadon for solo q pubs


          btw i would disagree with ignoring 1st spell tho. it gives you not only an opportunity to deny urself, but also a much higher heal per second than shield (if we consider shield as healing).


            If you are playing as position 5, you should definitely up 1. But if you play him as p4, the frost blade is more superior, believe me.

            plz do

              i checked ur game history w aba and it seems like your HD is most of the times below 10k (also in >45min games). Its good to know that one can grind mmr by not enganging enemies. I always doubted my position 5 Oracle playstyle, because of my low HD but I still won 9/10 games.

              In my low life trash noob 4k trench it sometimes doesn't work out if the cores dont deal any HD themselves.


                i still vote for 1-2-2-3-2-4-2-3-3-3 skillbuild tho, whatever ur position is (not taking into account carry which is rather weird imo)


                    @Hush hush:
                    Well, hero dmg is not some thing that supps should care about. U can just walk around scratch the enemy carries with ur < 150 damage, but ur carry will deal the damage win the game for u with the bonus +10 amor, 17% lifesteal, +65AS, +20MS when he's near u. You keep him alive and he win the game for you haha.


                        Keep your (idiot) carry alive - that's the bible for any good support who wants to win. I aprove this build, i like the hero too and the guide looks legit. I would take 1 point of first spell always tho, just to be able to suicide. But other then that, congrats on 5k dude.


                          When you get bored with P4 Abaddon, you can have a different type of fun hitting things with phase/mom/armlet. He hits pretty hard but still takes a lot to kill off.


                              ^very legit point


                                Well, it's true he can't get close to Sniper, but the carry that is near you have tons of aura, so sniper won't hit him as hard. You are not the carry, you don't need to hit sniper. You can hit any one near you, or just walk around drawing enemy attention, so easy. Give the job killing sniper to Storm in your team.


                                  That won't work at 5k. Abaddon is not supposed to be a carry.

                                    bum farto

                                      @QXZ are you back to 5k yet? Also Abbadon, Oracle, and Omniknight are all good in 4K cause the carries are so bad you can fix their mistakes while avoiding dying yourself.

                                        bum farto

                                          I stopped working for the ratings when I was in the 100's for a lot of my top heroes then one game in a stack drops it to 98% and diamond 5 it swings to much to make it a stable system.


                                            u are really cool bro. u won more games than usual, with the 2nd highest winrate hero overall on pub dota. con fuckin gratz. u are really amazing.....
                                            (nice meepo stat)


                                              well.. .the DB stats on his build dont lie. Apparently stats > mist coil.....

                                              I just dont see why though. 250 direct heal or damage seems really good. Damage taken is neglibable... Why is the skill so bad?

                                              bum farto

                                                I honestly like it the other way around....

                                                Using the level 1 shield as a dispel then have maxed coil, one in passive, and some stats.


                                                  I don't build arcane/soulring so if I max 1 after 2, I would have mana problem. Getting stats allow spamming shield more.


                                                    This is a guide, not a theory-craft. I present here what I have done and what I achieved. I don't see it fail from my last 100 games.


                                                      you like aghs?


                                                        @ mekarazium, yah he is not good against troll, or axe or sniper, but he is really good when those heroes are on his team.


                                                          @Concede: Aghs is not really good atm. It is quite expsensive and the effect doesn't worth the price. Aura items are more superior.