General Discussion

General DiscussionHOW TO WIN LINA ON MID?

HOW TO WIN LINA ON MID? in General Discussion

    Thats impossible!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    I pick sf, she come with haste rune behind tower ulti+Q im dead.

    She gets eul, q+ult+w im dead



      how to beat lina mid? she has the worst last hit animation in the game.

      You should switch to league of legends.


        her animation is fine.


          zeus has worst animation in game, lina lvl 1 e has one of the fastest lol


            zeus doesn't last hit with his animation primarily, he uses chain lighting, and level 1 fiery doesn't change the attack animation it just changes her attack speed for the record.

            Not to mention she doesn't have the mana pool to waste her spells just to get stacks of E before she gets euls. She will last hit with spells if anything.

            oh and
            zeus : Attack Duration =0.633+0.366 Base Attack Time = 1.7

            lina: Attack Duration = 0.75+0.78 Base Attack Time = 1.7

            THICC BABY SHUM

              attack animation is slow but who cares just time the attacks and its like u have 0 attack animation.
              all about knowing when to go for cs. lina mid can push lane fast and get runes very easy and at lvl 6 gank q r and easy kill no stun needed lol.


                ta can survive against her, however lane will be hard because Lina pushes a lot and you will be forced under tower with no time for taking runes or stack
                with haste and lvl 6 you can kill her easily if you bait her stun


                  razor and bone are ones who have the suckiest animations.
                  lina is completely fine.

                  THICC BABY SHUM

                    dont think that attack animation should matter on last hitting its just more skill required. who cares if its slow or fast just the matter of when u go for that cs.


                      who cares about lina animation u farm with dragon slave anyway

                      MOA KIKUCHI ASTRALIS

                        lina has 0.75 which is pretty sucky most mids have like 0.5 or someth
                        but who cares she either just spams/harass you out of lane with her 670 range or slave 2 creeps and get the other 2 with 40% attack speed.


                          concede i win lina on mid on lasthits until she max q and kill me with 2 skills.


                            I saw arteezy, wagamama and vork all get rekt againist lina mid, and whn i go mid againist lina se allways kill me even is she is awfool lasthiting.


                              Sing sing fucked aswell


                                She is the strongest mid hero in the game. If opponent is same skill as you, you will lose. Simple as that.

                                waku waku

                                  i beat lina with vengeful spirit lol


                                    I love lina when i am supporting,it always turn to a carry even i spend my money on the team needs

                                    Kai no Kiseki

                                      solution: pick sniper and outrange her and laugh


                                        what about puck ?


                                          puck rapes lina

                                          ta rapes lina

                                          sniper kinda rapes lina


                                            You are not the most appropriate to give advice on how to beat lina mid

                                            Mortimer Smith

                                              Ta doesn't rapes lina
                                              Sniper doesn't rapes lina
                                              Puck maybe can survive against lina

                                              Mortimer Smith

                                                What i saw on streamings:
                                                Vrksnak get raped with sniper against lina
                                                Sing sing got raped with nyx against lina
                                                Arteezy got raped twice with shadowfiend and storm spirit against lina
                                                Wgamama got raped with ta against lina


                                                  hey look 6k player posted something, even though I'm 3k I'll disagree because I'm so smart

                                                  Quick maffs

                                                    ta doesnt win against lina ?



                                                      Alright Lina the best DOTA2 hero.

                                                      x6 got raped with lina against sniper
                                                      x6 got raped with lina against nyx
                                                      x6 got raped twice with lina against shadown fiend and storm spirit
                                                      x6 got raped with lina against ta

                                                      MOA KIKUCHI ASTRALIS

                                                        if ta goes ref level 1 she will just get right click spammed and double waved. not to mention lsa fucks her last hit tempo early levels quite abit.
                                                        if she goes psi she barely hits lina with the spills shes 670 (psi spill is 590)
                                                        she slaves the wave giving her creep advantage and attack speed makes it hard for ta to dictate the lane 3-5
                                                        not saying lina beats ta but its alot more even


                                                          @deljade u fucking trash why u even talk

                                                          ur so fucking bad need 3 ppls in lane to do something against my ta

                                                          i said TA beats lina

                                                          not TA beats trilane of wywern lion and lina


                                                              I love how lina has gone from garbage tier to "best mid in the game".

                                                              Sure she was buffed a bunch, but apparently people only decided she was god tier after she got playing in NEL and DAC a few times.

                                                              MOA KIKUCHI ASTRALIS

                                                                what are you talking about
                                                                she received a significant buff to both her nukes in .83 and she does really well against troll jugg


                                                                  she has been buffed every single patch for a damn year.

                                                                  MOA KIKUCHI ASTRALIS

                                                                    yes. but the recent buffs were one of the more significant ones and like i said she does well against the meta heroes

                                                                    Luxalpa, Tail of Devastation

                                                                      Lina was incredibly strong mid since pretty much forever. And she isn't significantly stronger than she was 1 or 2 years ago.


                                                                        Not rly, lina got god-tier status after her scepter upgrade ulti pierced bkb


                                                                          ye pure damage made her most viable



                                                                            but that is a late game buff as you need aghs. Most linas are going for boots bottle and euls before that even comes up.

                                                                            The debate here is about her early laning phase being "OP"

                                                                            Luxalpa, Tail of Devastation

                                                                              That's true for the hero in total, but for dominating mid lane she doesn't need a scepter ;)


                                                                                doesnt matter if you own early game if you can't win the game. The only reason lina wins games now is because of the scepter.


                                                                                  Little angry aren't we? :(


                                                                                    the nerf lina needs is recuce the pure dmg of scepter ultimate to 70%.

                                                                                    and no im not mad, i got like 90% win against lina