General Discussion

General Discussiondiagnosis : 4500mmr

diagnosis : 4500mmr in General Discussion

    Ok; so after having fun losin many games from high to low 4k's with feeders, throwers, acc buyers and kids in here i decided to see again what changed in good ol' mid 4k's since i left.

    1st game
    Que eu west; get fb, mid is owning people... despite being ganked -4-5 times i still have 15min pms, phase, cryst, yasha... then the dominating team of mine SEEKS for kills over and over, wander solo, dives towers; start dyibg huge bounties and levels. People bitch that troll is early game hero and ahouldnt be farming as he cant outcarry jugg (roflmao). I decide to join fights AND abandon my good farmspots as i do OK... we lose two fights in row because our initiator sleeps/ all team clumps up vs magnus lina jugg and then they luterrally start spamming gg when scores and fighs are equal.. they give free tower+rax just staring at enemies; then yolo initiate , we lose; gg....

    2nd game some 5k enemy dude picks troll 1st while our 4.5k one picks last pick MIRANA after i pick 4th void. He then decided to tell : "i dont support, dont give a fuck". Solo void vs venge+cent :))))))

    mirana auto-atack cancelled stole every creep and kill she could, got midas, pulled creeps to let cent dive me when i got no boots then went jungle

    despite killing that 5k idiot like 10times; we lost...was pretty pissed in that game.

    3rd game - qued in russia to try my luck; either way it's slavic accent miranas -_- and kids who yell in mic... started hating eu. Some kid spammed that he has 9win streak, picked troll once i hovered on troll icon; went BB offlane. 20mins or so in i had least deaths (5?) and most kills (10); game was pretty fun; we got mid rax... then troll and axe went for kills on pa/storm 2v4 IN ENEMY BASE, diving the entire time. They done this 2times, 120sec no idiots; gg wp. Fat throws :)
    4th game - typical i warn my team i am carrying; some 5k on team dude insta picks jugg and EXPECTS me to hand over my safe lane; aka kid big dick contest (thqt i won as had better kda and gpm later on).
    I dont give his demands, i pick troll myself - i know i will outlasthit him and be better carry. After getting like 20% creeps he starts buying mass stat items and leveling stats... ok russian kid; i go jungle, you happy?? Idk how, but pudge gets few kills, enemy just gives up "OMG they heff meepo, jugg, troll and winning... cancer team" and we won XD i won other game, cant recall. Also; pretty funny how russians speak english in russian server when i am only non-russian - they 100% que for all servers abd think they are in eu west XD. All lost games were easy wins thrown away. Its 4k mmr whiners on steriods. Only human psychology matters most.. and i am bad at being asslicker :( Should i just mute my team? How to improve chances for my team to keep on playing? My bro never had this xp since he would always dominate mid with ebola spirit and that kept apes morale... maybe carries are bad for 4.5k mmr??


      in few games i ignored 8 guys from team. Dodge list...

      some people better type all game instead of playing...They dont even care tbh - once i said to one ****** that if he wont be quiet i will start sending couriers to enemies and he controll plus v 100x "******"



        s ee
        h umans
        u ltimatelly
        t yping

        is banned term XD

        i thought it was flamer


          srs no one feels sorry for troll pickers


            nice :)

            bum farto

              4k's have a dodge list?

              PINGU NIDEPIGU



                  everyone should have a dodge list. Its called the mute button.


                      well; i only mute some people sometimes who are in no way helping to win or intentional feeders and such...
                      once i see mutes in loading screen in my team; i dodge.

                      But first game taught me that if i wasn't listening to my team; i prob would had won. Looks like i will have to try that sometime...

                      And yeah; 4k is so toxic compared to other tiers i need a dodge list. Everyone can use one; no matter the mmr. Its no secret that in half games we meet 5-6k's....

                      there are not enough players already...


                        people mute anybody who played poorly then proceed to dodge every time they get matched, resulting in 10 loadscreens per match, is so fucking annoying
                        valve should enforce some punishments against dodging


                          well then valve should make lpq system better to kerp kids and throwers in there longer and something about acc sellers; like auto system that tracks people who feed 9/10 games all the time with bad/worst stats and are only good for losing; something like reverse anti-smurf system in normals....


                            Welp. Tried muting all 9 players; in first game everyone WAS SO COMMUNICATIVE by pings... Like they tell more just by not...talking? BTW; THIS IS RUSSIAN SERVER WTF. Everyone speaks as much inglish; maybe even more than in eu west when i start a small talk in picking screen XD

                            As i said before; people here suck; no matter if see 5k's i often outfarm them. Most people are bad no matter the mmr. I just need to find how to deal with communication and muting can probably do the trick to help me save my jimmies and i can start climbing. NOTE: i reccomend unmuting all players post game to not to confuse them with dodge list.

                            note to myself : compare options in main acc so that wolf would start following you again


                            MUH satanic didn't made it in tiem to me; was so close but ancient exploded :(


                              play like poop in fights; don' get punished XD

                              Might take a while until it gets processed...

                              U wot m8?

                                stop your bitching


                                  1v1 m8? >:D

                                  U wot m8?

                                    u wot? ill fooking wrek ya m8

                                    plz do

                                      i sometimes mute chat for a while after guys start flaming and unmute after a while, because it usually betters itself, once it goes better again. I let them know that they should use voice, if they need anything. If someone spams in voice, they will be muted right away ofc. hard policy but effective. If its going shitty, the last thing u need is an autistic idiot flaming. Its too much psychology involved. fuck em flamers.


                                        Yup. Just go to russian server, mute all people or 24/7 talk on mic; no middle ground. So far, so good, i meet 5k players every game just like in eu w....


                                        the difference is that russians are AFRAID of 5k people; everyone cried ''gg'' in picking screen XD

                                        another 5k troll picker beaten (ALL HAIL VOID)

                                        thanks for the tip, armstrong! :D


                                          what if i told u mmr means nothing ?


                                            in forums people bitch if you don't heff 5k mmr. It's just ladder anxiety, i wanna climb a little; now that i started muting people i see an improvement in gameplay. I am happy about my skill...


                                              kewl; 7game winstreak so far....

                                              need to take a break lol XD

                                              edit: DAMN forgot to turn on dotabuff tracking; had two good troll games.... would had pushed kda and winrate + games count and prob would had entered top 100 by now on that (not this) account... :(
