Greygrey the Sailor 年 - 月 - 25Literally at any point, if you choose to do so, you can just choose to not go a specific item, farm up a rapier after going rosh, and then you win the game... 这主题被编辑过 年 - 月 - 25npc 年 - 月 - 25此评论已被版主移除 年 - 月 - 21123 年 - 月 - 25thats the true reason why troll is broken atm, lolamarin1492 年 - 月 - 25I think he's being sarcasticnpc 年 - 月 - 25此评论已被版主移除 年 - 月 - 21Greygrey the Sailor 年 - 月 - 25@kitrak OFC im being sarcastic...... why is playing with friends and stomping make me a retard?发表评论请登录用Steam登录
Literally at any point, if you choose to do so, you can just choose to not go a specific item, farm up a rapier after going rosh, and then you win the game...