General Discussion

General DiscussionIs it viable to rush orchid on sniper vs a storm spirit to prevent hi...

Is it viable to rush orchid on sniper vs a storm spirit to prevent him always jumping on you. in General Discussion

    Currently if I play sniper the only hero I have trouble with is storm spirit due to his mobility to get onto me/ disable me. This is somewhat negated if we both mid since I can beat him up in lane but he is still a menace of the storm is good. I figure if he jumps on me I could silence him then kill him with snipers superior dps, I know it would be unorthodox but storm is seriously the only hero I am having issues with.

    yung griphook

      wouldn't a bkb do the trick?


        dont instapick sniper


          Vs a storm the best you can do is to never stay on the map for more than a creep wave. Go jungle and sometimes not farming and playing it safe is better than feeding him. Also dont go mom.


            blademail is better


              half the cost for the same effect


                Yes, it works.

                But for how long? Once the Storm knows you have Orchid, he won't try to jump you anymore until he gets means to dispel it like Linken/BKB. Then either way, you're dead.

                Just get a BKB and play smart with your team.

                  50% forced wr is a lie

                    is murs-sama trolling or actually legit?

                    /\/ /\ T

                      Honestly, storm is really good against people that are alone or a team that lacks disable. If you have someone with you that has a stun or good dos, storm will just jump in and feed, unless you let him get out of control. He is really frustrating to play against, seeing as he can get easy pickoffs with very little farm, but he's not uncounterable.

                      The best way to not die as sniper is to not play sniper.


                        "The best way to not die is to not be born." - dyn 2015.


                          orchid wont help you much against storm initiation, you d better go for something like SnY/skadi to make you fat enough. it will also help you to deal with the rest of other team


                            K Maybe I'll just fatten up a bit sooner and try to stay close to a disabler , the reason I don't think bkb was the whole answer to storm is he could just zip away after you Pop bkb then come back after it on cd. Main reason I am picking sniper is he is good vs troll and I fucking hate troll plus he seems to be pretty strong right now with the buff to a schrapnel.


                              that's what you get you filthy n...sniper picker


                                yeah go orchid, so you don't have a single hp for the next 30 minutes :p


                                  Lol atleast I am not a Troll picker.

                                  legendary ball

                                    Go for armlet bois.. Never fail never die unless you cant toggle that hand.. See my sniper match.. Lately got countered by sb zeus storm and the others.. Not only one match but many matches.. Aom helps a lot when they dont fvkin burst you instantly... Lina is the real prob

                                    Dire Wolf

                                      Correct me if I am wrong but isn't storm untargetable during his lightning ball but he can still cast on you to break it? So he will vortex you out of a ball initation and you will die before you orchid him cus you'll have zero hp. Bkb is much better option, he may vortex you but you'll get bkb off coming out of it and stop majority of his other dmg.

                                      Dread Pirate Cat

                                        Disclaimer: I'm not actually very good at Dota compared to many Dotabuffers, but I usually am pretty good at recognizing a good strategy even if I don't have the skill to pull it off.

                                        Versus Storm as sniper I recommend going phase boots / mask of madness and past the laning stage only stay at a lane for 1 or 2 creepwaves (max 30 seconds or so.) Accept that storm is going to kill you if he jumps on you successfully, realize that there is basically nothing you can do and instead focus on your mobility and the ability to run away at almost max move speed if you sense him coming or see others coming to gank you.

                                        This style of play will lower your ability to contribute in team fights compared to going say Treads into first item Maelstrom or Yasha and it takes significantly more positioning ability, situational awareness and map awareness to know when something doesn't feel right.

                                        On the plus side playing this style of sniper will levelup your positioning and map awareness because that is so important and its absolutely unforgiving if either of those are bad if you're the racecar Sniper.

                                        Farm everywhere and nowhere, then come out when you're 6 slotted. YMMV. With the new headshot I tend to prefer a teamfightier and "tankier" sniper and I go Treads, Aquila + 1 WB and then first item skipping lifesteal (which would be a HoD instead of a MoM) until later. With the punchy sniper there is a point in the early to mid-game where if Storm jumps on you that there is a good chance you could kill him 1v1 if you get halfway decent headshot procs and you maxed shrapnel first. And it is deeply satisfying to do, but eventually after Storm gets his first real item usually (orchid I would hope if I was on his team) he can 1v1 you again rather easily until you get BKB and its a tragedy to get BKB too quickly as a sniper IMO. You don't get stunned, but you don't do any damage and are still squishy -- they just beat you to death instead of chain stunning you.

                                        Ideally, bkb should be 5th or 6th item on sniper and you should protect yourself by your positioning, but the best way to beat a storm spirit is essentially not pick Sniper first and get countered by him. Its OK, we all know Sniper is OP and you don't want to give the other team opportunity to pick him but there are other OP heroes. You could play Jug or Troll they pick Sniper out from under you, or pick Storm and make it a point to kill Sniper as much as possible for stealing your hero.

                                        The last few times I first picked Sniper it was puddin pops and space cows everywhere.

                                        Dread Pirate Cat

                                          Reddit needs to do another push for that mode that is basically All Pick with 2 or 3 bans for each side before picking starts, or maybe in between sides picking. IceFrog always gives Reddit what Reddit wants and that would be such a badass mode to play.


                                            Storm is one of the best sniper counters. I recommend bkb over orchid though.


                                              he will jump on u anyways

                                              Dread Pirate Cat

                                                I never actually answered the question, I just realized. To answer your question: no, I think rushing orchid on sniper to counter a storm is very bad. Storm almost always gets BKB second item. While orchid gives you some attack speed and int and stuff, if a storm saw you making he might just go bkb first which leaves him with an great item that he would make anyway and you with an item his item makes useless.

                                                The only plus to this nightmare would be him using his BKB charges quickly, but by the time he is at 5 seconds that is still probably enough time to murder the sniper who has probably gotten consistently murdered and is working on his first or second real item.

                                                In short it would put you so far behind and you would find limited success with it. It would get better as the game went on when he got to 5 second bkb but only if you survive long enough to take advantage of that. Sniper is already priority storm target, sniper with an orchid he will absolutely without a doubt try to ensure he kills you in the first 5 seconds. You don't have a stun or anything either, so he can roll on you do half your health and then if you silence him he can either chose to pop his bkb and absolutely kill you or maybe just try to kill you with autos, cause you'd probably be orchided too at this point.


                                                  ^yes, you're right, but at least bkb could give you a better chance of surviving storm during a team fight, if your team is the one to initiate.

                                                  Pom Pom 🍕

                                                    Would blink dagger be good enough? Poof away when he zips towards you, so he has to do another long jump, potentially tank tower and have less mana to escape from your teammates or finishing you off?

                                                    Dread Pirate Cat

                                                      Yeah, I agree. BKB is worlds away better. I think if the storm was fast enough there is a very large chance he could get his disable off and burst you down before you could even silence him. All he would have to do is forgo the first autoattack / overcharge proc after zipping and disable you instead and I think you would need very fast fingers and brains to silence him especially if he was using quick-cast or had it queued up and managed to do it from the zip. Can you cast spells while zipping? I know you can orchid people, but I don't actually play SS.

                                                      It is such a shame when you have to build BKB on sniper though, especially early. His bullets seem like BBs and stunts his damageness and scariness. Would keep him alive, but I think you'd have to group / deathball even with the BKB since you'd be a damage item behind probably.

                                                      I played Sniper vs Storm on my smurf a little while ago and happened to win. I went treads, aquila, extra WB, SnY -- was trying to tank up with the SnY but I found storm could still kill me so I went BKB next. I think it would have been better if I went BKB before SnY like you recommended. After BKB I went Skaadi. I didn't do as much damage as I normally do building Sniper but I stayed alive long enough that I could fight Storm, usually not a winning fight but I did a good amount of damage and survived through his bkb and he'd have to zip away or get chain stunned by my team.

                                                      Dread Pirate Cat

                                                        Blink is pretty good on Sniper generally. But I think getting it first item would also slow you down considerably. If you're running a team gankball looking for pickoffs rather than teamfights though you can get away with it. If you're reactions are good it could be an "OK" defense against Storm. I think if you just make a linear blink towards your base though the only thing you're trying to count on is storm running out of mana before killing you because he will expect that and see you. I think blinking off to the side would be best, preferably out of LOS. Like for example you're Radient by your tier 2 tower. Instead of blinking towards your base I would blink onto the high ground to the upper left and hope thats not where the rest of his team was waiting to counter-initiate when my team comes to try to save me. Once he knows you have blink he can be a lot more economical with his zips too.

                                                        I would say one blink itself is probably not far enough away to escape a Storm after he gets more than 1200-1300 mana. It would make him extend much further and maybe your team could collapse on him, but at my relatively low skill level hoping for rotations is like praying for rain in California.

                                                        Dire Wolf

                                                          "Reddit needs to do another push for that mode that is basically All Pick with 2 or 3 bans for each side before picking starts, or maybe in between sides picking. IceFrog always gives Reddit what Reddit wants and that would be such a badass mode to play."

                                                          That would be the stupidest idea ever, literally you will never get to play sniper or troll ever again. Unless you get trolls (player trolls not the hero troll warlord) who ban stupid shit like chen before you get a chance to click.

                                                          All pick is called all pick for a reason, deal with it or play captain's mode.

                                                          Storm can kill you under a tower when you're ~6-10 ish. Really you have to get more hp so he can't two shot you with a vortex/remnant combo. Rush bkb, s&y. You'll live then.

                                                          At level 8 with aquila sniper has approx 730 hp. The most popular build for storm at 8 is 1/3/3/1. Ball dmg is hard to calculate cus of the distance but let's say he does 80 dmg from ult. I think the combo is vortex, attack with overload, remnent, overload. I don't know exactly cus I never play storm, but if he does all that that's 80+200+70+140+70 magic dmg, with basic resistance it's 420 dmg. He only has to auto attack you like 3 times during that combo, then drop one more remnent or zip by you to proc anothe roverload and you're dead. You'll have like 1 second of time to do something and he can then zip out. So yeah, pretty fucking easy to kill a sniper under tower and your best recourse is increase your hp so it doesn't happen. Storm can't take much dmg himself, he'll still rape you in the open but you won't be in the open if you're smart.

                                                          Dread Pirate Cat

                                                            I'm not saying replace All Pick with this new mode, add it in addition to All Pick. And we'd get to play Sniper and Troll again, later when either they get nerfed a little bit or some new horrorterror is discovered. I don't mind playing against Sniper or Trolls, but it seems like its one or the other or both every game. Like it used to be PL every game, or Drow every game. It would just be nice to have a mode where you could play every so often when you didn't want to play against the most OP heroes of the day. If you talk about never seeing heroes, its already like that but the heroes we never see now are for example OD. Sniper counters him so hard on top of being so good right now.

                                                            Maybe I should have picked a hero less annoying than OD as my example of a hero I'm sad to see never picked, but you get the idea. We used to never see Sniper when Charging Cow was OP, but I guess Sniper still sucked back then on top of that.

                                                            Anyway, I wouldn't want to replace All Pick with this but I think a lot of people would like that mode as a change of pace.