General Discussion

General DiscussionWhy people are constantly ruining low priority games? (Karma pays bac...

Why people are constantly ruining low priority games? (Karma pays back in 2 games, though) in General Discussion

    Case 1:
    Ember spirit feeds the enemy team couriers non stop plus himself but i still manage to overcome the odds and win the game in the end. Just look his hero damage and you will understand, he has items only because he was kind of "stunned" by the comeback and bought in the end after all of the enemy's racks were down.

    Case 2:
    The replay here is still fresh and you can download, see it. Something amazing happened guys. Furion here started teleporting in front them and feeding couriers plus himself... to a Tinker! Things were prety hopeless because Tinker was dagoning us since min 6-7 but Storm somehow managed to do the impossible and win it by himself. I was merely a boyscout here trying to deward and gank the opposing team. I've never had and never will have a comeback so epic like this ever again. I'd really love to give Storm a present if i knew him in real life.

    And before you can say anything let me tell you this, i have a very realistic/disturbing attitude towards this game which means that: 1)if a game is very hard to be turned around i prefer to abandon it and move on to the next instead of wasting my time, risking my social skils, my intelligence and possibly my heart condition too and 2)when important events or primary needs occur in real life a.k.a. food, water, toilet, sleep again i abandon and i have no remorses about it (e.g. father shouting to come out of my basement and carry some shopping to the 1st floor/ do some housework cleaning, dealing with a medical condition like diarrhea/fatique/headaches/sadness etc., babysitting my sister's little demonic girl, trying to figure out how i will convince a girl that the only thing i want right now is sex, not love and that i'm a good guy and not an asshole at the same time etc.)

    I am a very mediocre player and i probably will stay like that for the rest of my life and i am just fine with that. Apart from that, i do my best trying not to flame/curse and i am still trying to fit in everything. Have a girlfriend, an active life and spend the rest of my time playing Dota 2, but you know... all of that is simply not that easy to synchronize guys. Just try to show some understanding and compassion "as men to men" and not fuck up Low priority because you got in there by chance/"bad luck" and now want to get rid of it as soon as possible. I feel after a long time, that my skill in this game is dropping dramatically mainly because i'm not studying the changelogs, watching competitives that much etc. and that's why i feel Low priority is like a small refuge for guys like me... Peace and love to you all... Now, give me a break and stop torturing us (the good guys) that exist in there!


      tl dr
      but people ruin LP games cause its usual. one team feeds and it saves time to everyone, since most people dont like to play in LP and prefer to get out of there asap.


        no one cares
        feed in lp like a normal human being


          Cant you guys simply play casually?


            LP is not balanced afair
            so ppl playing there are on average late 2k - early 3k. also AR is a shitty mode.
            i have never got to lp but if I did, it would have been incredibly boring for me. and most ppl follow same logic.


              why waste time playing with filth when you can just clear 5 lpp games, each taking 5-15 min
              not to mention most of the lpqers are extremely unpleasant to play with


                All my low priority games are NORMAL skill so yeah, even if i wanted to play serious it would be a waste of time cause they are [s]fucking trash[\s] very bad. And why would i care about a low prio game? It is not real dota so why play it. Playing low prio games is like playing those stupid facebook games, if i wanted to play some stupid casual game i would play that.


                  ta megala text walls afta mou thimizoun relentless :D <3



                    The irony is that the only "filth" in lp are the people who feed on purpose.


                      Autist go away.
                      It's lpq, no one takes it seriously.


                        All of my lpq games are "very high skill" which means that i definitely play with guys of 3.8k mmr and above (i'm 4k solo and 4.3k team mmr). Does anyone else care to explain the real reason why people are ruining so hard in there? In addition to that, i recall having read in the past that when your abandon rate rises a lot (mine is at 12% currently) you are being put with players who have a leave rate as close as to yours. Could that be the explanation possibly?

                        pImpEstplays: I hope retards like you get testicle cancer one day so that they repent for the abuse of their communication skills.


                          ar lpq is not competitive mode, so those ones who prefer to play more tense games wish to quit lp asap. the best way to do it is to feed and end gamez right after 8 min mark.
                          if u dont care whether u play in lp or in rmm, there is no reason for u to feed, but your attitude is kinda rare.

                          Dread Pirate Cat

                            I don't know. Due to various reasons not under my control* I abandon a fair bit of games so have been playing under a smurf for some time to try to keep my main account with few abandons. I actually find the All Random games in LPQ pretty fun if theres not someone like the OP describes.

                            * Job related. The only place I've had time to play Dota 2 in the past few months is at work. I work at an Air Ambulance company so I have a lot of free tme sitting on my ass at work so some nights I might get paid hundreds of dollars to lose 6 games in a row, which makes it sting a little less. But then sometimes we'll get toned out for a patient in the middle of a game and I have to abandon them. I feel bad about it but it only happens maybe once every 15 games, but I wouldn't be able to play any Dota the last couple months otherwise. I tell you, nothing makes you more jaded in the world than having to abandon a game you're winning to save the life of some gangbanger who didn't even have the courtesy to wait 30 more minutes before getting shot. Or worse, a drunk indian using us as a taxi service because the federal government pays for all transfers off tribal lands.

                            Dread Pirate Cat

                              Jake Tyler: I think the higher skilled people are probably playing a lot more ranked MM, in which case LPQ is a complete waste of time where as to me who plays almost all unranked it is just a change of pace. You get put in LPQ after a single abandon in ranked, so bad network or just one intentional abandon = 5 games that you don't want to play before you're allowed to play the type of game you want again.

                              It was so nice when you could play co-op bot games in LPQ, but to be honest I've had a couple of my favorite games All Random in LPQ. Its not a terrible experience if you go into the game with the expectation you're going to lose because everyone will be MID OR FEED dicks. You are then pleasantly surprised when most of the time people are reasonable.


                                So youre one of those idiots not feeding when everybody else is making the game take 1 hours instead of 5min! wp

                                Mortimer Smith


                                  Mortimer Smith




                                      "I said good day, sir"! And yes i live to play LPQ games for the rest of my life and i won't quit fighting and hanging tight in there because sometimes the result is rewarding. When someone from your team feeds 25-30 deaths and couriers and you play in a game literally 3vs5 or 2vs5 and you still manage to win then i bet my ass that it's embarassing for the other team, so shameful and embarassing, so much... "I live for this shit"! Have a good night, sir!

                                      Dire Wolf

                                        "come out of my basement"

                                        "dealing with a medical condition like diarrhea"

                                        "convince a girl that the only thing i want right now is sex"

                                        wait so, you're getting laid while living in a basement while having explosive diarrhea?


                                          1) I have extreme hygiene, 2) i get laid sometimes and most girls abandon me afterwards when they find out that i am not interested in the current time and space to be Romeo (and them Juliet). 3) On the medical conditions that i have i'm working on it, i run a full checkup on myself some days ago actually. Did i fill in the gaps you have about me? You are so curious and i understand it but please try not to be rude in the process, when you are discussing personal matters...

                                          IO's Balls

                                            why play normal, this is the best time to experiment and do new metas

                                            Dire Wolf

                                              If you don't want people to be rude you probably shouldn't be online in the first place and definitely not posting such personal stories. Holy shit you sound like a hot mess. I was just impressed that you got chicks to come down to your creepy basement despite the diarrhea potential. Nice work!

                                              Sup m8

                                                Fuck you asshole, you're one of those retards who *actually* ruin low prio games by making them fucking long. Enjoy low prio dîck head.


                                                  I thought you were talking about me in case 1 lol