General Discussion

General DiscussionXcalibur what a fucking imbecile

Xcalibur what a fucking imbecile in General Discussion

    Seriosly this child is so bad at this game is not even real.

    Proffesional Fnatic standin lose 1v1 mid to 4800 player HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA WHAT THE FUCKING HELL even thats ok. but he refuse to deff base and stay afk while game is not even close to be still over what a fucking imbecile,also game before this one he rage quited as well after 0-6 score.

    I played with at least 10+ pros/famous pubers 6k+ mmr and stuff last month and never yet I saw attitude and shit play like this shit child.


      i played with him 3-4 games party ranked

      well he used to play good 5-6 months ago dunno maybe he had a bad day

      who knows

      Mortimer Smith

        well u did it better


          i totally agree what a newb this xcali -_-


            Old news brah just mute and dodge :laugh:


                storm vs lina is not easy by any means


                    I had an autist 6k in my team last game too, ofc he had a small impact and most shitty attitude ever. Idk whats up with high mmr players lately, but almost every 5.5k+ i have in the team it's useless and auto win for oposite team with 30+mmr lost.

                    Btw Bogi, stop playing so much ffs dude or you're gonna end up 4k in no time!


                      maybe he played too much with vroksnak


                        "I played with at least 10+ pros/famous pubers 6k+ mmr" WAOW

                        bum farto

                          Wow, really Bogi? Have you seriously become so arrogant since hitting 5K that you're trash talking Xcalibur?

                          People have ass games, people do ass plays, people are ass. Deal with it and move on.

                          the realm's delight

                            fucking xcalibur man shitty 6k boosted trash.
                            bogi for ti5 champion !!!111!!1!111!

                            road to 6k ey ey e yey


                              Bogi , first u didnt do better , second some people have bad days , did u forgot the game with pa or should i drag it? U really wanna flame him as if ur better ?as i said before ur the most toxic player ive ever seen, with ur attitude u wont reach anywhere , mb ur mad cuz u expected to get carried but u didnt , too bad m8


                                You will get back to 4k its time for u to remember where you came from trash


                                  bogi u remind me of every single low 5k retard i get on my team with an ego bigger than their skill level


                                    I can sum it up quick:

                                    This patch is cancerious as fuck and one can easily win with certain heroes against way better players because of some imbalance going on atm. (Sniper and Troll).

                                    Due to this the past 4 months, people rage, tilt and thus lose their passion of the game and just doesn't give a fuck if they lose or win.

                                    Xcalibur dropped 800mmr very rapidly, just like very many other. Let that be, and wait for next patch. Xcalibur is a great player, way ahead of anyone else in your games lol


                                      Havoc Badger He is arogant, look at him feed and afk at fountain is that a attitude of proffesional player?To not even try? If he tryed couldve been okey but he didn`t. HE LOST TO 4800 MID AS FNATIC PLAYER EEY.


                                          i dont know if its the first time u play with him but for sure he obv had a bad game and lost interest
                                          happens on everyone anyday
                                          he used to not talk at all on games back in the days and was super effective


                                            pro players are overrated

                                            bum farto

                                              Do you know many Dota2 players who aren't arrogant? This game breeds arrogance and rage and is one of the leading causes of cancer and autism #kappa

                                              ...but in seriousness everyone has moments. I feed, I rage, I get arrogant, I am a Dota2 player. This is the way this shit goes just let it go and move on. I went on a bender over the weekend and dropped from 5400 - 5100 cause I played over the holidays it affected me but I made a new plan and moved on from that horrible game/weekend.

                                     Starzz is miles ahead of me in terms of skill but I still managed to come out on top vs his trilane. People get lucky, good players get unlucky. Just because a player is good doesn't mean he can't be beat by lower skill players. Lina is among the best mid laners and can push anyone out of the lane, one fuck up can lead to the entire game going down quite quickly.


                                                I lost 300 mmr in 2 day as well Was 5300 now 5k lel


                                                  Easy gaming, the most important thing lately for this is I think 5 maximum games per day and I ll recommend this to everyone who is going mad in games fast and can`t actually relax after loses. I m kind of a player who played before non stop for like 10 games per some days and than you can`t play every single on on your best lvl so basicly now no matter what even if I lose 5 games and win 0 its enough for that day. 



                                                    oh havoc i lost to starzz even tho we met on normal mm and we were winning till our void....
                                                    sold all his items and.... AXAXXAAXAXAX

                                                    Natsuki Subaru

                                                      Have you ever played mid vs a lina before? I can't stand that attack range and dragon slave dmg....... I DONT KNOW HOW TO COUNTER HER AS WELL! (OK I lied, TA is a good counter, and the only counter I can play to her T_T)

                                                      5k, 6k are SUBHUMAN

                                                        murs what if ur mid 5k but u lost like 400 mmr in 4 days

                                                        5k, 6k are SUBHUMAN

                                                          i don't want to be a low 5k shitter :(


                                                            guys xcalibur is very bad, i agree with bogi!! fuK IDIOT XCALIBUr xDddxop!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


                                                              Ofc fuck Xcalibur, Bogi's the best.


                                                                you have nothing on him to even dare to speak about him

                                                                Jesse Lee Peterson

                                                                  What kind of stupid post is this? First of all the verified Xcalibur hasnt played ranked for over 3 month on his profile (I if dotabuff sees all games). He was listed on the Top 3 MMR in Europe with almost 7k. I dont think that he lost over 1k points in a half year. And even if it was him it wouldnt matter anyways. Even "Pro Players" or superhuman players like bogi (that are sadly unnoticed in the competive scene) can have a bad game due to varios reasons. U cant tell only with the score if someone played bad or good. Its just an indicator. For me it looks like Techies or a smoke gank killed Storm early on and he fell behind. Or both. However its hard as storm to catch up against Lina and Techies. Techies is such a pain in the ass if u lack mapcontroll. And a fed Lina can Zone u completly. He buildet cyclone so he got prolly got killed a few times vs skywrath mage and he wanted bloodstone after that. Thats an obvios mistake. He should went bkb 1st or atleast 2nd against this lineup(i know noone likes to go bkb on storm).
                                                                  What i want to say that the score doesnt matter if u dont know the circumstances. Imo for example Sumail isnt a really great storm Player (atleast not as much as people think after DAC. (i dont say im better)), hes super strong laner as Storm but his decisions (maybe due to his age) are not optimal. In his famous storm game against VG it wasnt him whos winning the game but his team and the stupid dives by VG that fed him with plenty kills. Without these fatal mistakes there was no way for storm to comeback in this game.


                                                                    iWin4Arka I can speak whatever I want, world is free right? If he is better than me it doesn`t give him right that he is a GOD and that everyone need to salute him when he lose mid to 4800 and don`t even wanna try deffing base because 4800 player REKT HIM.


                                                                      Tu_GuD Yes it was him he is 5800 and I can recognize his voice on microphone.


                                                                        Tu_GuD It`s not about score it`s about attitude. Lose mid to 4800 as pro player and than refuse to deff a base while game isn`t even close to be over.


                                                                          i agree with u bogi, a pro player shouldnt act like this! and wtf why didnt he def base... if i was in ur game i would report him.. pro players these days.. zz


                                                                            vrok .. 2/10


                                                                              Vroksnak you are not trolling on the high lvl bro, try better please.

                                                                              Jesse Lee Peterson

                                                                                Yeah attitude sucks in ranked. Just look at arteezy or smth. he dies instant GG alchat and hes not joking at all. But how is someonce Attitude better if hes nice to someone ingame, then comes to dotabuff and says how he sucks. isnt much better in my oppinion.


                                                                                  Arteezy write GG but he actually never stop trying and play till the end. Every single game I watched him alot on twitch and I know.


                                                                                    I wasn`t nice to Xcalibur in game


                                                                                      Vroksnak: what do uthink of that guy
                                                                                      Vroksnak: you know the thread i linked yesterda
                                                                                      Xcalibur: he fucknig sucks ass this bitch ass nIGGAAAAA, idc about pub im going to ti5 wether u like me or not #fuckbogi#low4k#stoptalkingbogi

                                                                                      Mortimer Smith

                                                                                        I love Xcalibur now


                                                                                          some w33 wisdom right there. how old is he again?
                                                                                          and bogi, alot is not a word.

                                                                                          Mortimer Smith

                                                                                            he is 16-17?

                                                                                            Jesse Lee Peterson

                                                                                              Xcalibur worst player in dota history... he prolly bought his account..