General Discussion

General DiscussionReported for pick in AP normal game VHS

Reported for pick in AP normal game VHS in General Discussion


    This team reported me for last picking Void in AP normal game after all 9 other players picked thier heroes. The lane i got was hard lane with Viper vs Troll. We first blood him etc.

    Right or wrong to report me? What do you think?

    IMO clearly abuse of the report system and should be punished with low prio for 168 hours. Shame on you!


      phase boots/orchid? And last picking carry when your team clearly did not need another? It seems like you were trying to get reported.

      I mean, I know it's a normal game, but don't be surprised if someone reports you pulling that kind of stuff.

      Last picking is 4 pussies

        First time I picked techies a guy who wanted to play rikki reported then abandoned....

        bum farto

          Correct. They were right to report you and here are some bullet points why.

          - Item build was garbage. Offlane void comes online fast and you should have been making plays.
          - Hero damage was garbage. Offlane void comes online fast and you should have been making plays.
          - You didn't help much and just farmed because your mechanics of offlaning are bad. Offlane void comes online fast and you should have been making plays.
          - Level 1 you skilled timelock - Offlane void comes online fast and you should have been making plays.
          - You picked Void as a last pick and did nothing but farm stupid items, and make no plays. Offlane void comes online fast and you should have been making plays.

          See previous points on "Offlane void comes online fast and you should have been making plays."

          Its like this garbage PA who went offlane, then spent the rest of the game farming. Don't play offlane carries just to afk farm them. All you need to do is get enough items to help your team come online earlier and gain the advantage.

          King of Low Prio

            yes they should report you


              OK, just so I dont missunderstand this. You think it is right to do what I call "abusing" the report system? I.e. reporting for reasons that it is not intended for.
              Well then I know that me and you (you as in several) have totally different values and way of thinking and I will just not discuss anything with you. There is just nothing in it for me to do that.

              But in generall, I did this:
              1. first blood (initiated but only got assist)
              2. early ganks
              3. buying wards and placing them
              4. pushing the hard lane towards Dire base
              5. keeping Dire out of their jungle the larger part of the game.
              6. ganking Troll over and over so he had no farm

              IMO that is not garbage play. That is real game impact. But realising this actually need some thinking.

              About the team play... not very easy to play with people that I have muted for being rude retards.


                Report for a pick is never a good reason to report.

                You are free to play w/e you want, especially in normal game

                bum farto

                  ...or people who have reported you for being a retard.

                  "They intentionally used abilities to the detriment of their own team."

                  1. You had the ability to go good items, but went garbage items instead.
                  2. You had the ability to have impact but instead opted for excessive farming under the guise of "keeping Dire out of their jungle the larger part of the game.", "pushing the hard lane towards Dire base", "ganking Troll over and over so he had no farm"
                  3. You had the ability to pick a competent hero, that synergized with your team. You did not.

                  You abused your ability to play competently (as much as you can in 3k) and you deserved the report.

                  "not very easy to play with people that I have muted for being rude retards."

         - I told troll to go blademail but he's so trash - Nobody2015


                    ^ You can't really say that he "deserved" the report, I mean it worked, but one can understand why they actually reported him and that the report was not unsubstantiated.


                      What did the police say?


                        Don't you worry. The worst thing that could happen is you get 5 all random games. That's it (unless you scam people / use racist names etc). Pick anything you want. If someone is really concerned with what heroes are on team they should go and create their own team, become captain and be free to tell other people and punish for misconduct. On solo pub you are free to play any way you want.

                        bum farto

                          We also had a safelane carry Disruptor/Ogre. If we had won that game (which we nearly did) it wouldn't have been any credit to them.

                          It didn't work he just got carried by his team. Just because you get a win out of a game you did something stupid, doesn't mean you made it work.


                            IIRC there was a proposition to make reports only be possible when game ends and I definitely agree with that.

                            Besides reports should be thrown at people that are rude and do things like intentional feeding etc but as long as you try to win the game, no matter what you pick or how bad you play, you don't deserve to be reported.


                              Havoc Badger

                              I told you I am not interested in discussing with you. I dont read your comments. Dont waste your time.


                                Well now i got reported again for last picking Void and now I am in low. Just one question. Does low prio games affect the hidden MMR?

                                Mortimer Smith



                                    Does ^ mean you are answering me?



                                      MOA KIKUCHI ASTRALIS


                                        bum farto

                                          9-12 quality smurf


                                            you deserved it and you're dumb

                                            THICC BABY SHUM

                                              sano NO <3


                                                I don't see what's wrong with his item build.


                                                  and this is exactly the reason why u have 45% winrate.


                                                    oh now I've noticed, it's the lyralei guy
                                                    he's either a troll or he's got some serious issues

                                                    Pom Pom 🍕

                                                      it's not nice to last-pick a carry when your team already has 4 cores. I can understand they got mad at you. It's not really a report reason, but you should at least expect they'd hate you for it.

                                                      Orchid on void seems pretty dumb too, since you already have chronoshpere to stop enemies from doing anything. If you need mana (I can understand this after playing him since the nerf), just get aghanim to use your sphere even more.



                                                        Well, I didnt intend to pick a "carry". If Mirana was the best pick I would have picked her, or any other hero. But IMO I would be able to do the most game impact with Void considering the 9 other picks and my own play style. Just check my history. I played Mirana before I played Void on this account. And my last two games with Silencer and Doom was also counterpicks IMO.

                                                        And TBH, I dont see why a team that rushes their picks before the enemy have picked any heroes would have the right to be mad at the last pick. I actually try to counter pick. While my team just pick the heroes THEY want to play. And if they pick the heroes THEY want play before me, does that really mean I should pick what THEY want?

                                                        And about my win rate: if you only count VHS games wihtout low prio I have 7/13. Which is over 50%. But haters will be haters. I dont care. You just amuse me. :D:D:D:D:D:D:D <3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3

                                                        Edit: I assume you do realise that the Orchid increase my damage with 30% inside the chrono, right? Only counting the active that is - not the stats. And yes, it does give good mana reg without wasting a slot. And it also give the flexibility to silence and attack before using chrono or after the chrono depending on what suits the situation. 4 times more damage then a bfury to a single target inside chrono (damage/price ratio).

                                                        King of Low Prio

                                                          ^ this guy is proving my theory on smurfs



                                                              no, he was already like that before


                                                                <3 <3 <3


                                                                  This OD and Phoeinx wanted me to pick support for them as last pick. When I picked Riki, they started to insult me. So I muted them. I dont know if they reported me. Then they started to feed together with our mid SF. Then I won the game for them with help from Enigma.

                                                                  If they want and/or need support they can play/pick support. I am not going to support people that pick the heroes they want and then cry for support, or people that call the mid lane and then feed. If that means I am going to low prio, so be it.

                                                                  Edit: I actually like to play support. But I only do it if I think that will increase our chances to win.


                                                                    Yes, they did report me for chat abuse. So I am muted now. Trash players that start the game with insults for picks, continue with feed and then win because of me... they really deserve to be chat abused.


                                                                      ^ppl s rtardnfsaoigo