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General DiscussionMy Personal Dota2 Blog

My Personal Dota2 Blog in General Discussion

    WIN, MMR up 3430

    Match Id: 1402305856
    Pugna (safe lane support - dual lane)
    K-D-A: 6-3-15
    GPM: 372
    XPM: 352

    Wanted to play Spectre carry but someone picked Anti-Mage.
    During my MMR drop, I typically will pick a jungle hero and afk farm first 15 minutes whenever this happens.
    But tonight it's different. Tonight, I play support and I was able to counter 3 heroes: Storm, Necro and Zeus :D


      LOSE, MMR down to 3405

      Match Id: 1402636315
      Lina (mid lane)
      K-D-A: 9-9-6
      GPM: 472
      XPM: 687

      I think my current mid lane/mid hero skills are still sub 3k because I'm not able to carry my team.
      Nothing to blame since I play safe lane carry most of the time.
      Nevertheless, there were some questionable decisions throughout the game for our entire team.
      Sad part is I join my team in dying or doing something stupid just for the sake of teamwork.
      The time that I did decide that its in my hands for us to win this, I got a triple kill.
      I wasn't even thinking about my allies' safety, positioning or whatever the fuck they were doing.
      I was just concerned about my own movements, positioning and safety and focused on how to kill the enemy.

      GG we lost.







            Giff me Wingman

              HolY shit.

              I can confirm that he was 4.5k at some point LoL!


                if n is big enough, Bin(n, p) ~= N(np, np(1-p))


                  ^hello friends
                  my solo mmr is still there. talking about its dynamics in the last half a year, its 4.6 ->4.6, lmao. i just dont play it and therefore cant get funny drops and losestreaks.


                    WIN, MMR up to 3430

                    Match Id: 1402730533
                    Spectre (safe lane - dual lane)
                    K-D-A: 11-1-11
                    GPM: 563
                    XPM: 721

                    ez pz. max disperse-blademail style.
                    5-1 past 2 days. conservatively, say +100 MMR per day.
                    By middle of next week, I should be back in 4k tier.

                    good night!


                      just came home after a looooong tiring day. my car's radiator friggin hose got spoiled.
                      needed a tow truck to carry my bimmer. sad.

                      let me try playing couple of games and see if can continue raising my MMR.
                      some interesting posts today about 3k shit tier and biggest 500 MMR difference.

                      if I can successfully bring my MMR back to 4k, I think I can again drop it intentionally and just bring it back up again.


                        LOSE, MMR down to 3405

                        Match Id: 1405000342
                        Anti Mage (solo safe lane)
                        K-D-A: 2-8-5
                        GPM: 236
                        XPM: 331

                        while 1 may contest why I picked Anti-Mage. This was purely based on my observation that 3.5k MMR games always go 40-50 minutes because players here throw a lot. And if that happens, my Anti-Mage can easily make Undying and Phoenix useless.

                        but when I got an axe who jungled, started 0-3 and yelling all negative stuff in the 1st 10 minutes of the game, you know something wrong is bound to happen...
                        a QOP who hits no-one in her ulti when 3 or 4 enemies are there
                        and a Bloodseeker who has auto-skill his rupture even when he doesn't have any back-up to follow-up some damage..

                        you just have to accept the defeat and move on :)

                        what was i telling them on mic in simple bullets?
                        - Let ES fissure/stun at least 2 heroes, if success..
                        - QOP cast your Ulti to the stunned heroes, this way you won't fucking miss it
                        - Axe, since you got your dagger, you blink and call on the stunned heroes just to make sure we can always kill at least 2

                        but no, never happened, each will use his ulti with no coordination to anyone at all..


                          i like this thread keep up with update op ;)


                            LOSE, MMR down to 3380

                            Match Id: 1405075846
                            Spectre (safe lane - dual lane)
                            K-D-A: 12-8-12
                            GPM: 506
                            XPM: 615

                            that QOP in my previous game who uses ulti and hits no one? good news and bad news...
                            good - he used Lina this time so im pretty sure he wont miss ult
                            bad - he died 17x

                            i was ok if you die once or twice because u got ganked by a blink dagger batrider or invoker..
                            but in late game same shit happened for about 3x.. after we've team wiped them.. we always played at a disadvantage
                            he died 3x not because the enemy was trying to push, but he was farming carelessly even with wards already there!! smh -_- -_-
                            not to mention we had techies in our team, i was able to turn it around for 2-3x by YOLO'ing all 5 enemy heroes.
                            Dazzle grave was a big help. But in the end, it was difficult to defend when you're always waiting for your mid hero to respawn in 80 seconds..


                              MMR 3503 150 MMR in 2 days. Not bad. I got it already actually. Just need more time.
                              Since that "I set personal problems aside" thing.. I've gone 10-2
                              now 500 MMR to go..


                                following, gl


                                  How long were you at 4.5k?

                                  Low Expectations

                                    ^1 game


                                      WIN, MMR up to 3528

                                      Match Id: 1408346257
                                      Spectre (safe lane - dual lane)
                                      K-D-A: 20-0-17
                                      GPM: 671
                                      XPM: 795

                                      it's just a matter of time til I come back to my original 4k..
                                      interesting post about biggest 500 MMR difference?
                                      My answer is it could probably be in 3.5-4k -- either this or once I get back to 4k, I would continue owning til 4.5k. let's see


                                        ^ about the previous question on how long was I in 4.5k?
                                        Actually, looking back, it was just a brief stint in that MMR range.
                                        As far as I remember, I enjoyed my time there til the "FReaking Juggernaut era" happened.
                                        I was a Spectre player and it countered me big time.
                                        I started raging from there onwards..

                                        test upload screenshots of 4.4k - 4.5k games:

                                        image upload

                                        Welt aus Eis

                                          why do you care about mmr, it's not like you're getting paid to play the game
                                          go read a book


                                            ^ I do read books. I read lots of em.
                                            In my line of work, I have to stay updated technically about new stuff especially Big Data. Will actually be taking a certification exam on the 28th.

                                            I consider Dota 2 as my stress reliever after a long tiring day. But yeah, basketball summer leagues are around the corner so I might settle with 1 or 2 games a day in the upcoming weeks.

                                            But yeah you're right. I'm too old for this game. Smh.

                                            Welt aus Eis

                                              if you want to relieve stress then why are you playing solo ranked
                                              find some friends and stack, it's fun
                                              solo is not


                                                ^once you achieve longrun 40% winrate in party ranked, it becomes stressful as well tbh

                                                Welt aus Eis

                                                  well that depends on the people you stack with


                                                    You don't have the skills of a 4.5k even if you managed to hang around 4.5k for a certain amount of time.

                                                    Firstly, variance probably plays a part. And yes, even if it sounds 'unlikely' when you consider the pool of dota players then these 'unlikely' occurances happen often.

                                                    Secondly, if you look at the past 12 months of your ranked data, you were there because of Spectre. Every other hero barely contributed or substrated your MMR due to a very small pool of games. Even Bloodseeker at 55% wr over 38 games gives you a net of +75 mmr.

                                                    #1 is literally the most easiest position to play. Its the easiest and the most impactful. Spectre takes the cake among all #1s because he literally does nothing but farm and right click people while tanking. He takes less skill than Troll or AM or anything actually. You seem to have a good idea on being objective in games which is why you won games as Spectre even when you lacked mechanical skills for a 4.5k. I am not exaggerating. You're picking a hero with safelane farm that avoids all early game fights and picks up and item that passively and easily improves your farm. You then mow them down late game on a hero that basically presses 2 buttons then right clicks people. A hero that doesn't even fucking care about positioning because you want to tank.

                                                    That is the explanation on why you managed to achieve 4.5k in the first place. And I'm explaining to you why its so hard to get back up there. Its not so much your teammates are that horrible every single time but you don't have the necessary skills to churn out that easy 80~90% wr a 4.5k player would have had at 3.5k.


                                                      Try not to brush aside what I'm saying.

                                                      Work on your mechanical skills so you can snowball more often which would then allow you to put to use your 'objective and logical' mindset which is your strong point.

                                                      No point telling yourself you're better than all these <4k shitters and instead focus on actually improving. Mid or offlane would help you improve the most. Mid gives you the laning mechanics and offlane teaches you positioning, how to spot oppurtunities and how to play from behind.

                                                      Giff me Wingman

                                                        Your biggest problem is, that your heropool which you love to play is horrible for this meta, even i had to adjust from playing a lot of meepo to jugg/troll/sniperino. Hell even tinker is actually pretty darn good this meta.


                                                          ^ This. As have said, I brought myself up using Spectre from 4K-4.5K MMR... and then the "FReAking Juggernaut era" happened and I wasn't able to adjust. As Charles Darwin has put it, "It is not the strongest of the species that survives, nor the most intelligent that survives. It is the one that is most adaptable to change."

                                                          But this drop has made me a look at the bigger picture again on how to win and how to trust your teammates. As one of the posts here in dotabuff said, you cant win by not playing as a team. During that drop, I resulted a lot of times in playing jungle heroes like Nature's Prophet and Doom and will type to team chat: "afk farm 15 minutes" so selfish :-/


                                                            You sort of missed my point.

                                                            Unless I am completely misinterpreting his thread, its about you not liking the <4k shithole and how you don't belong there, yes? Thats why you bother to prove to people asking that you've lasted at 4.5k and explain that you dropped due to raging.

                                                            I'm trying to tell you a proper 4.5k even when raging should be winning 3.5k games easily and if you aren't, you shouldn't be finding excuses like 'not my meta' or 'I'm just raging' or 'I'm not in my best condition' or 'I'm not picking troll/sniper'.

                                                            To quote myself earlier, "No point telling yourself you're better than all these <4k shitters and instead focus on actually improving. Mid or offlane would help you improve the most. Mid gives you the laning mechanics and offlane teaches you positioning, how to spot oppurtunities and how to play from behind."


                                                              some people tilt harder than others
                                                              also if spectre is your best hero its the not best hero to abuse other trash players so its pretty hard to use for climbing out of trench


                                                                @Jiyo i appreciate the positive criticism. You're right, it can help me improve my overall skills. But not necessarily my MMR (at least at this current 3.5k-4.5k tier). Nowadays, if someone takes carry, i actually try to play hard support. Why? Because I know best on what a carry wants.

                                                                some points:
                                                                - Me spamming carry heroes to go 4.5K doesn't mean I can't play other roles. Although admittedly, I'm not confident playing mid position - where being confident = ensuring that my team will win.

                                                                To me, these are the "PRIMARY" responsibilities of the positions:
                                                                1 - Carry - WIN the game for the team
                                                                2 - Mid/Semi-Carry - Tempo Control
                                                                3 - Off-lane - X-factor in team-fights
                                                                4 - Support - this is the most versatile/depending on lineup composition it could be: initiator, ganker, taking care of mid/offlane, etc
                                                                5 - Hard Support - Ensure carry gets to farm faster than the opponent's carry

                                                                NOTE: All positions have the responsibility of winning the game for the team. What I listed above is the "PRIMARY".

                                                                I play carry because I believe it has the primary responsibility of winning the game for the team. Yes you can win with other positions and have a sub-par carry. You can also lose by the same reasons. There's no one answer. The problem for me was not being adaptable to change. I was egoistic if someone else would play carry - because I got spoiled climbing from 4k-4.5k with people willing to support me. But I know better now and I'm gonna get that 5K MMR.

                                                                And this?
                                                                "That is the explanation on why you managed to achieve 4.5k in the first place. And I'm explaining to you why its so hard to get back up there. Its not so much your teammates are that horrible every single time but you don't have the necessary skills to churn out that easy 80~90% wr a 4.5k player would have had at 3.5k."
                                                                - where did all this hate come from? :p

                                                                My point is. If you have to give detailed advice, make sure you watch a lot of games of someone.

                                                                This is true:
                                                                #1 is literally the most easiest position to play. Its the easiest and the most impactful. Spectre takes the cake among all #1s because he literally does nothing but farm and right click people while tanking. He takes less skill than Troll or AM or anything actually. You seem to have a good idea on being objective in games which is why you won games as Spectre even when you lacked mechanical skills for a 4.5k. I am not exaggerating.
                                                                - I don't see anything wrong with this. This is how you should play Spectre.

                                                                This is not:
                                                                You're picking a hero with safelane farm that avoids all early game fights and picks up and item that passively and easily improves your farm.
                                                                - That's why you have to watch my games before you criticize and say generic statements. Most of my Spectre games are Max Disperse - Vanguard sometimes blademail build. And I join most team-fights ("reality in") like during the team-fight itself. I have actually watched Zenoth Spectre games and tried to imitate the max desolate and safe farming style and found that I only have confidence in implementing it if I have a good solid tri-lane.

                                                                This is true:
                                                                You then mow them down late game on a hero that basically presses 2 buttons then right clicks people. A hero that doesn't even fucking care about positioning because you want to tank.
                                                                - Do you hate Spectre on how simple and good she is? This is the same exact reason why I love her :)


                                                                  True or False game.

                                                                  Unless I am completely misinterpreting his thread, its about you not liking the <4k shithole and how you don't belong there, yes? Thats why you bother to prove to people asking that you've lasted at 4.5k and explain that you dropped due to raging.
                                                                  - Read: Subject is My Personal Dota 2 Blog. I would have titled it as "<4k Shithole and how I don't belong there" if I wanted it to be that way. P.S. read all my posts. Seems like you only read the first few games when I opened this thread and was still flaming people.

                                                                  True and False:
                                                                  I'm trying to tell you a proper 4.5k even when raging should be winning 3.5k games easily and if you aren't, you shouldn't be finding excuses like 'not my meta' or 'I'm just raging' or 'I'm not in my best condition' or 'I'm not picking troll/sniper'.
                                                                  - I've gone 10-2 last week, I actually won them easy. I tend to lose when I rage because I don't play proper anymore. And no, even if you're pro. You don't win when you don't play proper. Mechanics is just one aspect of the game.

                                                                  True and False:
                                                                  To quote myself earlier, "No point telling yourself you're better than all these <4k shitters and instead focus on actually improving. Mid or offlane would help you improve the most. Mid gives you the laning mechanics and offlane teaches you positioning, how to spot oppurtunities and how to play from behind."
                                                                  - This is true if I want to generally improve my skills. But all I want now is that 5K MMR.

                                                                  Low Expectations

                                                                    If you really want to climb back why dont you just spam slark?


                                                                      LOSE, MMR down to 3528

                                                                      Match Id: 1411785934
                                                                      Phantom Lancer (safe lane - dual lane)
                                                                      K-D-A: 8-5-11
                                                                      GPM: 392
                                                                      XPM: 555

                                                                      Wanted to counter Techies, Clinkz and Pugna. Would have been a solid pick but the constant aggression from Pudge, Mirana and roaming clinkz gave them a lot kills, confusion and continuous investment in sentry wards by the supports.

                                                                      I think the wrong thing I've done here is I decided to join my team hiding in the jungle during mid game and I didn't create enough split push pressure. No one in our lineup was able to create space and looking back, I would actually be the most potent hero to do that.


                                                                        Love the blog, keep it up

                                                                        From some of the stuff Jiyo said, it seems he didn't read the thread or completely misunderstood it.


                                                                          WIN, MMR up to 3553

                                                                          Match Id: 1412314827
                                                                          Spectre (safe lane - dual lane)
                                                                          K-D-A: 18-4-24
                                                                          GPM: 600
                                                                          XPM: 735

                                                                          well-coordinates allies. they listened to the draft I wanted - Spectre, Zeus, Silencer, Earthshaker, Mirana = Auto Win :D


                                                                            i'm thinking of playing at least 1 game tonight but what happened to me the last time I played and I was tired resulted to 0-2.
                                                                            I just finished playing basketball for 3 hours and I need to wake up early about 5-6 hours from now so I guess I gotta sleep this off instead.

                                                                            good night!


                                                                              There's a really big difference between a player that archived 4500 MMR and then dropped to 4k, and a player that's got his calibration around 4.3, and climbed to 4.8k, let's say..

                                                                              Difference between 3500 and 4500 is big, but if yo compare 2 players with large amount of games at each skill bracket.

                                                                              I you managed to survive in 4300-4500 range for, let's say, 200-300 games, i'd call you an legit 4.3k player.

                                                                              is there a difference between 4.3k and 3.5k? Yes, sure. Is there enough difference to make 90% winrate road to your "true" mmr? I'd say no.

                                                                              I doubt even legit 5000MMR player would have 90% winrate from 3.5k to, let's say 4.5k...

                                                                              However, legit 5600-6000MMR player would have much better success.

                                                                              It all comes down to "MMR swings".

                                                                              Example: you're at 3.5k at moment, however, it's your highest MMR you archived, it's your peak.

                                                                              However, your friend is at 3700 MMR, but his higest MMR is 4100.

                                                                              It's clearly that average MMR of both could be 3100-3700, so, there's difference between 3100 MMR player and 3700 MMR player.

                                                                              Both can stay at the same bracket sometimes, but it doesnt mean they will be able to stomp their games for MMR grind with the same success.

                                                                              You don't need to play all kind of roles/heroes in order to get high mmr. But you need to be legit with those you pick.

                                                                              You need larger sample size in order to call yourself "legit" 3.5k, 4.5k, 5.5k etc..

                                                                              And I'd say this rule applies with every MMR range.

                                                                              While some people archive some MMR, I'd give them respect for that, of course.

                                                                              But there's a reason why you can't be on leaderboards with 8000MMR if you didn't play ranked game for a while(just example, dont wanna go into specifics..)

                                                                              Final words:

                                                                              In order to make sure your MMR is legit, I'd say you need to play at least 20 games per month in solo ranked.

                                                                              That way you'll be sure you didn't as Havoc said: "fake it until you make it". :)


                                                                                he climbed from below 4k to 4.5k i remember this

                                                                                Miku Plays

                                                                                  Take the personality test ^


                                                                                    Seems like a good possibility of being a legit 4.0k right now maybe rode the spectre to 4.5 k


                                                                                      Well, 4000 MMR is something like from 3800 to 4199...

                                                                                      Since after you hit 3.8k, you'll get matched against and with 4.1-4.2k players, and sometimes even with 4.4k+


                                                                                        haven't played for couple of days and feeling a bit feverish tonight.. but will play couple of games.

                                                                                        @Shred you to bits, I think all the stuff you said is true! I agree


                                                                                          Good morning Saturday! Here I go again, losing my focus.. just 1 small behavior I hated the most fucked up my behavior the entire game!

                                                                                          LOSE, MMR down to 3503

                                                                                          Match Id: 1421762704
                                                                                          Void (safe lane - solo)
                                                                                          K-D-A: 9-7-9
                                                                                          GPM: 489
                                                                                          XPM: 686

                                                                                          During early game, laning stages, my allies Pudge and Warlock did a gank in top lane. We dive Tier 1 tower especially Pudge and me to get the 2 kills. Warlock was about 75% HP decided to go back and just save himself. Leaving us with a 1-2 trade-off where Pudge (mid) and me (carry) died for an off-laner Magnus.

                                                                                          While I haven't checked the replay or assessed in detail as to whether warlock can still help with anything / and I might have placed a wrong chronosphere - it doesn't matter. I easily got pissed off by the fact that I was thinking that he's one of those players who will just save his ass and not care about teammates as long as he get to live. And I could be wrong..

                                                                                          Arghh.. game.. focus again. Onto the next 3 wins.


                                                                                            WIN, MMR up to 3528

                                                                                            Match Id: 1421809028
                                                                                            Spectre (safe lane - dual)
                                                                                            K-D-A: 13-3-19
                                                                                            GPM: 586
                                                                                            XPM: 905

                                                                                            gg win. 2 more wins

                                                                                            CAN'T WIN

                                                                                              WHO CARES LMAOOOO NO ONE READ YOUR BLOG LMAOOSAOF


                                                                                                WIN, MMR up to 3553

                                                                                                Match Id: 1421859360
                                                                                                Tiny (Safe lane - Dual)
                                                                                                K-D-A: 9-4-18
                                                                                                GPM: 660
                                                                                                XPM: 899

                                                                                                gg win, 1 more


                                                                                                  @x6 I read it :o


                                                                                                    I tell you, if your MMR goes below 3k, you are gonna get several readers ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)


                                                                                                      WIN, MMR up to 3528

                                                                                                      Match Id: 1421956864
                                                                                                      Alchemist (Whoooore Support)
                                                                                                      K-D-A: 0-16-9
                                                                                                      GPM: 167
                                                                                                      XPM: 194

                                                                                                      one of those toxic 3k matches that I've learned to accept.
                                                                                                      Lina 1st picks and reserves mid.
                                                                                                      Troll 2nd pick.
                                                                                                      Then for some reason Shadow Fiend was still picked.
                                                                                                      Then a Broodmother was picked.

                                                                                                      Enemy had Storm, Sniper, Bounty Hunter, Earthshaker and a Crystal maiden.
                                                                                                      I decided to pick Alchemist to easily kill Maiden or Sniper with Stun + Acid + Troll right click and I told my team I will support all of them. I bought wards, courier, stack and pull.. the idea was a dual lane of Shadow Fiend and Troll @ bottom against Crystal Maiden and Sniper so that our Brood can get his levels @ TOP lane. I go gank, just cast my stun and the right click + raze should be enough. But for some reason, Troll TP'd to top and joined brood. They died repeatedly and Sniper + Maiden @ bottom got the upper hand as well. Didn't know what was happening @ mid lane but I only saw Lina come bottom around 15-20 minute mark.

                                                                                                      I sound like a fool explaining the nitty gritty details of a 3k match - simply put, just one of those fucktard games.

                                                                                                      hmm still no progress, got stuck here. Hoping to have a nice stint of games this evening.

                                                                                                      have a great day everyone!

                                                                                                      EDIT: Just thinking, what support pick could have been good to support all 4 of my allies. Would a Chen pick be strong?


                                                                                                      We just released an updated hero and facet statistics page featuring more data and advanced filters. Oh, and it supports Turbo!