General Discussion

General Discussion[WTC] 6.k MMR Coaching

[WTC] 6.k MMR Coaching in General Discussion
Giff me Wingman

    Honestly, when i read the most posts it makes me want to vomit.

    @Nova´: You are right to some extend. If a coach does nothing else than to who how to grind mmr with a specific hero which will go to waste after a new patch comes out, then i'd also call it a scam, but luckily there are some really good coaches out there who teach how to actually be a better player.

    I usually only coach 1-4k players because of something xan actually stated, to a specific point, namely the 4k bracket, it is more of a gamble to know if a player is able to exceed that point or not. The biggest difference between 4k players and 5k+ players is, that the 5k players are able to adapt to situations and make the right call. Most 4k players don't do that and some will never be able to do that, it's not something you can teach someone.

    The purpose of a true coach is to get you faster to your potential, a coach cannot make you a 6k player unless you have the potential to do so.

    Low Expectations

      Getting coached is definitly a good to improve but it only works for a small fraction of people who can use logical thinking (no offence) and know how to apply one anegdotal example to a wide variety of situations in their following games.


        Posto si srbin, add sam te. :) Hajd' ako mozes prihvati.


          yeah i had bad experience with a coach, he told me he'd make me 5k+ if i do everything he says and i did and im still 4k..




                ^i remember when we played party, i would always carry you.
                what happened m8, only 25 frendz?


                  just sorted out fl, the less the better)


                    Hmm well I played 4 games in a row in house when I was 2450 k mmr all with people around 4.2k to 4.5k, I immediately went on a win streak in solo que and got to 3050 mmr not sure if coincidence.


                      We'll you must've picked up things from them.
                      Buying 5k acc won't make you a 5k player but it will teach you the 5k environment and you will catch on compared to playing 2.4k pubs with no courier and mid pudge.

                      Charles Petrescu

                        I think its well known ( cant say fact but u kno what i mean ) that playing against better opponent/s is way better than playing against some1 equivalent to ur skill or worse. In a matter of learning & getting better, u learn more from ur loses but that is not a main topic of this discussion ( lets call it like that ). I as a coach, i'm looking to speed up ur process of learning/becoming a better player but can only do so to a certain point, its up to you to practice it out later on and apply in ur games all my advices and suggestions for which i will give full explanations and reasoning behind it why it is, imo, the good/best decision in certain situation. And will ofc answer any of ur questions that u have about the game.