General Discussion

General DiscussionNew Patch Alch Support?

New Patch Alch Support? in General Discussion

    With Alch's ability to grant permanent Aghs thereby creating a 7 slotted cores will Alch now be played as a support. Farm 2-3 Aghs for core heroes and then look to transition into a semi-carry if possible? I think the ability to have 7 slotted cores is pretty op but will the games go late game as with this last patch to give this opportunity? or am I just crazy?


      farm aghs> give to tony, let him have other items instead.
      also you can buy some shit that gives 120 attckspeed and eat it and have 60 permanent attack speed with no slot.
      so basically 8slotted


        yh i see a jungling alch viable now, afk farming scepter upon scepter for all the team cores


          I really don't see a support farming up an aghs just to give it away... maybe just me though. Suppose if games are going super late (lane creeps don't give as much gold, but the lanes get extra creeps earlier) maybe... but do you wanna pick up an alch just incase games go super late? ... I dunno... sounds fun in silly strats though... like tinker will never buy his own aghs, but alch might get him it for example.


            You probably have this mind set all wrong.

            Once you farm aghs and give it away, you are basically useless. It's probably better for him to be in the semi-carry position where he'll be able to farm a few core items, then give aghs to a core that can really benefit from it like sven or tiny.

            That's just my 2 cents.


              maybe in competitive. there is approximately zero chance of pubs giving aghs to each other.

              plz do

                so far it looks like a strong mid game meta. also less rubber band effects - so first teamfight win wins game. not that much space / farm to gather a couple of aghas on alchi. but we will see.


                  farming 4 scepters ay lmao


                    Well alch would have to be played as a support in my scenario so what I'm asking is, is he a viable support. Obviously he would be underfarmed if he is farming for his cores but with the extra gold from his Greevil's Greed could he do it and how long would it take to farm up 2-3 aghs after boots/midas? I would imagine jungle Alch with rotations to help lanes with ganks. Farm boots and maybe midas and then switch to farm the aghs the question is can he be a viable support with his remaining skills?

                    Imagine a 7th slotted tiny do you really need another core damage dealer in alch if you are able to provide tiny with a aghs as buff and tiny can focus farming blink/other items knowing that he is getting the aghs from the alch...


                      Im looking forwards to make my support friends play this hero and gift me aghs every game, lmao.
                      actually would be interesting to give it a try, for example with zeus going fast refresher by min 18 and alch gifting him early aghs.


                        works best with tony in my head, or some other carry who could use another slot instead of aghs, or could use the aghs but usually doesnt have space for it


                          The new item that you can eat for 60 extra attack speed seems pretty good for Alchemist as it means he goes a little bit later.


                            The reason why I ask is because I enjoy playing support but would like to expand my hero pool and I don't my farming for the sole purposes to support my cores so long as it is viable. I'd love to give this strat a try provided I won't get reported asap if it fails.


                              Most games will be over way before you manage to get 5 slots.


                                Yeah I have a feeling games will be faster with this patch so it may not be viable because the games just won't last as long so not as much time to farm up.