General Discussion

General DiscussionWitnessed a Professional feeder

Witnessed a Professional feeder in General Discussion

    I lost my hope in russians.
    He bought TP whenever he could, then he sold all of them to get ratboots


      deso with satanic
      + who cares about a single game out of hundreds that you've played. everyone has had at least one game where someone has intentionally fed, but not everyone feels to tell everyone, because no one cares

      Im the Bully of my School

        i suspect the russian food water and air to be horibly bad .


          This was the only good thing to come out of Russia in the past 100 years:

          < blank >

            After 0:4 he decided to start feeding

            Bad Intentions

              Interesting.. The game was actually close


                It was pretty even actually up until WR left, he apologized later though. I think we had the better lategame and would have won if we managed to win one or two fights.


                I think it was funny how dedicated he was to feed.


                  It's probably because wr had 322 gpm Kappa


                    24 isnt much tbh, ive seen games like 0-47.

                    Yoichi Isagi | Blue Lock

                      did he not get a lane? I assume he was getting out last hitted so thus started feeding??


                        he shared his lane with tiny, he was lastpick though. don't want to blame it's hard to remain calm, especially if you're autistic.