General Discussion

General Discussion4k players in a nutshell

4k players in a nutshell in General Discussion
Giff me Wingman

    So i went and played a couple of matches on my 6k account, only to discover that 4k trash stil are trying to make you lose MMR by being completely autistic.

    Stop calling mid you retarded idiots.



      EE disgusting as always //


        4410 here, comfirmed autistic lel... honestly though I'd probably throw if I was in one of EE's games... The mindless spam of


        You get the point.


          And here I was thinking 3k was bad.

          Giff me Wingman

            The point is, when a superior player is telling you something, why don't you follow it instead of fucking doing the opposite and feed?

            I mean you see a fucking 6.3k rating at the start of the game and somehow you feel like u're superior, do the opposite and feed 12 ddeaths.

            plz do

              wtf blunty. im best 4k trash in the world, u cannot offend me! u even suck at carrying 2k mmr games and cannot last hit w pl. u build vlads on pl after like 1000mins, sucker. go play lol! FUCK YOU!

              Giff me Wingman

                fokken 4k trash, how do you even feed 4times more than 1k trashplayers WTF in 1k bracket WTF

                plz do

                  i raped em hard .u only go full retard afk farm shit man fuck youuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu



                    Do you categorize this as a complaining thread?


                      @Lyra Cc1
                      its lvl1 trolling thread
                      but i dislike EE.

                      plz do

                        how much minimum mmr to stack?


                          3085 afair


                            blunt thread hehe


                              Trolling but not complaining? Did I get it?


                                @Lyra Cc1
                                as far as i understand Blunt, yes. do you think I'm wrong?


                                  How can I know his intentions?

                                  But TBH, I dont identify any difference when he complain about 4k trash compared to when I complain about trash stacks in my 4k games.


                                    Blunt right? sorry i don't keep up with names that much on Dbuff. I get what you're saying and yes its true it'd probably make the most sense, I had a game the other day with a 6k on my team who was solo queuing and we followed his advice, helped him get fat and we won.

                                    Its just people like envy I can see why some would intentionally make him lose, he seems annoying as fuck and acts like an absolute prick, One thing I cant take is spam pings and people telling me what to do multiple times. People only need to say things once.

                                    I guess thats just my opinion though.


                                      damn. i dont wanna show myself to EE with this 3579 MMR shit


                                        ^ been there done that... i know the feels of shame :(.

                                        Last picking is 4 pussies

                                          My guess is the team muted EE in the first 10 minutes.

                                          Why does EE Always call players cancerous/toxic when this guy is clearly one of the worst in those departments.


                                            I actually like EE in a way. He can be annoying sometimes, but he's not fuckin retarded. He only expects his teammates not to be absolute fuckin retards too. 4k's make such stupid fuckin mistakes it's unbeliavable. I get it if you're not a beast in mechanics, rightclicking, if you make mistakes in fights etc. But to watch so many 6k and 7k streams and still have game knowledge and understanding of an autist little kid, that annoys me beyond words. This nice video is perfect demonstration of autism.

                                            Last picking is 4 pussies

                                              The video is spot on but the guy trashes every tourney after leaving. Calls tons of pro players cancers or toxic yet I'm guessing it's just because his opinion differs theirs. Didn't he pour a drink on hanni at a LAN once? Also called hanni for one a toxic who will never win anything which seems a little kettle black. Guy is real fortunate he snagged up misery and big daddy IMO after the roster moves otherwise c9 might even be pushing team tinker relevancy.

                                              Yes I realize tinker finally trending up now with black^


                                                how many games i have lost because of people didnt pick the carry and just abandoned.
                                                games count even though they abandon at like second minute of the game.
                                                i love dota 2. losing 800 mmr in 2 months was a great success for me.


                                                  People are talking about 4k players that make stupied misstakes etc.

                                                  Are you (as in several) sure that you always can tell the difference between misstakes and RISKTAKING that fails just because it was a calculated risk in the attempt...
                                                  Maybe it is anew kind of tactic that was developed in high skill bracket. Yes people in that bracket can aldo be intelligent.

                                                  Anyone that studied financial theory will know this. You nerd to take high risks to get high returns.

                                                  If you hug the base it is hard to achieve something.

                                                  Yoichi Isagi | Blue Lock

                                                    If 4k is autistic does that make them smart like savants? 3K above average and 2K bads?


                                                      everyone fighting "drop ur stick, drop ur stick" .

                                                      Sure i'll drop my stick with 150 hp left before dying outside of rosh pit.

                                                      PS/tp top tp top.

                                                      Most of EE words are contradictory let's say all his team get engage and they have no escape he will scream "get back get back" he just don't understand they can't go back because they have no escape and ennemy team have desable so they can fight or die or try to top.


                                                        what the fuck, people using my avater, fucking impostors on us east


                                                          People who are exceptionally talented in Dota 2 and in everything tend to have a distorted perspective of their performance relative to others. This is known in psychology as Dunning-Kruger and typically online people only focus on the low skill people who are so bad they imagine themselves to be competent because they don't know what competence even looks like. But the reciprocal problem exists for extremely highly talented people as well. They cannot understand the mistakes of others because they never make such errors. In the case of Dota 2, the most talented players really can't comprehend just how slow, blind and clumsy the typical players really are.

                                                          This Dunning-Kruger type judgment error often leads top players to believe that teammates are morons, but what really happened is that the ordinary player simply cannot perceive and react to the speed of the game. They are making judgments that if you paused they would realize are incorrect - but because the game is too fast for them to see, they do things that appear stupid. They make frequent miss-clicks, that a top player might never make.

                                                          Last week I fat fingered a hot key and selected a courier in the middle of a fight causing my Lich to walk forward and die casting nothing. In the 1.5 seconds it took me to notice that my courier was selected, that the commands I thought I issued to the hero were not actually issued, that I was now out of position...well I was already stunned and about to die by the time I reselected lich.
                                                          I have over 75% winrate on lich... but we lost that game largely because we did not win that critical teamfight.

                                                          Just yesterday I watched a Troll Warlord (high 3k player) who had bkb die to bloodseeker by running out rupture... when I was standing next to him with dazzle. He could have poped bkb and stood still and easily fought BS where he was. But most likely failing to perceive the situation accurately he panicked and tried to run one way, then another, still got hit by the silence. I graved him when he was about to run himself to death. Then he finally stopped still and still failing to use bkb...BS finished him with a dagon when grave ended. It would be very easy to conclude this Troll was a retard. But his experience of the event was quite different. He complained that no one helped him, that he got focused. Actually nothing hit him at all but BS skills and dagon while he received two heals and a grave.

                                                          Similarly I have seen 2.5k MMR snipers die in a fight last after 10 sec of bkb and having done actually zero attacks. Instead they attempted throughout the fight to attack walk their targets but kept missing the attack click (which they did with a right click) so they actually walked stutter stepping through the fight with bkb on doing zero dmg. It would be easy to think they are retards. But in fact they don't know what happened and imagine that they did everything right until they see the replay in slow motion. Most players never watch their replays and so they don't learn that their in-game perceptions are often quite wrong. The game is too fast for all but the elite players to accurately perceive in real time.


                                                            TIL that having a high MMR means that being a total moron is OK, and having a lower MMR means that being a total moron is cause to uninstall. Thanks for the info!


                                                              it's called practice.


                                                                The fact is most people cannot practice their way into becoming skilled at dota. The average player could tryhard for 10 years, 7 days a week and all they would do is move up to being worth a couple hundred more MMR.

                                                                The reason practice doesn't get much done, in reality, in this and other situations is that they can't do it right one time. Practicing the wrong thing a lot never leads to improvement.


                                                                  I don't think OP had serious intentions, what's with the walls of text?


                                                                    @relentless i got up from around 2400 to max 4900, i think thats a ton of improvement tbh, in less than a year.
                                                                    just gotta find a better player to play with, or spectate/watch streams of a higher rated player and try to understand what he is doing.
                                                                    if you have the dedication and time (2-4 games a day, one of them spectated) its not hard to get to 4k really not hard.


                                                                      Dango, that is because you are, in fact, extremely talented. Just because there remain people even better than you, and you once did not know how to play - that does not mean you were not already far better than average when you were at 2.4k. There are about 8 million players who played this month that will never pass 3k MMR if they try their whole life. In fact the only published meta-data from Valve indicates that the average player is 2250 MMR. So you were already above average when you played your very first game.

                                                                      What you did to improve, they cannot do. They will not remain dedicated to improving not because they are slackers or quitters, but because when they do practice they don't get any better.

                                                                      Dango, you played only 103 games in "Normal" skill and your winrate was 69% !!!. The average player never even gets to "High", but you got there with very little effort. You think it is easy to improve, because it was easy for you. But that's the Dunning-Kruger talking. You don't realize how very far from average you truly are.


                                                                        ^ Does that make me pro? Keepo.


                                                                          Being paid to play makes you pro.

                                                                          Last picking is 4 pussies

                                                                            @dango what games did you play prior to dota similar in anyway?

                                                                            I only ask because your early games were a lot of carries or mids. Ton of drow.


                                                                              thats a boost to my morale actually bro.
                                                                              gonna go road to 6k soon


                                                                                @last picking, my games prior to dota 2 were cs 1.6 and starcraft, nothing more than that.
                                                                                the drow habit was from my friend, who said its ez to stomp newbies with drow, and he was right for th most part :D


                                                                                  6k is tough to achieve for all but the very best players. I can't really tell without watching you play but judging by your success on earth spirit, meepo, timbersaw, and invoker - all extremely high skill cap heroes - I'd say you might be able to do it.

                                                                                  I think you will need to practice up your meepo, timbersaw, and invoker to the level of your earth spirit. ES got nerfed in 6.84 and you need more versatility to reach 6k. Except for truly world-class players, I have only seen 6k reached by people focusing on high skill cap, high impact heroes.

                                                                                  I have a lot of respect for someone who spams wisp, or ES, or brood until they are expert enough to compete with the best.


                                                                                    dango secretly best timbersaw eu

                                                                                    CAN'T WIN

                                                                                      If i play with ee i will instalock mid and try to feed as much as i can.



                                                                                        Wana define skill and high skill?


                                                                                          I'm just saying that it is possible to do a lot more with some heroes than others. Such heroes, like meepo, earth-spirit, invoker, etc are said to have a "high skill cap" because the maximum the hero can do is actually greater than what most (maybe any) human players can do. Unlike an extremely simple hero like WK - who has only one active ability- Invoker has a huge number of options at any one time. He can, in theory, counter any hero in any situation - if you can cast like Grimorum. A hero like puck has an incredible versatility of movement options and relies entirely on the precise and lighting fast use of that movement to win. A hero like sniper, once they are farmed up can more or less autoattack their way to victory, but early in the game is really so weak he has to hide or be protected.

                                                                                          When you want to display everything you've got in dota, you play the more complex heroes and get the more powerful active items. For the gold, the active items are vastly more powerful than the passive items. This is how they are balanced. But they are harder to use. If you can use them - this is how you win hard to win games - this is how you gain MMR.

                                                                                          Getting to 6k MMR on a hero like sniper is nearly impossible because he doesn't really accomplish much until he is farmed and someone else will therefore decide who actually wins the game - not the sniper player. It will be decided by someone playing earth spirit or storm spirit etc long before sniper gets to make a difference. That doesn't happen at lower MMRs because none of the lower MMR players can play the more difficult heroes correctly. So the easy to play heroes tend to win.

                                                                                          waku waku

                                                                                            So you're saying that farming speed and gank sense don't matter at all in the beginning and there's nothing you can do to prevent yourself from dying early? I beg to differ...

                                                                                            Hatsune Miku

                                                                                              this is why i play doto for fun, win or lose i did my best .


                                                                                                What i'm saying meme is that a Mid SF or Sniper will die to ganks easily because they do not have a strong escape no matter how skilled the player may be. But QoP can turn a gank that comes at her even 1 v 3 early.

                                                                                                So QoP can reveal the skill of a more talented player in a way that easier, simpler heroes cannot. This matters when people are playing at the limit of their skills.


                                                                                                    Relentless, I think you're severely underestimating the general capabilities of dota players.

                                                                                                    I don't know about 7k or 6k but with proper time and effort invested, anyone could reach 5k. Or high 4k if you want to be pessimistic. The reason why majority of these people don't improve is because they don't try to. Some might take longer, some faster but I find it ridiculous you insist that these people can't reach higher mmrs if they TRIED their whole life. Just playing hundreds or thousands of games doesn't mean people are putting in effort lol.

                                                                                                    Take this for example, everyone uses their hands for their whole lives, yeah? Does that mean everyone is dexterous with them? Sure, some are naturally talented but the vast, vast majority of the populace all have equal potential. Yet its only the ones who practise instruments or practise magic (sleight of hand) or whatever improve their control and agility with their fingers. I KNOW THERE ARE METHODS TO INCREASE DEXTERITY, DON'T SIDE TRACK. Anyway in this case, instruments and magic being used as the medium for analysing replays, using your fuk'n brain, practising mechanics.


                                                                                                      No, people do not have equal abilities and potentials. People are not equal in strength, size, beauty, industry or intelligence. Its not even close. People are not equal in wisdom or creativity or a host of other natural talents.

                                                                                                      Those who go into music or magic are those who can do it. Those who cannot quit when they are young. They have no interest because they constantly fail. People notice, when they absolutely cannot do something. They stop trying.

                                                                                                      Practice can improve your skills in a certain area, but only if you can do the task correctly. If you cannot do it, the practicing does nothing. If you watch a typical 2k MMR player attempting to lasthit, watch how they actually move - you can understand why no amount of practice will ever make them substantially better at it. It is because they never do it right, not even once. On the occasions when their hero does "get" the lasthit it was an accident. Some of them figure this out and revert to autoattacking and their gpm INCREASES. This is because their control is so poor that accidental lasthits are more likely than when they try to cause them.

                                                                                                      You must understand the difference. I am not saying that no one can practice and improve. I am saying that no one can do what they cannot do. You recognize that there are limits to human abilities. But you do not recognize how different your personal abilities in dota 2 are from the average player.

                                                                                                      It hard for a person with perfect vision to comprehend blindness. But as someone who has been literally blind in the past and now has perfect artificial vision I have a feel for the difference. If you have lived you life constantly getting restful sleep so that your microscopic injuries are repaired you say, lifting weights will make my muscles stronger. But for someone with fibromyalgia whose damage is not repaired - exercise makes them weaker.

                                                                                                      People are not the same. Nearly everyone is nothing like you, although many are like you because there are millions of players. Most players cannot understand the game in real time, because they can't see it. Most players cannot execute maneuvers because they can't discern the difference in their actions between failure and success. Both motions feel the same to them, and the outcome consequently appears to be luck. Because they cannot tell the difference, they cannot practice it, because they cannot practice correct actions they cannot learn them.

                                                                                                      Your effort does not produce the same results as others efforts.

                                                                                                      If you tried to play the way Eternal Envy does, you would fail over and over and over forever. You simply lack the dexterity and perspicuity required to even try his moves. Would it be justified then for him to accuse you of not really trying when you fail?

                                                                                                      Here is a simple test you can do to take some measure of your skills. It is an ember spirit move. Can you tell the difference between one 0.2 sec interval and the next? What you do is attempt to use sleight of fist on a creep wave and a hero and land the hero and the range creep in chains. Can you do it? Nearly all players cannot. Practicing it won't improve enough to matter if you can't actually see the difference between 1/5ths of a second in real time. I can get it about 1 time out of ten. So basically luck. But a pro player can hit it nearly every time - for them practicing the move helps. They will get significantly better at it with practice because they can feel and see the difference in what they did when they missed.

                                                                                                      Realize that clicking a mouse to select things is not something a 2k MMR player has practiced merely a few hundred times. They will typically make tens of thousands of attempts to select things in dota every game. And nearly all of them will miss. I have watched on 0.25 speed people make as many as 180 misclicks per minute. That averages 3 per second, but really it goes in spurts and stops as they spam attempts to select until they get it. It is because they miss so much that many players resort to spam clicking, sub-consciously trying to correct for the fact that they cannot actually click where they intend during the game.

                                                                                                      When you watch a pro player, they never do this. They move the cursor smoothly, cleanly to exactly where they intend to put it - and click once.
