General Discussion

General DiscussionZeus : Octarine Core

Zeus : Octarine Core in General Discussion

    I am a avid zeus player with 66% wr and almost 5 KDA , i just felt that octarine core is just too good to be an item.

    I usually bulid an aghanim scepter when i am finished already with dagger, instead i go for octarine core ,
    MY 1st SKILL IS 1.3 seconds
    MY 2nd skill is 4.5 seconds
    My ulti is 60 seconds

    AND remember static link ? yeah , every cast within 1200 lose 11% of their HP, its just too powerful ,
    Octarine has also good benefits like mana regen and + int which is nice.
    I also forgot to mention another fucking benefit of the core. Spell lifesteal , yeah , everytime i cast , with lowered coldown , i can literally last longer , on a single all-skill combo ( not including spell resist) i can heal like 283 hp which is also a good thing.

    Core and Veil seems to be a good synergy against cancer-illusion based hero like pl and High fucking HP heros like axe undying.
    Can't wait to try out more matches with this.

    I am still not convince with mangoes for mid zeus, its just too costly for 150 mana , I would still stick to soul ring and bottle for my mana


      Aghs is one of the worst items for Zeus in the first place though


        you can get veil+dagger its 10 times better than aghs+dagger and veil is 1000 something gold cheaper


          i think mangoes are good for a tight lane matchup


            I am playing zeus wrong all the time , i never know how agha is useless for zeus though

            mangoes for mid zeus is bad, but for offlane zeus it could? maybe work?


              nah offlane zeus have much more opportunities to use clarities since you spend a bit of time reblocking to let the range creep go through


                The thing is your Aghanim's only gives you more damage to your ulti and some stats which you mostly don't need.

                Veil gives you less stats, but it increases damage for every single one of your spells and whatever magical nukes your team may have. The armor and hp regen is nice too.

                ΙγrιΙΙνεmροs crιsτεναηιsh...

                  aghs oro go home lmfao.


                    octarine is amazing on him. you get so many passives off and the lifesteal is great. bit of a pain to build though what with everything being in the secret shop and all.

                    i don't know why anyone would build anything else on him now especially as if you disassemble your arcane boots it is 800 gold more than aghs.

                    Pom Pom 🍕

                      Only problem with octarine as first item is that you need to save 2700 gold for mystic staff when you've finished your soul booster. Soul booster buildup is really nice, but the mystic staff can be a problem if your game is not going fully your way.