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General DiscussionSmurf Accounts

Smurf Accounts in General Discussion

    Im surprised parents playing pc games with their Kids...
    Anyways maybe ill meet your Kids on my way to 8 k mmr

    Bad Intentions

      Maybe juice is a young dad/mom? Its cool he/she can play doto with them kids.


        Well yes it is, and its been a fun journey there too. I actually watch a lot of their games nowdays and I do have to say, that 3.6k MMR players arent that much better from core 1.5k MMR players. The skill difference is not that big as it seems as a number. They make a lot of stupid mistakes and are impatient, or poorly coordinated as well (solo q). There are a lot of decent players at 1.5k also, but then again you meet the shitty players there too, which you dont find at higher MMR. They are making the difference, since skill points are awarded to teams instead of individual players. There is not much you can do if your carries or cores fail at game. And of course - even bad players can snowball, even if they do not know what they are doing! Since your history as a player brings no stats to the game at hand, there is always an option someone gets out of control even if they show no better skills than anyone else in game. So in that way, Id say that scrub level games can be even more challenging since you never know what will happen.

        I think that number of games and hours at dota tells more about your skills "in general" than MMR. I think fresh players are more likely to do stupid mistakes or show impatience, where more experienced players have better understanding of comebackmechanics etc. in game. Id rather play with 1500+ hours teammates than 100+ MMR better players. Ok, its not always the case, but Id say in many of the cases yes.

        Yes, I was not that old when I got kids, I have 6 of them and 2 oldest play dota. :) I myself am the generation that used to play Warcraft 1 and likes, so I did play a lot as a kid too.

        Bad Intentions

          ^nice, continue playing doto juice. also what does your wife say about u playing doto? is she fine with it btw?


            No shes not always, as any other stuff that takes away your focus, its not ok to spend all day playing games. But then again, its not about a game, its about using your time and focus into important things. I often get to play very late at evening etc. and since that, I tend to play tired, not focused and sometimes afk while I have to attend something else all of the sudden - that all stacks up to poor performance sometimes. But life first, games after, not complaining about that.