General Discussion

General DiscussionHow many years do we have to wait for Valve to add a concede option?

How many years do we have to wait for Valve to add a concede option? in General Discussion

    Here are the facts:

    1. No concede means people stay in a losing game longer, thus being more frustrated and irritable; which leads to anger and "toxicity" towards others. It is a myth that concede makes people angrier. How can a way to remove the source of the anger cause more anger in a community?

    2. It is literally immoral to force 5 players, who do not want to continue a game, to play because Valve wants the winning team to keep snowballing and get so much dopamine that they impulse buy a set for the hero they just won with.

    3. Shooting down a concede vote will not cause tantrums in your team; at the worst, it'll make someone say "ugh i'm gonna sit in the fountain until the game is over", have him sit there for 30 seconds, get bored, and naturally go back to hitting creeps.

    4. Anti-Conceders have no valid argument. All anti-concede arguments rooted in inexperience ("b-but i came back from a lost game once! Here, look at this contextless replay!"), buzzwords ("toxic community!") and idealism ("ur never gonna git gud at playing from behind")

    5. The sensible, experienced demographic of DotA (the ones that unanimously agree that concede is healthy) is much quieter (and thus, less demanding) than the naive, inexperienced and idealistic demographic that do not want concede and are incapable of understanding why it is a net-positive to the game.

    6. That there is real cognitive dissonance when you ask an anti-conceder on why Pro Gamers are allowed to concede and not everyone else.

    How about add a concede option for all games that average 4k+ mmr for all the teams? It's pretty much a fact that once you become AT LEAST above-average at the game, you are fully aware of a very important fact:

    Some games are just not worth winning.


      League has concede
      League > Dota
      We need concede


        Give up to life too conceding buddy.


          We already have one.

          1. Disconnect
          2. Abandon Game







                back in dota1 days, we had !ff option, it was quite good, although honestly I wouldnt ever use it now.


                  This option existed in Dota1

                  Everyone had to typ "ff" (forfeit). Then the game was over and the other team won. You could basically not have a fun game because the slightest advantage meaned a 50% risk that the other team would just type ff.

                  Also, if your team didnt like the game, they just typ ff, and if you didnt also typ ff as they told you to do, then they spend the remaining time to flame and puke toxic on you as if you had made them lose 10 games in a row. This could acctually be seen in the LPARDM games when there was only one hero left and the other players in the team wanted him to suicide.

                  No ty. I am not interested in getting this type of games back.

                  The only thing I would be interested in would be to add a seperate search que for games that could be ended by typing ff.


                    ^afair ff stands for "fast forfeit", not just "forfeit"
                    10/10 worth it correction, I know. much important, very different meaning, wow.


                      "Shooting down a concede vote will not cause tantrums in your team; at the worst, it'll make someone say "ugh i'm gonna sit in the fountain until the game is over", have him sit there for 30 seconds, get bored, and naturally go back to hitting creeps."

                      This is false on so many levels. Where do you get this info? :D
                      The afker will more often than not happens to be playing a range hero. Will find a way to get his hero on a cliff and leave him with autoattack on to cliff jungle and not get kicked.



                        Well, sweet child has many names. In the leagues i played peoiple only called it forfeit. I dont see any relevance in the fast-part.


                          That's just what "ff" initially meant. It's an abbreviation for "fast forfeit".



                            "The afker will more often than not happens to be playing a range hero. Will find a way to get his hero on a cliff and leave him with autoattack on to cliff jungle and not get kicked."

                            This is what I am doing in my current game right now with Techies since I dont want to play with ES+Omni+Pudge+Puck



                              How can you be so sure?


                                  @Meta Designer
                                  tbh im not absolutely sure that I got it from there, but afair at older versions of dota you could use full command (smthng like !fastforfeit), and also it was written that player X chosen to fast forfeit or smthng like that.
                                  tl;dr: Im not rly sure from where did I get it, but I believe Im right with 99% probability.


                                    One thing is whether you are right or not. Which doesnt matter ofc.
                                    The interesting thing is that it doesnt make sense to call it fast forfeit. Since this imply that there is one or more other ways to do forfeits that is not fast.


                                      Ofc, one could argue that fountain hugging is a form of forfeit. But no one actually call it forfeit.


                                        When I started play Dota2 I actually thought that ff still meant forfeit. But somehow people think is more reasonable to call it fast finish.

                                        I mean, if I want to give up the reasonable thing for me to say is forfeit, or I am forfeiting. Fast finish seem like a something a kid come up with.


                                          Forfeiting in a game where one mistake could cause a team wipe evening out a sure lose forfeiting is only something a kid would do


                                            BTW why does like 1 out of 4 russian Dota players have them self on the profile picture? It seem to be a cultural thing. The question is: does it have anything to do with all the mommy-loving they do over there during the cold winter?


                                              "Some games are just not worth winning"?

                                              So some games are possible to win, but they're not worth it? WTF does this even mean?

                                                Arek Akashi

                                                  yeah concede sucks , I played like 3 games of league when my graph card was dead andthe enemy team conceded like in 15 min when I was thinking that I was losing the game , hope they dont add it , or they can add an option that allows u to concede only if there is a huge difference in exp/gold but very very huge


                                                    this thread gave me cancer.
                                                    pls go back to lol
                                                    holy fuck I'm doing pentakills and quadrakills and then team 4 suicides out and when I'm left alone vs 5 they just surrender.
                                                    No pls stay away with this shit from my game.


                                                        Solo players, who don't know each other, can rarely agree unanimously on a concede, and the game will end quickly anyway in unwinnable conditions. Today, there are enough people who concede and AFK even though it takes some effort. Making it easier would just encourage more people to do that.


                                                            How many years do we have to wait to finnaly have EVERYONE understand that concede option is bad ???

                                                            It's not like we cann't check how concede in hon or lol ruin/ed the experience of casual player...
                                                            And 5 men requirement is the same shit as 4 men.

                                                            btw exemple of a prolonged concede environnment: In one of my game in lol, where NO1 in my team went out of the base (if not to an inibiter) after the 15 min mark but achieved to hold nexus till min 25, enemy surrender. It's not like we couldn't leave the base anyway cause any of them could have backdored us.


                                                              Concede is dumb. You're dumb.

                                                              Dota is a hard game. If you can't handle hard games then get out. Every game is worth winning. Just because it is hard doesn't make it not worth winning.

                                                              Concede will literally change the meta into early game stompers so that you can break their morale and make them GG even though they can easily comeback.

                                                              I just recently played a game with alchemist. Score was like 20-5 by 15 minutes because I was farming jungle. It was a team game, so we didn't break spirit, I came out of jungle with 4 items and triple killed into teamwipe. We won the game obviously. This was only yesterday. I'm not just pulling a game out of a hat. It was literally only like 5 games ago.

                                                              These games aren't rare. Had that been a pub game, they would have all QQ'd and I wouldn't have gotten that game changing teamwipe because my team would have been in fountain spamming me to FF.

                                                                  waku waku

                                                                    only if it counts % of times you chose to forfeit and gives you penalties for a high one so people take it seriously


                                                                      Here are the facts: (Start with here are your opinions, it's probably better)

                                                                      1. It can actually cause more anger. People start trying less which leads to an overall decrease in the quality of games.

                                                                      2. Do you even know the meaning of the word immoral?

                                                                      3. My brother plays league. And yes, they do throw tantrums.

                                                                      4. Those are pretty valid arguments. Those games would not happen if dota had a concede option.

                                                                      5. The average mmr of the people on this forum is way higher than what you would find on other forums. So who are these experienced players that you talk about? Reddit (Hahaha)?

                                                                      6. Not really. These are pub/amateur games and pro players are playing pro games. Also, they play in a game mode that is different from us, so you can't even use that as a comparison. Stop using words you just learned.

                                                                      "Some games are just not worth winning." This could be true, but I wouldn't want games that are worth winning to be conceded.


                                                                        "but theres too many retards who pick some stupidly small sample size of comebacks and exaggerate how often these happen"

                                                                        was that game winnable? probably, but one player didnt want to, and because we couldnt concede, we had to wait 15 minutes while he fed and broke items and we still had to participate in the game to avoid tanking an abandon"

                                                                        Not to be rude KitraK, but you are doing exactly what you critized here, only with an unwinnable game as an example...

                                                                        On topic, I think adding a concede option right now would do more harm than good. If the community wants it so hard and Valve concedes (no fuc*in pun intended), then whatever, there's not anything we can do, but if they are smart about it and make something like a separate queue option for concede-able games or make the concede option available only when there's a really big EXP or GOLD difference between both teams, I think it could work.

                                                                        Fuck it nonetheless, I don't want it.

                                                                          CAN'T WIN

                                                                            One day i was playing lol, i was playing katarina and i was 7-1 when LoL emberspirit was 8-1, my team concede, since this day i dont want concede option on doto.

                                                                            Pom Pom 🍕

                                                                              It's possible to comeback in dota. Maybe not as much as last patch, but you don't just concede since you don't wanna play extended games that have lower chance of winning (but there still is a small one).

                                                                              Isn't winning games that looked unwinnable one of the best moments of dota anyways? I'm pretty sure most people have had at least one of those games.

                                                                                Totentanz to The King: M ...

                                                                                  4 people hit the button, you don't. In your ideal world they play on because they think one player thinks we can still win, but in the real world they will just report you and ask the enemy team to do the same because you are "prolonging" the game for both parties.


                                                                                      >>> If all 5 players want to forfeit stand in fountain and let them push.


                                                                                      Quick maffs

                                                                                        Just alt tab if the game is unwinnable, is what i do

                                                                                        Miku Plays

                                                                                          whats the point of comeback mechanics if theres a concede option...


                                                                                            it is a crap idea but if it had to be implemented then the way to do it would be for it to be disabled unless certain conditions were met such as >30k gold/xp difference or >1 lane of rax gone etc.

                                                                                            50% of games have people calling ff at first blood already - don't give them hope!



                                                                                              You adress please? Gun or poison?


                                                                                                EB.Hatsune Miku

                                                                                                whats the point of comeback mechanics if you can pick and play better?



                                                                                                  No that do not work, since it would only encourage people to feed untill the experience and gold gap is high enough for forfeit.

                                                                                                  It would need to be something like +60 min and at least 3 opponents are level 25 and 6 slotted.


                                                                                                    Just give ppl the choice to choose "game that can be concede" or "game that could not be conceded". It can be made as an option similar to the language filter, map filter etc.


                                                                                                      Game is supposed to be fun : concede is not fun, thx op, we can close now.

                                                                                                      Splitting concede less and with concede, is also a bad thing. By not putting concede option, valve is protecting idiot from themselve, and from spreading their bullshit of no perseverance.


                                                                                                        The game, like everything in life, already has the intrinsic option to quit. Just last night I lost a game because the solo mid invoker fed FB then decided to flame, blame, and intentionally feed. He got 20 + sentry wards and made a cute dot drawing.

                                                                                                        You can quit whenever you want. What OP is begging for here is an official ok to quit, because he wants to quit with no consequences. He has no respect for the other 9 people in the game, but purely selfishly thinks only of his own discomfort. He doesn't want to play a game where he is not easily winning - certainly not losing. Suck it up and learn that you do not always win.

                                                                                                        This is a consequential, valuable life lesson taught to you by dota 2 like so many others. Even a fantastically talented player like matrice (above me) still lost 871 games already. Did he quit?

                                                                                                        Sometimes you have to coordinate with people who are toxic. Sometimes you have to collaborate with people who are incompetent. Sometimes the competition is more talented, better prepared, smarter or even cheated in some way and you can't win. Game is hard. Learn to take it like a man.

                                                                                                        LoL is for little boys who want to be shielded from the reality of life. Dota 2 is a game so the consequences are very small, but at least it basically follows the same rules as real life. There are costs and consequences for your actions. There are duties and responsibilities. If you want to whine like a child that you can't deal with 1 hour of difficulty - if you want to quit even a game when its not going your way - then dota 2 is not for you. Go back to mommy.

                                                                                                        As several posters have already said, officially making quitting "ok" is immoral and promotes immoral, childish behavior. When there are no consequences people get more pathetic than they were before. Courage is undermined and responsibility is denigrated.

                                                                                                        I have never voluntarily left a game in over 8,000 games of dota 1 and dota 2 and I never will. A handful of times I was forced to quit by a power outage, network failure, and once by the police knocking on my door and falsely arresting me with no warrant. That's the seriousness with which you should take your moral obligation to do what you say. Because there are 9 other people who are spending an hour on this group effort and you are not more important than they are.

                                                                                                        I am optimistic that Valve will retain the wisdom they have shown so far on this issue and NEVER implement a concede option.
