if the match sees that you've abandoned for some reason, itll give you negative points even If you win.
4.4k match even if you win you lose points because the average of players probably put you down. or actually 7 deaths put you down. but you don't belong there anyway
it's kind of random, i went from 220 to 300 when i lost a couple of games while stacking /w friends
Why you complain? Anyway with 4400 mmr. you shouldn`t be in the even top 5000 and not 100 so be happy you get there because system is just shit.
Probably you lost division points, but I cant rly explain you how it works; it's too weird.
if u are solo 5k and ur party is like 3.8 k if u spam 1 hero in solo and u are top 100 , even by winning a party game at 3.8k mmr u will lose points , because you played in a lower division it happened to me , i was top 20 tb and I played him on party mmr and even by winning I was losing points
I play Earth Spirit on 5k+ bracket and I keep losing points XD, dont rlly knows how the system works
^yeah I win a game with sf I get 2 points, I lose 2 points, I'm at like 1.5k mmr with sf after nearly 1.5k games too, I'm perfectly adequately trenched and proud to be
After win match on sky 28:7:7,
625 GPM, 942 XPM,
31k damage to heroes
Tell me guys, how can i lose 15 points from top100????!!!!
Ranked match