General Discussion

General DiscussionHow to play PL?

How to play PL? in General Discussion

    What items do I make on him?

    Are Drums any good? Boots of travel core or situational? Yasha first or straight diffusal?

    I went 4-1-1-1 and I maxed stats and leveled ulti, is that the build?


      I'd rather farm for a diffusal. From Spectre, diffusal gives you a nice active and orb (I have yet to try a diffusal-first match).

      Giff me Wingman

        It's situational, just don't get HoT, that shit is outdated. Skadi is much better on PL these days.


          HoT is core, skadi is situational


            Phase into mask/vlads, then get diffusal. Next item depends on the game, its usually manta to skadi to butterfly. Heart is alright, so is Daedalus and Heaven's Halberd (against Sven and battlefury carriers)


              definitely don't play it like swiftending... farmed like shit, picked off, fought like shit, kept feeding, instead of dissapearing to farm after so many fails he thinks he can turn it around with bkb when they are not even pushing (enemy)


                benao u clearly have no idea how to play carry if ur saying that he played badly in that game


                  I used to be a very good Lancer, then they changed him...


                    My Build...

                    Description: A build that allows for a more aggressive early game in exchange for a slightly weaker late game. This build can be played in ANY lane.

                    Skills: 21131413334222S4

                    1. Start with Ring of Regen and Ring of Protection.
                    2. Build Tranquil Boots (play safely, this build starts with weak regen until Tranqs are built), then start building a Soul Ring (build order: Ring of Regen > Sage's Mask > Recipe)
                    3. Once your Soul Ring is finished, start spamming your nuke. This should allow you to dominate a lane in almost any matchup.
                    4. Buy a Quelling Blade.
                    5. At this point, you can start jungling if it seems more safe than laning. If you have to roam with a partner, your Tranqs + Soul Ring should allow you to do so.
                    6. Start building a Diffusal Blade (build order: Blade > Blade > Robe > Recipe). Once you have level 1 Diffusal, start building a Manta Style. Once you have about 1 charge left in your Diffusal, start saving up for the second Diffusal recipe.
                    7. After Manta Style is built, start a Heart (build order: Vitality Booster > Reaver > Recipe [usually, but if you're rich, you can do Reaver first])
                    8. After Heart, replace your Tranqs with Boots of Travel. Remember that you can sell your Tranqs to help fund your new boots. If you really need to, your Soul Ring can also be sold, but try to avoid that, since it can still come in handy depending on your circumstances.
                    9. Soul Ring should now be replaced with Skull Basher, and later, Abyssal Blade.
                    10. Usually my matches are over even before Basher, so after that, you could replace that Quelling Blade with whatever seems appropriate.


                      wtf tranquils on carry?

                      just go conventional RoA->treads->diffusal->heavy items.

                      vlads b4 diffusal if u rli need it, but no tranquils shit


                        Having quick healing on a non-tanky hero from Tranqs so early in the game is well worth the slight reduction in DPS. It's not for all carries, but PL is one that it's perfectly acceptable on.



                            play him like this guy does.
                            Starts with poor man shield, quelling blade, brown boots and a ring of health.
                            then go into yasha, diffusual, boots of travel. splitpush and farm Heart.
                            once you have heart its gg, the march has begun


                              brown boots -> vlad -> diffusal -> travels is the build imo

                              anything shorter

                                Two things to do with PL.

                                1. Make Illusions do damage.
                                2. Make illusions survive damage.

                                Diffusal is the most optimal way to do this, but high stat build also works. But if you go Diffusal, I think you need to go Heart every time so that magical nukes won't insta-kill your illusions. Conversely, not as required if you go stat intensive because they're gonna be naturally slightly more tanky.

                                plz do

                                  wraith band or pms or quelling blade/stout + tangos >boots/aquila>morbid mask> vlads(from aquila)/diffusal/yasha> manta/skadi/hot...
                                  which order depends on ur farm efficiency and space. tranquils? buy a morbid mask instead and heal while farming.


                                    4-4-1 ult at 6-11-16 and stats until you cant get no more then finish E.