General Discussion

General DiscussionHow do you guys feel about jungle doto?

How do you guys feel about jungle doto? in General Discussion
Bad Intentions

    Thoughts? Love it? Hate it? Does it weaken the lane? Does it make good dual offlaners linup?


      Are you limiting the scope of the question to a hero who goes into the jungle for a couple levels and then comes out for fights...... A CM for instance

      Or to people/heroes who stay in the jungle forever?

      Or simply asking in general?

      Bad Intentions

        Generally speaking


            The thing is, most common "jungle" picks are actually very strong laners, but too many players seem to be little kiddies with social issues who can't stand sharing a lane and go jungle because of it.

            Nothing wrong with a hero rocking the jungle after the laning stage, as long as they know what they are doing and don't spend the whole time there.


              When the jungle is utilized correctly it's a powerful tool. The vast majority of people don't.


                If you look at the lanes tab in dotabuff you can see the common junglers have a significantly worse win rate when they are in the jungle vs elsewhere.

                basically what dipshit said - most people don't play the jungle role well.


                  Its little bit boring to play junglers for me.
                  Also, I dont like them much in current meta due to the high level of early activity on lanes, in which a jungler is often unable to participate.


                    One word... Boooring


                      Jungling always makes the lanes weak. If you are going to jungle, you must pay attention to the lanes and see if they can handle it, and plan to gank a lane early and often. Many games are lost by afk jungling on heroes that cannot level and farm as quickly as they would in the lane... meanwhile the lanes are lost also so everyone is behind. General rule, if you cannot clear 2 camps per minute, you will get gold and xp faster in the lane.

                      Totentanz to The King: M ...

                        People should understand that you don't have to go jungle just because you can. Look at the junglers. Even Enigma can lane and is actually a pretty good laner.


                          I play on normal skill so everything I say applies to noob skill level:

                          But okay my first 6 games with life stealer I won, and not because I played well, but because I jungled and the rest of the team built exp faster as well. So I've noticed that basically if you have a jungler, then your team is going to have an experience and probably gold advantage mid game, as long as your team doesn't feed in lane. This was 6.83 normal skill though :/

                          Personally I find jungling super boring, and can be a bit hard if enemy team decides to harrass you the whole time and you have a non support


                            Not all of the games below are jungle but it gives you an idea.... Winrate isnt great this month but i am closing in on 5K so i dont expect 70-80% winrates anymore.


                            More exp and gold for your team if done right
                            The ability to have another core for the late game
                            Some jungle heroes can take rosh early which is also great for team net worth.


                            Removes the ability for another hero to go farm jungle if their lanes gone to shit
                            Lanes can be weakened
                            Solo support tends to be poor as shit and starts raging how he doesnt have boots at 10 minutes KEK.
                            Support has noone to smoke gank lanes with, killing the mid etc.

                            How I jungle? (mainly applies to BS)

                            Pool one ward at the start of the game, inform my support once I have boots etc i will start buying wards, dust etc. (its nice if we're ahead they tend to buy everything)

                            Send my boots on the courier with a TP incase any of my lanes gets ganked or they dive a tower.

                            I want to be out of the jungle getting kills by the 6 minute mark with rupture.

                            Generally i play in a style where il buy all the support shit if needed, My main goal is to set back the enemy cores to the point that they want to ragequit... thus my carry and mid hopefully end up being stronger come mid/late.

