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General DiscussionSay something insightful about the previous comment's owner's perform...

Say something insightful about the previous comment's owner's performance in the last match. in General Discussion
casual gamer

    rekt by TA with a side order of aquila dagon lion and glimmer sniper (kreygasm)

    ur 2 sanges prob gave u less ehp vs her than a 1400 gold platemail btw


      MORE BOX


        @ dispassionate: You should not leave your ult at level 1 only. That extra 10% damage amplification per level is a lot.

        Crimson guard is a great counter to manta split shot. But it is still a solid choice versus all those disable.

        You may want to consider selling off MKB for 1 more butterfly or divine or Mjollnir since they have no evasion. An additional butterfly will up your EHP by alot versus non MKB (in particular against the pet bear). It will also force them to buy mkb which is sub-optimal in late game damage output. I am lazy to do the maths but I believe a butterfly will also provide more damage versus MKB.

        黑鬼 [我不好]

          Wow, your team snowballed unbelievably hard. Good job ending with a 12.0 KDA ratio. :P


            u shoulda won that game? ur team didn't push?

            u did gr8 but everyone can lose a game playing good

            黑鬼 [我不好]

              nope. i was the only person pushing all three lanes. they'd just run into the enemies one by one.

              next person to rate is efextoide

              Bad Intentions

                Mann u did what u had to do in that game, its just that slark isnt the best end game vs other hard carries, still good job tho.


                  @efextoide interesting build to be honest, i wonder how it works in game. (lothar's, dezo on tinker). I guess you picked up manta to dispell silence. Expensive investment if you got that early. Your opponents seem to snowball well. Your team is too fragile against the other 5.

                  I'm guessing they deathballed with serious consequences for your team. I'ill definetely try your build tho.


                    Its seems like you guys doing well in the early game and you guys start losing fights during the 30min mark and you guys recover fast enough with the +track gold then own to the end


                        i hate this game

                        黑鬼 [我不好]

                          literally everyone on your team had down syndrome. thanks for playing. lol


                            aghs undying and still won whatever

                            Bad Intentions

                              Standard Naga build. Good Rad n Octarine combo. A little low game impact for what items u have but its still a positive.


                                  Not much to say.

                                  Seems you and spirit breaker did a great job at making space by looking at your last hits. Pretty much a stomp.


                                    SPHERE AND BOX


                                      good techies play. Typical lineup, covering whole map with mines so carry can farm, overall good play.


                                          you did very well supporting your team as disruptor, i especially like the item choices you made


                                            Nice Disruptor. Nice assists.

                                              OpenAI (Human)

                                                good choice though maybe a bit of mobility before glimmer cape because dust and easy kill. I'd go for force staff

                                                casual gamer

                                                  you really put them in the trashcan rofl


                                                    They should have picked AM.

                                                    OpenAI (Human)

                                                      no bkbs? what mmr is this



                                                        Seems like you have 3 liability on your team.


                                                          Probably created a lot of space for your team + really tanky


                                                            Nice invoker. Did you went mid? Good thinking going emp route to burn SS mana, rather than exort route.

                                                            You can play invoker and have nice win rate on all your major heroes. Why are you still on normal skills? This seems to be the profile of a very high skill player, i.e. at least 3.8k mmr.


                                                              I calibrated my mmr when I reached level 13 like a year ago and got like 700 mmr. I didn't play that much ranked until about 4 months ago and I'm a lot better than I used to be. Currently 1.5k mmr playing a few games a week just trying to get up xD

                                                              And yes I did go mid



                                                                another game of Spirit Breaker on your smurf. Pretty easy to tell by your hero damage and assists that you were the key to winning that early game. ES also did a lot of work with his fissure. Looks like Riki or Necro might've had a good start but your team stuck together and you got dust to kill him. Once you shut them down you finished fast.

                                                                OpenAI (Human)

                                                                  They didn't have that much aoe to shut down a pl in late game as a lot right clicker and hero specific damage heroes were on their team.
                                                                  Except something like WW's ult but in late it didn't do much to you

                                                                  黑鬼 [我不好]

                                                                    Disruptor and Enigma gave you all a free win, but you were the only person doing any tower damage.


                                                                      Huskar + undying in 1 game at it finest


                                                                        ^ played nice , outfarmed the opposition and build items that help the whole team in terms of aura or pushing capabilities +1

                                                                        Hibiki Yamada

                                                                          **** Techies. Looked like a hard game, totally deserved that win.

                                                                          casual gamer

                                                                            complete stomp on slardurr

                                                                            i like your item choice, but if you went satanic first i would go skadi instead of heart after. satanic provides ample regen with the low cd active and skadi makes it even easier to manfight and chase people

                                                                            @ person below

                                                                            if you dont want to try to say something insightful about my last game (it was kinda a clown fest) the medusa game was much more even


                                                                              ^ 43/2/6 Storm Spirit with 2 Daedalus-AssaultCuirass-Travel-Bloodstone-Power Threads. 1k XPM-999GPM

                                                                              i don't know what to comment about. even s4 can't do that.

                                                                              Hibiki Yamada

                                                                                @dispassionate Appreciate the comment, after that game I realized I should've gone for satanic, bkb, and then something else instead of what I went with. I never thought about Skadi though, I'll keep that in mind.

                                                                                Bad Intentions

                                                                                  Good orchid and mek pick up, standard with good firepower on silencer and certainly helped that clinx get them kills.


                                                                                    good pipe build, but double assault cuirass in the team


                                                                                      not a big s&y fan, especially with all the lockdown on your team. You also almost got out lasthit by a sandking...

                                                                                      good hero dmg tho.

                                                                                      KGBlue Lives Matter

                                                                                        Looks like you just roamed and stomped their greedy carry team. Feel bad for you about dat abandon though :(

                                                                                        Riguma Borusu

                                                                                          Really can't say much about that match, that's just a stomp. Like, you're the titan that creates universes and they are microbic ants. Also don't really get how BS managed to die 12 times. Also Lone Druid wraith band stacking??? And Timber support. Good grief. They deserved to lose that one. They had zero supports, you had one.


                                                                                            You rage quit after feeding, not much more to say.

                                                                                            Riguma Borusu

                                                                                              We dominated the top lane, I died two times while my PL got 5 lane kills and 3 assists to go with it. All was going well there. However, our ursa was first time ursa, that PA ASKED FOR solo safelane and could not do shit against their dual offlane, mid didn't do anything useful, I was the freakin' solo support and after our early advantage at top the game was completely wrecked when they entered our base 20 minutes in. What I did was pretty much just throwing myself at them to finish faster, and when they started attacking the ancient, I abandoned. Because fuck all of this shit, I want 5 games of LPQ like a man, then I reported the retard who wants to go solo safelane he can't survive (he also instapicked PA to begin with) and deleted dota. Good times.

                                                                                              Your match - you stomped.


                                                                                                ^ Still Noobish and rage quit from your side.


                                                                                                  ^Wow that item build on Legion
                                                                                                  Owned the match with Lina
                                                                                                  THAT COMBO IS PRETTY SWEET


                                                                                                    You faced a good pudge player, but he was playing 1v9 (his teammates are useless) while you played with your team. Eventually, ursa managed to overtake pudge.


                                                                                                      Good KDA an hero damage on the zeus, I personally dislike aga/refresher but it was an 1hour 15min game, so understandable, you could have had a bit better farm, that AM build with cries is just awful