General Discussion

General DiscussionSay something insightful about the previous comment's owner's perform...

Say something insightful about the previous comment's owner's performance in the last match. in General Discussion

    Normal and unknown skill player, work on your skill 1st before trashtalking others.

    US invoker lord wp m8!

    stupid fuck 2000

      You did good, your alchemist was pretty shit tho. How do you get sub 1k gpm with a magnus on your team as a farming alchemist?


        Gj, well farmed and nice gpm. You and pa carried your team nicely!


          @dat boi
          which game do you mean? i got only 3 games with alchemist with no magnus on it.

          skip me.

          stupid fuck 2000

            I was talking about the alchemist in your team, not you man. :D


              @91.Spader One of their supports has more gold than your hard carry, pretty much says it all.


                You lost a teamfight right at the end and got pushed through to lose the game.


                  A lost game from the start
                  with almost 12k Hero damage thats one hell of a fighter
                  has the most gold- so it mean u snowballed during early game but fell off during late game
                  thats damn sad bra


                    Did pretty well with 18 kills, but only 97 lh and no aether lens...


                      @Hellsender A crap ton of Hero Damage and kills but you lost. As Zeus you expect alot of hero damage. Your team had almost no tower damage at all. Wonder if you should have built a Nec instead of going for the E-Blade + Dagon build.

                      @САНЯ КУПОРОС, 27 assists with tide, and only 1 death. Pretty nice. Sad that they let you farm up a refresher and gg boots in 30 some minutes. But you WERE playing against 4 carries. No surprise you won quickly and efficiently, especially with the early game and snowball potential of your team's picks.


                        Timber feels invincible ATM. I respect players who can operate this "whirling death" well.

                        Bad Intentions

                          Interesting sniper build. Great team impact. Low deaths. Your team definitely wudve lost without your prowess, good job overall in being effective.

                          L Lawliet

                            ... The 'Toxicity' is strong in this one.. Orchid on veno SeemsGood though. hate it when its on the other side. forces me to bkb/manta or both on waterman.


                              lol, very stomping the game with morphling


                                Great KDA for a support oracle


                                  that's a really high xpm and gpm, probably solo carried the team to victory by snowballing.

                                  On a side note, what in the world was the void doing with a hurricane pike?

                                  Swap Commends

                                    Obviously u don't play support much.I can tell that from that drum build :d Don't do it,its a nerfed item.


                                      ahaha, drums. i kinda built it because i was looking for a cheap stat item, and my team was pushing anyways. might as well get one. i got early bracer and casual wind lace, so it was pretty on the way for me.

                                      >skip me, i'm explaining.


                                        Dire team has AM picker which is im gonna pick, then i BS hoping to fck his play and i succeed with the help of decent players on my team.


                                          @10101 for BS, u have shitty hero damage on previous match. Cz u takes time too long in jungle and buy midas. Better straight shadowblade/sangeyasha and blademail. U will be more useful.


                                            nice winrate on VHS game, smurfing on ur way to 6k man? :D
                                            nice balance on gpm, hd and td on ur last game as mirana, good items choice as well wp.


                                              Nice invoker game i bet u are good with that hero even if got countered bcause of your experience using him.


                                                Lost a sad game with Omni... prolly not his fault, seems his mid was bad, and Naix on the other team got a lot of levels
                                                PS: Mirana roam on the other team won the game it seems


                                                  Yeah sad game i dont know how to supp but i try my best to buy ward. Yet the OD 5.7k solo reported and muted me. Im as omni has high hero damage than AM.

                                                  ^won a stomp as weaver with 29k HD, high kda ratio n high gpm and xpm.


                                                    since your omni match is already commented on im commenting on your sven.

                                                    Looks like you spent a lot of time farming but you still had the most kills on your team. Your hero damage is quite low but it looks like that was because you spent a lot of time hitting buildings. Good solid win.


                                                      Looks like you had good farm but as a team you were not able to finish the game when you were ahead at around 20-35 minutes.

                                                      The enemy team seems to have been weak early game but due to having 5 heroes that scale well into the late game it was a tough match.


                                                        Gj on rubik. It was a stomp. Your team must have outplayed your opponent.

                                                        Fee Too Pee

                                                          NICE FUCKING COMEBACK
                                                          probably ur team have too many fucking carries and lost early game

                                                          good job not feeding too much and hold on for ur stupid terrorblade actually farmed a fucking manta + sang yas wtf

                                                          I am lagging

                                                            Ez win for you.

                                                            Nice kda and over 10k towerdmg as Anti-mage. Seems like you carried the team.

                                                            Dat Sf....


                                                              Nice KDA ratio. Easy stomp with the gold hunter ;) Wp!

                                                              Massive Dynamic

                                                                Unfortunately, you had an abandon and supports that fed quite a lot.

                                                                It seems that on your part you either got ganked a lot, or need to practice last hitting to increase your farm speed. Either way, one thing that may help is leveling stats and spell shield instead of mana break. You are the team's carry, and don't need the mana break to harass or last hit really. Mana break makes a difference when killing heroes, but only after you get your farm. Obviously getting levels in blink is good, as it decreases the cooldown which helps with escapes and farming. When you level stats and spell shield after prioritizing blink instead of mana break, it allows for easier last hitting and more survivability against ganks.


                                                                  Something big happened around 25min, from that point on you guys went nutz, decent kda good itembuild overall seems solid ET perfomance even though 11k hero dmg feels kinda low for an ET, still HS game keep it up!


                                                                    ur slark totally insane, with tinker u both being dynamic duo that carried whole team. overall it was great start, and ur team controlled the game very well until ends. i wonder why ur bracket skill is mixed. Normal/High/VHS but mostly are VHS. nicely done, keep it up bro!


                                                                      No death enigma. good stats across the board and more farm than the pa, who is going butterfly even though the sven already has mkb. You did your job and did it well.


                                                                        seems like slark did most of the work tho


                                                                          ok we got SEA badman here, u should be at VHS range by now with those impressive winrates and kda with spectre and come you're still in hs?


                                                                            i suck

                                                                            Swap Commends

                                                                              One sided game still u own after ~40 mins.The enemy noob sniper picker rofl.wp anyway.


                                                                                Haha double rupture seemsgood
                                                                                Did u rupture axe?u will die lol if he activates bm and walk away

                                                                                doc joferlyn simp

                                                                                  Haven't seen HotD in a void inventory for a long time. I don't fully understand why you made that instead of Vlads, but I'm just going to assume that you and your team were going to drag it to late-game so you made late-game items. Well played on countering that near-comeback btw, good thing they ran support Riki (or did they?).


                                                                                    Another 30k hero damage performance by Zeus. Sorry about that PA tho. Always hate it when someone picks PA then proceeds to do nothing. Like, really? 140 last hits in a 50 minute game? 4.7k hero damage?
                                                                                    Bet there was alot of hate that game.


                                                                                      You shut down the enemy alot quite well, but you should be more careful about not getting caught out if the enemy is buying dust/wards.

                                                                                      However your hero damage was really good considering the PL on your team was farming the whole game.


                                                                                        Lost with tuskar game, what the fuck is tht shadow demon doing. 33 death plus the kunka abandon the game. I cant see the light for victory.



                                                                                          What a stomp. Desolator Skywrath, lol. Also, more HD than Spectre, report plz.



                                                                                            Carried well on slark. Managed to outcarry the sven to win the game.

                                                                                            Decent hero damage and good overall farm.


                                                                                              Looks like a Support Silencer even though you have 2nd highest Hero Damage which is pretty amazing, despite that PL carried pretty well while DP was feeding and probably taking stupid fights! Keep it up bro.


                                                                                                You and your team completely stomped your opponents

                                                                                                plin plin plon

                                                                                                  Nc ur SK dont go jungle


                                                                                                    not a bad stomp