General Discussion

General DiscussionWhy is their a 5.7k storm in my game???

Why is their a 5.7k storm in my game??? in General Discussion

    Please if you are 5.7 dont go mid you are ruining fucking games for other people ty


      if you are below 8k you should uninstall

      Mortimer Smith

        u need a good pic and u will became fyyq


          The real question is why the 7k picked Bane ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

          Pom Pom 🍕



              did u remove the names and id so we cant check ur db so we cant find out u bought acc ? cuz i really dont see another reason to do that.

              also the way u talk prooves ur garbage. " oh look im gonna shhow everyone im 6k+ and say 5.7 are shit so they think im that pro "
              srsly, like only ppl who bought acc do that )

              anyway idk who you are but shut the fuck up.


                Yeah i bought my account so I don't want u guys to flame me and know im really bad. Also the reason i posted this is not because i'm mad that a 5.7k (knowing he is well below the average) took mid from me, flamed me, flamed the team for not ganking his lane and then proceeds to farm lane and die when he has level 6 making us lose the game at 21 mins but because I wanted to showcase my 1-6 383 GPM slark to a bunch of random strangers from an anonymous account.

                Midas is a strong item on storm it really helps you farm since he has no flash farming skills you really benefit from the ATK SP + OVERCHARGE and you can really use the levels since you need a fast 6 allowing you to snowball in the mid game.


                      ^are u like the retardest mongol on earth ?
                      ever heard about fuckin sarcasm?

                      or mb u'r just pretending, in that case u'r still retarded.

                      ✔️ DemKy Nigerian Prince

                        why do you hide name ? you deserve that defeat.

                        How can we know if you played in that game ? I call bullshit.



                          5k, 6k are SUBHUMAN

                            HAHAH kitrak rekt

                                bum farto

                                  Did that game have Brax in it?


                                    That Mirana build is to op

                                    THICC BABY SHUM

                                      well, he hides names cuz he want u to think he is 6.8 aka strategy called blunt.



                                        5k, 6k are SUBHUMAN

                                          kitrak mmr grinding = loss streaks lmao

                                          5k, 6k are SUBHUMAN

                                            yell at your team to stop picking 2 cores that all need 10 cs/minute to function

                                              5k, 6k are SUBHUMAN

                                                the worst type of people (who don't deserve to breathe oxygen) is those who don't buy a magic stick/wand against undying and then whine about losing the lane badly

                                                i also hesitate to pick undying cuz for some reason my cores never get any farm

                                                Look at me, Hector.

                                                  did you hide match id so we cant see you play utterly shit

                                                  who the fuck are you even, i think ur blunt

                                                  Giff me Wingman

                                                    You actually waited 2 months to post that screenshot W.T.F


                                                      are u retarded?


                                                        >no flashfarm skills

                                                        Look at me, Hector.

                                                 4000-4200 solo MMR

                                                          fairly confident OP is blunt as well, is bipolar disorder so common here nowadays?

                                                          Giff me Wingman

                                                            I'm everywhere!

                                                            Also, did you really not know just until a couple of minutes ago that this is a account belongs to me?

                                                            Holy shit you're slow.


                                                              Giff me Wingman

                                                                I like dat. Post moar of those.

                                                                Look at me, Hector.

                                                                  ah yes the damage control, a bit of googling will lead to your posts claiming none of these accounts belong to you

                                                                  maybe you should've killed yourself when you had your mental breakdown a couple of weeks ago.


                                                                    IDK why people are flaming each other but lets discuss why MIDAS is such a good item on storm as you can see this 5.7k player is obviously really good.

                                                                    1. Storm really need levels (level 6 specifically) so this midas really helps since it allows you to get to LEVEL 6 really fast
                                                                    2. Storm has problems farming since he has no flash farming skills so midas really helps
                                                                    3. Midas allows you to team fight really early and creates pressure so you can lose the game at 21 mins
                                                                    4. The ATK SP is really helpful cause more attack speed means more overload uknowwatimsaying
                                                                    5. Storm really need stats and with midas more levels = more stats
                                                                    6. Since you know you are going to be diving and getting killed by a +1 midas gives reliable gold meaning you lose nothing

                                                                    General tips

                                                                    1. If you are the lowest mmr player on your team flame your team for mid because you know you are better than them
                                                                    2. Flame your team for dying solo
                                                                    3. Flame your team as much as possible
                                                                    4. Once you get to level 6 DO NOT GANK at this time you are the weakest hero in the game so you need more farm (as storm) in this case you should keep farming your lane and feeding

                                                                    Giff me Wingman

                                                                      Why did you pull out a 2months old match?

                                                                      Seems like i hit a spot there
