General Discussion

General DiscussionCan someone explain why weaver is so unpopular?

Can someone explain why weaver is so unpopular? in General Discussion

    I've always wondered why weaver is unpopular, I'd expect him to be fairly regularly used in sub 3k pubs like my level of games.

    He has a good damage boost with double attack, good spammy escape, can live 2 times if timed well, armor reduction.

    Also, how is linkens still so popular , i've recently heard of people mainly going stuff like maelstrom crystalys etc?


      cuz people automatically think that what is trending is the best and fail to consider anything else or mistakenly believe that everything else is sub par


        she's currently a trash hero. I like her but you're fucked in solo queue with such a weak hero, you just can't tank shit for your noob teammates for this hero! Only way to win is splitpush and well... they are picking a lot of cyka and cow as well as early lane lineups so shes bad!

        Totentanz to The King: M ...

          Weaver is a male I think. Also his teamfight is bad and he dies too fast.

          L > BLACK MAGE PARTY

            He's not really a teamfight champion, seems clear he should just be shukuching around being a nuisance and with geminate, as he gets farmed his poke will actually hurt. it's fun watching enemy teams chase me around while my team is getting objectives.


              always thought she was a female...




                  Weaver is unpopular because he requires two items to "come online" in most games and for most players. He is versatile, but other heroes fill his role better.

                  Slasher had a 1/4/1 + stats build for weaver that I thought was kinda nice for offlane, but there are better offlaners.


                    i still think it is a she


                      he slowly becomes more popular in the pro scene, this meta is rather gud for weaver

                      Dire Wolf

                        Probably cus people rush linkens on him and he does shit dmg when rushing linkens. But I don't ever play him either so can't really say. Also maybe cus he's always forced to fucking offlane. A safe lane weaver would actually be quite fun I think.


                          idk about weaver but clinckz is fun to play


                            Hard to play good...


                              One stun/silence and hes done.

                              i love u butt

                                he is the weaker version of clinkz tbh


                                  cause people don't know how to snipe main core heroes like WD or Disruptor before the actual fight starts. That way, his team can get the advantage in the fight and clean up. You get in trouble, you ult out. Simple as that.


                                      Who cares if he's bad or not? :D

                                      Just play him, it's fun as hell as long as you don't die/tryhard opponents set a trilane for you :P


                                        bad hero

                                        Goldman Sachs Banker

                                          Squishy hero, one lina or lion ult in a teamfight and he's screwed until late game where he needs good farm

                                          copiumtrader.eth #WAGMI #...

                                            TBH I think he is not a late game hero. I think he is supposed to be played as an early game mid game nuisance who can snowball. Definately not a good 1 position hero. He doesnt farm very fast but he has good escape and damage.

                                            People who build him for late game leave him vulnerable early and mid game. You need fighting items.

                                            I like doing 1 swarm 1 geminate max shukuchi, rest into stats and ult.

                                            Get an early urn of shadows, magic wand, power treads, aquila and start fighting.

                                            You will have around 1400 hp at level 10-11 on str treads with urn magic wand pt and aquila + stats build. I usually go bkb next item since he is vulnerable to silences and stuns. Urn is really good on him, gives him str and healing from kills, can escape from a fight and urn defensively or offensively. Magic wand I feel is core on him since he needs to be fighting early, and you will always be in and around the fight gaining charges which helps alot for his shukuchi spam and relatively low str gain.


                                              ^ weaver is a snowballing hero, not a true late game carry, agreed. He can only manfight early, and not late. I would consider deso among the mid game items too, with its reduced cost.


                                                Just so @Benao.Lifedancer knows, Weaver is male in Dota 2, but the character who is his inspiration (the Weaver from Perdido Street Station) is implied to be female.

                                                  Pom Pom 🍕

                                                    With BKB or linken he's one of the hardest heroes to kill in the game, but going a defensive item first makes him do way too little damage so people just ignore him and push the tower. On the other side if you rush desolator it's too easy to kill him during a stun before he can time lapse, since he has very low hp even for an agility hero (only behind tb by 0.1 strength gain), and only 1 starting armour.

                                                    You could probably play him as a rat or something, but needs a lot of farm to carry unless you snowball early.


                                                      Watch aghs rush on him become a thing now with that 20 cd at all levels. And can cast on allies.

                                                      Livin' Real Good

                                                        To me weaver seems eh, Weaver can be really good mid game if he has a good early game, keyword EARLY GAME. Weaver's one of those heroes that , if he has a bad early game, he probably isn't gonna have a good late game, too hit or miss in my opinion. But if he does have a good early game, than a good Weaver player will be VERY annoying to deal with, cause by mid game, he can have a good impact, their late game heroes won't be online, and their supports will be easy food, and maybe you can get lucky and get some carry pick offs, but yeah, too hit or miss.

                                                        Dire Wolf

                                                          Weaver is awesome late game, what are smoking? Bkb + linken's and he's impossible to bring down, and then his germinate gives him huge dmg output with just a couple items compared to other carries. Just deso + daedulus and he is 2-3 shotting bitches and does great tower dmg.

                                                          I'm telling you reason he is unpopular is cus he's squishy as a liquid shit early on where detection plus one stun can kill him and people are dumb and rush linkens which destroys their farm. If you go a dmg item then bkb you will do much better.


                                                            because so slow farm


                                                              He is easy to farm with. How is he easy to kill I only manage 4 deaths a game, good weaver players can know how to avoid a lot of things, I only find gem a true counter, he can sprint out of sentrys fast and can remove dust

                                                              D the Superior

                                                                  Rest in peace


                                                                    i believe carry weaver is no go. aghanims weaver is a sure go. imagine who can you glimps back in time.

                                                                    muted all, it's just a ga...

                                                                      You all forgot phantom riki's style, get shadow blade :DDD

                                                                      Pale Mannie

                                                                        I see weaver everywhere but i dont care

                                                                        Story Time

                                                                          LoL, people still do not know how ot play him -_- even in vhs games they buy stupid PT and not Phase boots, and have no idea about his Aghanims ability. I do not play weaver myself, but it is sad that it is not a fault of the Hero that he is ignored but the fault of the average dota player.


                                                                            Answer is simple. Weaver is not unpopular.


                                                                              cuz she doesnt cool. her set isnt good and many better cool hero such void.


                                                                                cuz hes an ugly bug man

                                                                                Crimson Sky

                                                                                  Weaver is easy to feed if you don't know what you're doing. He's pretty weak in terms of armour and hp which makes him fairly situational but in my opinion the best item for weaver early game is dragon lance.

                                                                                  It gives great stats, boosting survivability that bit more. It is cost efficient and an easy build at less than 2k. Also allows you to stay futher back in fights or more safely chase down a kill. Also makes pushing towers a lot safer.

                                                                                  Linkens is popular because with the slightest bit of lockdown weaver will most likely die.


                                                                                    Can someone explain me how so many people haven't noticed this is a topic from 2015?


                                                                                      Probably because most of their complaints are still problems.


                                                                                        This topic full of necromancers.


                                                                                          Lol this topic

                                                                                          Pale Mannie

                                                                                            Why are we reviving this corpse again


                                                                                              Wow such longevity in this thread op must be proud .



                                                                                                  why not to keep up thread? the trend is still here

                                                                                                  i don't understand where you put weaver

                                                                                                  carry is quite suboptimal, mid isn't really great either since he has garbage attack animation and cant do much about opponent since it's so close to tower, he gets wrecked on offlane unless there are weak supports


                                                                                                    Honestly, what bothers me the most about Weaver is his ulti and seeing Void having a regular skill which works similarly but with a much lower cooldown and far easier way to decide where you want to move with it.

                                                                                                    I still prefer playing Weaver though.

                                                                                                    Keep thread alive.