General Discussion

General DiscussionIs there anyone who climbed mmr by spamming Antimage?

Is there anyone who climbed mmr by spamming Antimage? in General Discussion

    I never heard anyone doing this. But I love the hero and I want to play him more often, so how to survive solo queue as Antimage in this patch?


      I saw people spamming antimage in previous patches, RTZ for example.


        Skill only w and Attributes untill vlads and get morbid mask + Stout shield and quelling blade and go Jungle so u will always have 7or 8 lh per min even without any Support i usually have my vlads + battlefury at 15 min Mark with that on 3k mmr


          ^most good ams have 1-1-1 (or sometimes 1-1-0) build, not 0-1-0


            The Problem is If u Skill your q the lifesteal dont work b4 u get vlads, so u cant Jungle early with q


              didnt think about that. the builds i saw mostly supposed bf, not vlads. i think the only case you might go vlads is when you cant farm your lane at all and suffer a lot tho.


                not leveling mana break is bad, you need it
                you can farm jungle with stats + ring of health + treads before BF
                and your job however is to push lanes not afk farm jungle with no BF


                  ^what you'vs said is at least questionable, not to say just wrong


                    why? i opened the thread for this reason, to know more


                      1) you cant stay jungle on low levels with just ring of health plus pt, you will be forces to use salves/tangos or go to base sometimes
                      2) you dont have to push early. its kinda usual when AM afks jungle untill ~min 25. why would you need your squishy superlate maincarry to push lanes early?


                        Well I Do this Mainly If i get no serious Supports and you can Level the mana break when you got vlads and thats usually at lvl7 sometimes even on 5.also with some stats + vlads your pretty able to help your Team in early fights

                        Pom Pom 🍕

                          He was pretty strong last patch with how you could much easily get time to farm a lot (and a blink that can't be cancelled made him good at manfighting sniper too). But this patch it's much easier to push and end faster, which makes it hard to make use of his flashfarm advantage.

                          Surprisingly not any diamond 10 with 1K+ games on him in the player rankings. He's a fun hero if you like farming though.
                          ^this guy spams him a lot.


                            not lvling break early is really legit in some situations ive had like antimage vs undying lich lanes or whatever where you wont even get to touch the enemy.


                              @TripleSteal- I know, but
                              1) I didn't mean full jungle, with PT + RoH you can clear a couple of camps while you can't go in lane to farm your last gold until BF without going too low hp and
                              2) If enemies have no strong lockdowns and they are constantly 5 manning why not? I f you split push you force them to back and however you will get more gold with lane creeps
                              @Pomi I know, but last meta was about physical damage. 6.84 is full of int heroes pickers (Lesh, Lina, QoP, Invoker) all heroes which AM is strong against. And AM has good survivability and he can recover if he is behind

                              Miku Plays

                                or get dominator and stack your own :D

                                i love u butt

                                  reason you dont hear it, is because am depends on heavily on teammates

                                  the east wind

                                    if you are consistent enough you can climb mmr with any hero


                                      I think you don't need hundreds of games to be good on AM, he isn't a complex hero, you just need to have good game sense and decision making


                                        Dominator doesnt work With mana break


                                          Ofcourse its going to be hard in solo que as AM when nobody picks support because you need the farm on the hero alot, he does nothing without it, maybe do the jungling tactic as stated before then once you have your manta go round solo killing and split push towers and snowball till you win.

                                          plz do

                                            am is kinda this 4 protect 1 scenario, which many do not want to play in solo q. so kinda hard to "grind" mmr with him. also, i agree w triple. ur first objective is to farm core items, whatever it takes.


                                              In my opinion you can not climb MMR using Anti Mage. I think this is the answer to your question. Anti Mage is a situational carry which deservers a lot of protection from the team, and teammates who can keep the game alive for 20-25 minutes.
                                              So no, don't pick MMR if you wanna raise your MMR, you need heroes with impact in game heroes you need to rely as few as possible on teammates, AM is exactly the opposite to this ...

                                              wasted penguinz

                                                was possible last patch maybe, but not in this meta i guess

                                                plz do

                                                  ^last patch he got raped by the big three.

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