General Discussion

General DiscussionI have a bad problem.

I have a bad problem. in General Discussion
Bread Winners Association

    Guys, I'm literally seeking for help. I don't know what happened but lately I keep losing nearly every single match. No matter how good I do. I have taken a small break, I've tried partying up with people, I've tried to adapt different roles and basically do everything my carry gets farm etc. but this shit don't seem to work. I'm lost. I don't know how victory tastes. I start to feel depressed every time I look at Dota 2 on steam since I know, I will start playing and I will lose. You can see my past games, some are of course pretty ''feed'' like and I admit, I did make simple mistakes, and some of those was just messing around in a 5 man. But anyhow, solo or not, I will lose. I need help. I'm close to uninstalling this game for a few weeks, but I know I won't last that long. PLEASE HELP. GIVE ME TIPS. (To those who maybe start saying ''Normal skill scrub etc'', majority of the friends I play with aren't really in the best section of mmr. Me, 3.6k but I'm scared to go ranked since I know I will lose'' HELP ME


      i dont see you doing good at all

      Bread Winners Association

        I really don't know how to answer that or what context you mean that in but: if you mean it by just looking at the score then that's pretty blunt. Just saying. I just need help.


          Keep playing man u will win soon trust me

          Totentanz to The King: M ...

            Try to pick some FotM heroes.

            Pom Pom 🍕

              You seem to play a lot of mid, why not try some leshrekt if you're desperate to win?

              Bread Winners Association

                I guess that's good advice. Should probably try that but I have never been a fan of leshrac even though I know he's pretty cyka this patch. But aye, worth a try. Nothing lost I guess lmfao


                  I don't have time to analyze ur games, nor I want to, but I can say u that recently I got 12 loss streak (never had such a huge loss streak, before my "record" was 8). When I started the game I was 100% sure I will lose. I just preyed that I will get lucky game, allies will carry me etc. It's fine to lose some games, but 12 was pure embarrassment for me. I even lost party games where avg mmr was 3k (& I'm 4.2k solo). I had stuff in 4k like no boots battle fury rush ember or 20 deaths clock etc. Games were horrible & my allies felt like 1k mmr instead 4-4.5k. When I lost my 9th game I started flaming super hard, screamed on mic
                  how stupid they're & wished them cancer. I was so pissed off that I can't get normal allies & Valve is manipulating my MMR (forced 50%). At one point I just won & now I'm doing again fine. My 5.5k friend told me that I should always focus on my game & try to play "my game". I think it's the right attitude if u really want to climb. I think I could have won 50% of games I lost if I didn't tilt so hard (I always constantly check enemies, allies items etc. & when I see strange stuff I go full tilt mode & lose focus on my game). I try to improve at this aspect (to focus on my game) & u should do the same if u want to climb. Don't focus on ur mmr number/loss streaks/allies/bracket etc. You need to fully focus on ur game. Another thing is u need to ask urself why do u play this game ? To impress friends ? For fun ? Coz it's challenging ? etc. For me it's challenging, I sometimes treat it too serious coz it's more a challenge to me than fun. So basically FOCUS ON UR GAME & u will climb.


                    You aren't so bad, just keep playing!


                      @ 6 God
                      Leshrac is Not Cyka only the one and only blood Cyka can be Cyka. Get that.

                      [DFG] Whale King

                        Hey add me on steam and I'll spectate a game :)


                          how do you metaphorically seek help