General Discussion

General DiscussionI am a PC noob

I am a PC noob in General Discussion

    I'm currently using an Acer laptop from 2012 which I want to replace asap.
    I am thinking of gettting a desktop computer this time, the only problem is I am completely clueless about the whole 'build-a-pc-for-yourself' to the point that I'm not even sure what pc specs I'm looking forto run dota 2 'smoothy'

    Looking for suggestions on where to start

    EZ MID 9k mmr

      If you want to build it yourself head over here:

      If you don't mind spending extra bucks head over here:

      You can save anywhere between $200 to $500 by getting parts yourself.

      Also see this video:


        i can help you with a build, just tell me how much do you want to spend.

        for dota and many others (on full HD i assume), a 400-500$ pc will do great.


          This site helps with building a PC



            easy game easy life


              You don't need that powerful of a PC to run dota 2. You can get 100 FPS with a 500 dollar PC. The hardest part about building your own PC is knowing which parts are compatible and optimizing your build correctly. Actually physically putting the parts together isn't hard.

              All I need to know is your budget and I could give you a parts list to buy that will maximize Dota 2's performance. Then you just need to youtube guides on how to put the parts together.


                assembling is easy. the hardest part of assembling will be placing the cpu, cause it will feel weird touching that lever, as it requires a bit of force.
                dont touch any of the cpu faces, pick it up by the sides.

                also before you do anything, ground yourself. im sure you dont have a antistatic wriststrap, so touch anything grounded. some electricty sockets have some pieces of metal exposed. if thats the ground, you can touch it and you will be fine. or your house's outside ground idk.

                anyway, if you dont want to assemble by yourself, a good assembling with cable management is around 15$.

                it also depends if you might want to change any parts later. for example you can go for a intel g3220 + r9 280 and later replace the cpu with an i3/i5. or you can go for a i3 and 270x and that will be ok. you can also overclock the 280 for 8-10% more performance, dayum decisions. anyway, you will prob get the i3+ 270x

                Miku Plays

                  are there any sites i can look up for Australia?

                  Like OP i have no clue how to build a good desktop apart from expensive parts = good desktop



                    still a great site, jeezuz


                      I am thinking of getting/assembling a new computer also. Can you guys help me too ?

                      I think I will want to spend around 1000-1500€ Including 2 Monitors, 8+GB Ram, Good Processor, 32-64+GB SSD, Mouse, Keyboard
