General Discussion

General Discussionwhat's up with doom?

what's up with doom? in General Discussion
Dire Wolf

    I never see him picked any more and his win rate is dropping. Were the 6.83 nerfs that bad? With a lot of popular meta heroes he seems like he should be great. Doom's a great way to stop qop, lesh, storm, a lot of popular mids.

    bum farto

      No high tier players pick him only the lower ones, who consistently lose with him cause he's not meta.

      Dire Wolf

        Why doesn't he fit the meta though? Doom ability counters many meta popular heroes and his hellfire is good for early push/team fights which is more popular this meta.

        My guess is he is losing because people still only jungle with him and jungling is not as good in this meta.

        Totentanz to The King: M ...

          He is trash, though he is actually really good against Gyro, Lesh and QoP so maybe he could be picked but still not worth the effort I guess.

          Pom Pom 🍕

            They also changed how "Mute" and "Break" works, so if you're doomed you can only not use active items, and break only disables passive abilities. So passives from items will still work (crit, evasion, lifesteal, mkb, etc.) unlike before. It's a very unnoticed nerf since it only shows in the block about item silencing and passive disabling for the patch.

            Gyrocopter is actually stronger against doom now than before since all these items like buttefly, satanic and mkb will still work (just not the actives), and with flak cannon and bkb being 0 cast time he should be able to activate them when he sees a doom jumping on him (since doom has very high cast time on his ultimate after the nerf, so most people can react fast enough).


              imo his ult is shit now, aghs is absolutely core. Can't really go armor/hp stacking doom who mans up 1v5 or smth, aghs seriously delays everything


                Its funny how people use the term META, so basically a hero recieves a few nerfs and he's out of meta? ^^

                I thought meta was the playstyle. Like NP was out of meta because pushing was nerfed, and it was his main job...

                You could say that Doom is out of meta because jungling currently sucks.

                Btw why does jungling suck? Because of gold bounty award tweaks? Well you got a certain rune every 2 minutes if you jungle. Keep that in mind and time yourself, I think it maybe helps?
                Bounty, Double Damage and Illusions are very useful for jungling...


                  it's not just a hero being nerfed that puts him/her out the meta, but other heroes getting buffed, and if doom doesn't fit into a lineup of a hero that is commonly picked, on top of being nerfed, then there's less reason to play him.

                  Dire Wolf

                    yeah the break change hurt him but the heroes that are most affect by it (void and pa) aren't that popular right now, so what's the big deal? And his ult counters a ton of really popular heroes.

                    I think it's the jungling, because teams fight more aggressive earlier now junglers aren't as good and are more of a liability than before. Other people have posted threads bitching about jungling too.


                      His Doom is The only ability that could be useful, and the rest is just straight up useless and he doesn't contribute anything in the game without his ult.


                        I think jingling has to be big reason fuck jimglers

                          Dire Wolf

                            doom the ability is underwhelming in the first 25 mins? I don't really agree with that, if you get aghs up by like 20 mins it'll do 960 dmg at rank 2 and 1280 at rank 3 and that's if it counts down right away which it won't. That's a guaranteed kill on like any casters, most do not have that much hp around level 16. I think it's crappier later if enemies can just get doomed and run and live. It's really a mid game ability.

                              Mortimer Smith

                                the hero sucks, and i dont know how its played

                                Livin' Real Good

                                  Doom is useless the first 30 minutes of the game (besides his Doom ability which will always be relevant) It doesn't mean shit if the enemy is already fed/farmed cause of his lack of impact the first 30 minutes of the game. His abilities get outshined in usefulness by almost everyone, even supports like CM, Dazzle, Lina, Skywrath, AND MORE have amazing utility early game. In a meta where pushing early leads to victory, Doom is useless.