General Discussion

General DiscussionHow to improve?

How to improve? in General Discussion

    Hi, I started playing Dota2 before one and half year ago without any idea how to do it..
    My first account: / mmr 350/1598
    - - -
    When i found that i must focus KDA and other important things i decide to do new one.
    My main account: / mmr 200/tbd

    Actualy 1,000-1,147-28

    Can anyone help me to decide what to focus now? Which heroes to play? etc..


    Dire Wolf

      If you want to play carries the best thing you can do is learn to last hit properly and learn how to keep farming once laning phase ends. That means getting items that allow you to rotate and clear out jungle, then grab all the farm in a lane etc, as well as knowing where to go to do so. That alone should boost your mmr considerable because at 1500 no one knows how to farm. Your gpm on your carry heroes is quite low on average.

      If you want to play supports... well it's going to be a lot harder, you'll basically need to completely zone out enemy lanes and outright kill them, which won't be that hard, but you still won't always win even if you have a great game cus supports fall of late depending. Pick a support that can do work themselves like lion (can score kills without needing carry help), or witch dr (get aghs and you can win game singlehandedly).


        ok, sometimes its really hard to believe that the point is in the farm, because mostly we have a bad team work

        Bad Intentions

          Oh boy op.. Its just that your game impact is way too low man.. Your death to assist ratio is too low.. Kills to deaths ratio is too low.. Are you always getting caugh in bad positions? Maybe more map awareness and reaction time?

            Pandamonium(You Died)

              At <1500 MMR teamwork doesn't matter whatsoever. Any player of 4k (Even lower) MMR would be easily win most of games alone. I believe bots would have higher mmr lol.


                wait what, so you've played a total of 3000+ games?

                Mortimer Smith

                  K I L L Y O U R S E L F

                  Mortimer Smith

                    P r o t i p: K I L l Y o U r S l F

                    Mortimer Smith

                      m E G a P r O t I p : k Il L yO u R s E l F r I g HT No w


                        this can't be real


                          guys at 200 mmr you find bad teammates, so it's ok to have a 39% winrate Keepo


                            currently it's a 45.92%, yea it's 4000+ games now.. i think it's maybe i use WASD setting so it's harder to be fast sometimes, anyone use WASD here? What key u have for attack? I use Space, but it's not fine.


                              @mid ty thats pretty harsh when all he's doing is asking for tips


                                Alright, so I'm gonna actually try and help.
                                I've got a few irl friends who are sub 1k mmr, and the mistakes they make are painfully obvious.

                                Okay, just taking a look at your stats for a moment, and checking your games, I can see a few things

                                1) You die. a LOT.

                                My friends do this as well. One of my friends, used to just sit in one lane and autoattack creeps all game, and die repeatedly to anyone who shows up on his lane, and he'd try to solo kill anyone on his lane, and end up dying instead.
                                Or you probably just roam around and die trying to take stupid fights or ganks and dont bother farming at all.

                                2) Your skill builds are awful.

                                Read up on guides or use the ingame guides to levelup skills till you're good enough to actually know what skills to levelup based on the game you're in.

                                3) Your farm is abysmal.

                                Dont auto attack creeps. Try to actually land lasthits. And look at the minimap every few seconds to see if enemy heros are missing.
                                At the start of each game, just look at the enemy team and ask yourself which all heros can gank and kill you, and note the colour.
                                And everytime you glance at the minimap, just check if those colours are missing.
                                If they are, get back and play very carefully till they re-appear on the map.

                                Also, try to play a few heros
                                Considering you've played a shit TON of games b/w the 2 IDs, you've prolly already played all the heros out there, so now that you know all of them, try to play just a few so you can get used to them, and focus on improving on the other aspects (Such as map awareness, lasthitting, etc.) instead of trying to learn how to use the skills etc, of heros you are less used to playing.

                                Also, try watching pro players play on their player perspective or watch streams, and figure out what they're doing, and why they are doing them. And then try to replicate those into your own games.


                                  and for the love of god, don't use WASD. Get used to edgepanning and start using it.
                                  It will take a while to get used to but its just SO much better..

                                  I personally don't know a single non-trash player who uses WASD.

                                  < blank >

                                    I'm using WASD and I'm not so trash :3

                                    E: Camera on WASD^^


                                      Dire Wolf and xG.XoÐ^ thank you


                                        Aimstrong what key u have for attack?


                                          @aimstrgon still normal skill so... just change how you play or you're never gonna get good


                                            When i say trash, I mean anyone sub 4k.
                                            And I said I "Personally" dont know a single non-trash WASD user.

                                            @Mortal, No worries :)


                                              I will try default setting soon.


                                                I have no idea how your options are but put everything on standard and learn the game like that. Later on you can make small adjustments like putting items on other hotkeys, you have nothing to lose anyway.

                                                Read guides of the heroes you want to play and follow them religously. Seriously your item build are abyssmal no thought behind it, no reason, nothing. There is a reason why people buy braches, bracelets and aquilas before they go for bigger items.

                                                Play more passively, your number 1 goal should be not to die. You'll help your team more by going 0/0/0 than 0/15/4 or something similar. Just make your lasthits, go away when the enmy comes near, and maybe attack the enemy when friends are near or when he's under your tower. Judgements like that come with time and dedication, but if you don't try to seek for your mistakes you wont find them.

                                                Aimstrong is trash as crap lmao, not knowing the wonders of proper camera utilization, wasting 4 keys.

                                                bum farto

                                                  You messaged me last night and I was in a game and wasn't able to reply. You need to avoid theory crafting here and avoid the things you think it might be.

                                                  It is not...last hits, hotkeys, or any DotA related algorithms that are the reasons you're bad.

                                                  Take this is bite sized pieces...

                                                  > The heroes you pick are garbage, at least for the kind of player you are in the bracket you're in.
                                                  > You feed too much, literally just try not to feed. If you miss a kill but stay alive that's fine. Work on it.
                                                  > Play strong, aggressive offlane heroes. Spirit Breaker, Clockwerk, Undying, Centaur, Night Stalker. Have impact.
                                                  > Don't worry about farm, play for the team you'll win more.


                                                    OK OK OK OK OK OK

                                                    im gonna try to give you some tips:

                                                    First of all, I think that if you want to improve you need to find a certain hero that fits your playstyle AND that you can actually play!
                                                    Then focus on getting good with the hero you picked. Lets say you chose bloodseeker ( he's top 3 in your most played herores and the hero is beyond ridicilous in this patch), what you should do is: Just join a unranked game and get a feeling for the dmg you do. Bloodseeker does AN INSANE amount of dmg early game and i cant think of many lane opponents that u cant kill. Since the game is unranked and doesnt really matter, just run at the enemy mid at level 3 with 1 lvl in your q and 2 levels in your passive. if you put your q on yourself you will be able to kill e.g. an enemy sf in about 4 maybe 5 hits wchich shouldnt be hard cuz u move like a truck.

                                                    Also Havoc gave you a lot of good tips, also try to take the time to watch a pro (or at least good player) replay of the hero you chose, and try to replicate maybe 10% of the things that he does well. If you manage to pull this off you are on a good way. Im kind of sorry for the bad explenation i suck at giving advice.


                                                      why dont u just play what you like most and enjoy the game? improvement will come along.


                                                        this is a joke right
                                                        just last hit creeps and bam you instantly gain 2000 mmr


                                                          If you dont use legacy you will never be good. Show your faces qwer fangays


                                                            ^Im using qwer since I first switched to dota2, and its not that hard.




                                                                legacy fangays losing doto since 2007



                                                                    legacy fangay playing doto as if they're texting bae

                                                                    do it the german way, the qwerman, the efficent way


                                                                      .Kittyminati , Havoc Badger and JUST DO IT thank you for all suggestions.


                                                                        and one general tip regarding your farm.

                                                                        If nobody can play the winner is the one with more farm, because more farm means more damage and more effective hp. Which results into easier teamfights. Communication is nonexistent in pubs, nomatter what skill level. You just follow this guy and jump in aswell, and if you have more farm you'll come out as the winner.

                                                                        Dire Wolf

                                                                          "ok, sometimes its really hard to believe that the point is in the farm, because mostly we have a bad team work"

                                                                          Well farming is a very easy aspect of the game to focus on improve. Just try not to die and get a reasonable amount of cs/min on a carry and you will start winning.


                                                                            Kitty: "Communication is nonexistent in pubs, nomatter what skill level."

                                                                            There is a lot of communication in my games., so idk what you're talking about.
                                                                            It probably doesn't exist in lower skilled games, but people in higher skilled games do communicate using either mic, or typing, atleast they do for me.
                                                                            They also flame, but there is a mute button for a reason.