General Discussion

General DiscussionAxe

Axe in General Discussion

    So recently I have started playing Axe but he seems so terrible in this patch. The main problem I am having with him is that I die too much, and aparently that is not just me since axe is the third hero with most deaths: He seems so weak and everytime I iniciate in someone I die.

    What do you think about this?

    Night 夜

      Well AXE jumps in, calls people, tanks as much damage as he can while dealing damage simultaneously so his teammates can finish them off when he dies. That's pretty much his job as an initiator.

      He's not like most other initiators who jump in, use their ability and get out. He usually wants to be right in the middle of the action.
      Which is probably why he has so many deaths to his name.
      He's probably the guy techies imagines himself to be everytime they shout ALLAHU AKBAHR and suicides into some guys.

      plz do

        finally its ok to pick dazzle again and not being outpicked by axe every fucking time.
        asb axe is shit dis patch. esp vs ursa :D


          That's because most Axe's go ham late game.

          Like the typical Pudge on a losing team hooking someone that ends up wiping them. And if you're taking damage so rapidly, then get Blademail? Even if you ultimately end up dying, you absorbed all their spells, dealt considerable damage and disabled them for a good amount of time.


            he is weak.. and got nerfed this patch... late game hes extremely useless

            bum farto

              You can't be as ballsy with him anymore but that doesn't mean he's entirely useless...

              I used to carry 80% of my games as Axe with always a lot more kills than anyone else even in 5.5k Axe was a beast. Now you have pick your way along more carefully and calculated your engagements as Axe can be brought down a lot quicker than before.

              Build something like add a force or euls or something, play him more as utility, don't build durable. No amount of HP/Armor items will save you into late game so build items that allow you to disable, escape, initiate, and kill.

              Think of him almost of a cent equivalent, you're not indestructible go in and initiate then back off. This was my most recent game with Axe and will help to show where he's still strong, and where his weaknesses lie.


                Havoc Badger, what do you think about Octarine Core on Axe?

                bum farto



                    Any reasons? =)


                      You dont really deal magic dmg? You dont need regen late game and theres also better options. ^


                        soultrap u don't need it axe's ult renews it self

                        i love u butt

                          i think of axe as a potential 4 man - 3 secs stun

                          game is bad

                            His slower call means that you can't just walk up to group and call all of them anymore. That also means when a group is running away, you can't blink call them as easily.

                            Picking Axe also doesn't fit in nicely with team comp as it used to, so I can go back to picking Dazzle and not giving a shit if they have an Axe or not. Sometimes I'll just pick it to bait out an Axe pick.


                              Octarine Core on Axe:
                              - lifesteal from Battle Hunger, Helix and Culling Blade;
                              - Call 3,2 sec disable with 7,5 sec cooldown;
                              - cast Battle Hunger on 3 enemies and get extra speed;
                              - spin more often;
                              - lower cooldowns on Blink, BladeMail and whatever items you may have.


                                Helix is magic DMG?


                                  ^Ofc not, but it works.


                                    octarine works on any damage besides damage that adds to your attack damage e.g. feast, nethertoxin, not just magic damage.

                                    spell != magic


                                      The 0.1 sec nerf to the cast time of berserker's call turned out to be more significant than I thought it would