single hero, would be prob kotl that spams his q which forces ursa off lane and if he tries to kill you, you cana mana drain him and run.
if its 2 v 2 I would put bristal back and io vs them and watch them cry. bristal kites and make sure that ursa doesn't do anything before ursa gets some core items, but if ursa has big items he would prob be best hero t melt him, but this is lanning question so ursa would lose and not do anything entire game if shut down in jungle too.
^---exactly. Personally I'd go with dark seer. If I had to do this lane solo and I would count on not being able to get exp consistently.
Pudge and omni. I have seen that combo.
It requires a reasonably high skill cap for predicting hooks and a proper coordination with omni for heals
in other words, you dont see this in solo mmr doing well
bloodseeker will get recked by ursa disrapter lmao he will never comeup to creep wave as soon as ursa gets lvl 2
he will hit you a couple of times then will use w and slow disrapter will return you, if you want to solo vs ursa and disrapter, DONT PICK MELLE HERO WITH NO ESCAPE.
450 ms at lvl 2 hahahaha
ursa does no dmg ahhaahahahah
you will just kill disrapter at lvl 3 as he is always behind or next to ursa ahahahaahah
Im talking about same skill players ursa disrapter bloodseeker all same skill
are we even on the same page?
I was referring to how to deal with an ursa (usually boots first) + a disabler (usually lion w/ impale) in lane.
Why is disruptor even mentioned?
ursa is one of the worst laners as position 1? Wud? Have we been playing against the same hero?
^ worst meaning not good at being a threat to the offlaner compared to something like Gyro or core Leshrac (or even pre nerf troll last patch)
I thought we were talking about ursa and a disable....why everyone talking about disruptor.
so if you are going off lane, against ursa + disabler
what heroes would you prefer to use and why?