General Discussion

General DiscussionYour go-to hero for climbing

Your go-to hero for climbing in General Discussion

    tell me ur secretz



      Except i dont climb by spamming one hero. If i lose a few games in a row i start tryharding and picking my best hero to keep my mmr back then i keep feeding as hero i dont play enough.

      Im that soab that keeps you from getting 5k >:D


        slarkinson for carry, earth spirit for offlane, treant support.

        with slark u gotta snowball and outplay the enemy, with es just kill as much as you can at 6 (or earlier),roam and disrupt enemy farm, and with treant just heal the right heroes at the right time and invis too, and land decent ultimates.

        also wraith king and viper always worked no matter what :D


          Wow really? ^ for me viper is always a loss because i get like a 4kda and still cant push or carry my team full of retards.

          And treant well i save ppl and buy time by healing building but i just cant win with him, i wish though, fun to play.

          i love u butt

            techies for carry, pudge for support, off lane is still techies


              no matter what i do, i always end up winning with viper and qop, and losing with wind. I dnt know why I'm so unlucky with wind

              Ye Season

                <------- riki ftw

                King of Low Prio

                  Qop n bloodseeker because they dont rely on teammates much and they can go in any lane so u don't have to fight retards for the lane


                    Silencer and Earthshaker

                    Silencer makes any team better(as long as they don't need a stun) and Earthshaker is like easy first bloods when contesting early rune

                    Dire Wolf

                      Yeah viper is rough, you can crush your lane and still lose cus his tower dmg is so low. It helps if you build for damage instead of utility but then it greatly weakens him mid game, like rushing butterfly or AC over mek and aghs, not a great idea if you want to fight. But offlane he is quite good, he can solo most dual lanes pretty easily.

                      I don't know, don't really have one right now. Used to be troll easily but I haven't tried him post nerf. Ursa I had a few games but enemy teams pick 5 int disablers and you are boned. I was having some success with CK but haven't exactly spammed him.


                        Out of all my solo ranked games I've probably climbed most with TA, but I hit a point where it was evident that my other heroes needed some more practise a while ago (just cause of how much harder it would be for me win games on other heroes) and I tried to work on that. I'm not so sure now if spamming a hero (inflating your solo) is beneficial if we consider the whole picture although it does help understanding some concepts.


                          I think it's really hard to climb with many heroes unless you play lots of games a day and most people can't do that. So sometimes focusing on 1-2 heroes may be good. But in the end it doesn't mean shit because it's just a game so just do whatever the fuck you want and ignore the haterZ ;)


                            lesh and storm i guess in this patch.


                              Lina , lesh , tiny , sf is kinda hit or miss sometimes


                                Don't have one yet this patch , I guess I do well with drow situationally , maybe bs. I think I will practice slark and use him tho I really like his play style for this patch.


                                  tinker mid
                                  tinker support
                                  tinker carry
                                  tinker tank
                                  tinker initiator
                                  team feed because cant accept there's a tinker in his team ( #antidendifans )


                                    @no-life-king I understand tree & ES but i just cant feel impactful with slark this patchcuz bs / lesh & fuckthisshitimpickingqop players every game. Ya WK works but the hero is just so boring that i do stupid shit sometimes...

                                    @Relax I'm Better Than You
                                    holy wow

                                    @Mokujin nice ta wr


                                      Omni and CM



                                        Mid Gyro... went ~800 points mmr in one month :D(2.9k to 3.7k)
                                        I max missile and barrage and try to gank around after lvl6 for a few minutes.
                                        It's getting harder and harder though as people at higher mmr knows that not running away from missile and sticking with creeps is the way to go

                                        If gyro is not viable, I pick winter if enemy team is physical dmg heavy and pugna if enemy team is magic heavy


                                          ^dat wyvern & pugna tactic is actually legit as fuck


                                            I like using more than one hero but my go to hero would be Shadow fiend, everytime I have the chance to go mid and I dont feel like tehre are big counters for me I go straight SF and usually win. It used to be zeus time ago.


                                              Abaddon/venge/ES for support, DP/Lina/spammy heroes mid (prolly should checkout lesh now actually), Centaur/axe/durable initiators offlane.


                                                lesh is stupid powerful against people who don't realise his kill potential early. 4-0-4-0 into 4-1-4-2 by 11, bloodstone octarine mb bkb and game is over


                                                  I love playing supports so I pick depending on team composition from:


                                                  Miku Plays

                                                    legion ez katka

                                                    Das Claw

                                                      I don't. If I can't rise in MMR; it's a reflection of skill. It comes down to the fact: Get Good.
                                                      Short term gains are not the goal of the MMR system. Over time, your MMR will stabilize around your skill level.

                                                      Artificially boosting your MMR just makes the games shit for the people that are actually at that skill level.


                                                        I lose when I play carry and win when I play support. Lately Dazzle, Omni and Lesh are getting me some wins


                                                          Warlock even in irl


                                                            Anti mage


                                                              when team goes 4 carry, i will pick omniknight for sure
                                                              lycan or medusa if we lack of tower damage (because in 1k bracket we don't care about getting towers if there is still enemy alive)


                                                                On my smurf always use bloodseeker for climbing, about 70% winrate cos that shit is broken especially if they dont buy TP's.