General Discussion

General Discussion5 further improvements Valve could bring about to Dota 2 Reborn

5 further improvements Valve could bring about to Dota 2 Reborn in General Discussion

    Well as the list described it, 5 possible improvements that will make most of us to fall all over again with dota 2! :)


    Das Claw

      Joining abandoned games is meh.
      The rest are features that dota doesn't need.
      I'd rather have one really good map, than 1 decent one and 3 crap ones.
      Compendiums are fluff.
      Sets are fluff.

      That article is clickbait.


        nice clickbait, useless article


          The one thing DotA2 really really really really needs though, is custom games...
          ... and by that, I mean they need to add MODELS.

          Right now we only have like 10 buildings, and 120 (hero) models to use.

          WC3 had like 50 (actual) heroes, 300 units, and 100 buildings.

          Without non-hero units, more buildings, mechnical vehicles, ETC, custom games just won't be as good as WC3 ever.

          Custom Games will attract all of the casuals, which is a good thing as it will beef up dota's popularity and numbers immensely.

          Dire Wolf

            "nice clickbait, useless article"

            That's all this guy does, notice everything he posts goes to, some stupid site trying to sell you a stupid service to fix your ping.


              you can already try out sets in the test client - you don't need to buy them to try them.


                ^^it's not necesarilly stupid, but using this forum to advertise your page, despite not contradicting the rules directly, is still not appropriate.

                  Dire Wolf

                    eh custom games might be fun for a bit, I'd really just like to see new maps in competitive play. Kind of how world of warcraft released new battlegrounds every expansion.