General Discussion

General DiscussionAdditional skill level

Additional skill level in General Discussion

    Can there be something above Very High skill level added? According to dotabuff, most of people play on Very High level which makes such distinguishment (by skill) obsolete.


      just name it

      0 < low skill < 3000
      3000 < mid skill < 4000
      4000 < high skill < 5000
      5000 < very high skill


        skill levels for replays is a dota 2 thing if i remember correctly


          I think it's fine.

          If you want a precise number to compare players you can compare their MMR's.

          "Very High skill" truely does have the best players in dota. Sure, 3.9k isn't exactly "amazing" or anything, but for Dota players you can just check MMR. But adding more skill levels will further increase mmr rage about "im better than you because I'm super very high ultra skill, so stf u noob!"

          It really isn't needed.


            10% of matches are played in VHS, plus people in VHS tend to play more games than in Normall/High, so actually the amlount of players in VHS should be rather low.