General Discussion

General DiscussionPeople on 2k

People on 2k in General Discussion

    Insane bots are much better than u.


      to 5k players:

      Easy bots are better than u.

      CAN'T WIN

        I seen on redit that insane bots were a hard opponent because when they got a bit advantage they 5 man to the victory.

        Well, i played 2 games against them first game i picked slark and i did 5 rampages. Second game i went alchemist and i didnt care much about fight, i wanted to do 1000gpm.

        First game dazzle put the inmunity on the right moments to save your ass ( i never seen a 2k do that)

        Second game i went alchem midas and i got ganked on mid by 3 heroes twice and i got killed cuz they had a good nuke (oracle, sven, vengeful). After that idk how riki was ultra stronk and shuted me with 3 hits every time he faced me until i got megabasher.
        I won ofc by megapushing and my bloodcyka was strong ass too.

        Why are they better?
        -They lasthit better
        -They 5 man when they got advantage
        -Item choices were much better than the 2-3k players
        -They reaction faster
        -They also let you jungle spots when they see u aproaching
        -No bloodcyka jungle xD

        CAN'T WIN

          -They dont go back when they teamwipe
          -They dont jump 1v5 (2k mentality is: omg that qop is coming to us so decided OMG OMG OMG lets go back, BUT when they see they are on a 1v5 situation they think i seen dendi go 1v5 and do a megaawesolmerampage lets do it)

          i love u butt

            nice losing streak brah

            CAN'T WIN

              3 1v1 and 1 lp lost... Oh... Such a loosing streak.


                CAN'T WIN



                    im 1k but i rekt insane bots what does that mean?


                      WAIT i dont see any insane bot, i can only rekt unfair bot.

                      Mortimer Smith

                        Insane bots are a mod who make ufair bots x10 intelligent.

                        Mortimer Smith


                          Mortimer Smith

                            I meant unfair

                            Livin' Real Good

                              Yeah, they never listen, they always know better than you, they're experts when it comes to the meta, they can't take constructive criticism cause they don't need any, why? Cause they're gameplay is already perfect, but they're trapped in 2/3K cause of people like " me. "

                              They go in handicap 3v5, but they never go in 5v3, and instead choose to farm. They never 5 man when they have the lead, they just let the enemies PA and Medusa farm and get too strong. They never Rosh when you tell them to, even if you have smoke, they just let the enemy get rosh. THERE IS ALOT OF THINGS THEY DO, THAT MAKE YOU WONDER IF YOURE THE ONLY GOOD PLAYER ON DOTA 2, the community is that bad at this game. The only way to climb fast out of your bracket, is to get so good, that it doesn't matter how bad your team mates are, so good that you'll always win more than you lose (cause some games are uncarryable, but will eventually get to the next bracket) that's basically what this summer is dedicated to, i'm at 3.2 (started at 2.1 in March) got my first high skill match yesterday, but just need to climb abit more, so the average goes up, and all my games become high skill, can't wait.


                                I have actually lost a few games on a 2K account simply cause the team wouldn't take advantage of the fact that I was snowballing and they would continue to do dumb shit. That's the thing they have no objectives and have to be lead around like sheep in order to have any semblance of a team.


                                  true havoc.


                                    Having just come out of a Brood game where I spent 30mins being chased by 4 enemies whilst my teammates AFK farmed our jungle I heartily agree.

                                    To top it off got flamed for suggesting MKB doesn't work on Backtrack

                                    Windranger: OMG none of you even have an MKB
                                    Me: Don't think MKB works on Backtrack
                                    Windranger: Yes it does noob


                                    tl;dr QQ


                                      I was the tusk, we lost cause of the least viper tried. He wouldn't use MoM to farm jungle faster, he build a lot of dumb items and never finished some and he didn't push at all when I was taking the team on and would still be in the jungle...he must have spent 75% of the game slow jungling. Honestly 2k games are piss easy but then it suddenly comes late game and you realize that you actually have to work with your team mates and that's when shit gets fucked cause they can't function like normal human beings.


                                        i am spectating a 2k game right now and there is a brown boots butterfly drow ranger and a 20m morbid mask midas slark no boots. They all average 1-2 cs/min. I think medium hard bots are better, they can cs and buy correct items at least.


                                          bots are harder because they group up and push.
                                          2k players win because creeps pushed the throne.


                                            yesterday I playd with 2k mmr players as broodmother it was fun because i had 16-0 after 20 minutes, all 5 in the enemy team are on my lane and can still not kill me what is my team doing afk farming the jungel! (what should the 2k mmr fucking noobs do?) simpel just go push the fucking safe lane!!!!


                                              That's basically my experience every time I play brood. I know I'm opening myself up to flame but I think it's really hard to win 2k games as brood. No one uses the space created.

                                              Pom Pom 🍕

                                                Bots also carry tps all the time.


                                                  the lack of objective is our main problem (yes, i'm from 1.2k and now 2k, still the same shit)
                                                  the funniest moment of my time on my bracket is "the mid staring" and it happens almost everygame
                                                  its just funny how sometimes an axe casually walks in and get a three man call and tank all the damage while his team shouting "noob axe"
                                                  and other awkward situation in mid staring, like we will stare at each other for 5 minutes and then realize there is nothing to do here at the same time our tier 1 tower is down

                                                  sometimes i will ask my team to go mid staring while i push, thats the best thing to do.



                                                    More than 10 % of your games are "No stats recorded" , What's going on?