General Discussion

General DiscussionWindrunner vs Silencer, in terms of versatility?

Windrunner vs Silencer, in terms of versatility? in General Discussion
Bad Intentions

    Which hero do you think is more versatile and can do more roles, impact the game more? im leaning towards wr in terms of the more versatile skill build but that global silence game impact cant be ignored.


      100% wr


        windy windy windy

        plz do

          i want it to be silencer, but its windrunner.


            wr can impact more, but silencer is definitely more versatile, wr cant support well anymore while silencer can still have many different carry builds and can also support

            Livin' Real Good

              Wind ranger easily, she has a stun, she has a long range nuke, she has an escape mechanism (that makes her invincible to physical attacks might i add) and can push towers with her ult, and bring enemies down to their knee's with just a maelstrom, Phase boots, wards, couriers, and an item for stats. I love using her and lina, cause they can DO IT ALL baby. She's not item dependent at all, maybe ags or maelstrom is all she needs to be relevant in ganks and team fights. She's just too good, and too easy to use, definitely a brain dead newbie friendly hero, and you know it too. Silencer in the other hand is slow, so most noobs might get blown up cause they can't run away like windy.

              Das Claw

                WR's windwalk is evasion, not immunity. I get MKBs all the time while facing WR, she justs gets destroyed.
                WR is a carry and a pusher, not a support; WR is too item reliant later in the game, or else she'll just be lord of shackles.

                Silencer will ALWAYS be useful, due to his silences (obviously.) Global Silence is a HUGE ulti; and Silencer's other abilities are nothing to be scoffed at.

                While WR and Silencer can both be carries, WR cannot be a decent support later; due to damage scaling and how Focus Fire scales.

                Dire Wolf

                  They're very different heroes, silencer carry is quite underwhelming right now, he just becomes a glass cannon, so he is mainly really strong lane support. Wind ranger kind of sucks as lane support because her stun isn't that reliable, I mean she is not bad but there are many better. But she's a great mid and offlane and carries well. It's hard to compare the two.

                  WR I guess is more versatile because she fits more lineups, doesn't directly counter stuff and isn't directly countered. Silencer is directly countered by a few heroes but also is a strong counter to tons of int heroes and other guys you need to silence. Those guys are played often so he's useful in pretty much every game though.


                    WR can play all the 5 roles, while silencer can't solo offlane, so wr wins.


                      wr pos 5 is quite shit tho, so i'd say she cant really play that role anymore, too mana farm and level hungry for it

                      Livin' Real Good

                        I know it's evasion, but most people don't build MKB just to beat a support Wind ranger.


                          wr support is asking to lose lane and the game shortly after

                          Dire Wolf

                            "wr support is asking to lose lane and the game shortly after"

                            I agree, very underwhelming as a lane support. Her nuke is easy to dodge and will push lane, her stun is unreliable, and she has an escape which doesn't help a carry at all. She's ranged, that's her only benefit.

                            Silencer has spells to harass and zone out, you hit em with a double dip of last word and curse at level 4 with 2/0/2 build and if you time it right you can burn at least 64 mana and do 340 dmg. A clarity restores almost enough mana to do this combo too. Or you can get points in glaives and add pure dmg per hit too, really messes up offlaners with stout shields.