General Discussion

General DiscussionPlease stop lastpicking legion jungle

Please stop lastpicking legion jungle in General Discussion

    ruins every fucking game i play in. same for wraith king.

    "i dont want to pick a second support so i will afk jungle"

    /salty thread


      u know what loses games in sub 4k? double supports lmfao
      i much rather have ancient necrophos + tb jungle or whatever u want than two "supports"
      fuck up your safe lane, buys your wards and plants them at shit locations, pulls inappropriately, soaks your exp, shows in lane to deny, baits you into going on enemies cuz u think u have 2 supps backing you up but turns out they dont click spells?!

      Bobbyx Qrwa Mac

        He's right, i'd rather solo sup than having someone else with me who isn't willing to and doesn't know how to play support

        King of Low Prio

          I die a little inside when my team wants to trilane because I know I will be lv 4 and the offlane will be 6 and those 2 supports with downs will walk mid to 'gank' unsmoked and sit mid for a hour

          Pom Pom 🍕

            Could still pick someone less greedy like enigma, chen, ench or even axe. Legion feels like garbage if she doesn't snowball early or have a skywrath mage.


              better than a doom jungler fuck those guys 90% of time they don't effect game until its over anyways.


                junglers are shit but having 2 pos. 6 with 30 min brown boots leeching exp is worse I think


                  I don't mind what the last guy picks as long as he doesn't feed.

                  King of Low Prio

                    They will always feed but at least if u feed be a ward bitch who feeds

                    Miku Plays
                      Miku Plays

                        people need to know how to jungle legion properly


                          basic 2-1-2 always beats greedy jungler in low mmr pubs. The 1 support runs around frantically trying to defend his lane and buy wards and gets focused in team fights, ends up 1-16-6 while the other team can sustain 2 full carries plus a mid



                            5 carries isn't the way to go either. If you have the standard all pick situation of 1 Mid, 1 hard carry, 1 offlane core, 1 support pick another hero with the potential of a core with the intention of supporting. with supporting I mean, you buy wards once and snowball (lmao) the rest of the game.


                              Jungling is fine if the following conditions are fulfilled:
                              1) You have 4 competent lane heroes. Eg: QOP, BB, WR, Lich etc
                              2) The one who is jungling knows how to do it, i.e. farm at a decent rate, help gank occasionally from level 3-5, and transit to lane when you are level 6. Good jungling heroes are Axe, furion (not cliff jungling), lycan (help with his howl and wolf ganks), enigma (help with his stun), chen etc.

                              Jungling may be unavoidable in the unlikely event that 2 people call for solo lane. Eg: Solo broodmother offlane and solo QOP mid. Regardless of whether the solo broodmother can/cannot win her lane, it is usually better off for 1 of your team to go jungling.

                              Another example would be solo BB offlane vs 2 melee and solo QOP mid. In this case, you should last pick a jungle hero so that your BB can dominate his lane.

                              In short, jungle is viable. It is only the 20-mins afk jungle farming people that give it a bad reputation. We all know that is about 95% of the player base. Peace out. :)

                              Totentanz to The King: M ...

                                I like solo supporting more as well, mainly because you get way faster levels.

                                Dire Wolf

                                  "I die a little inside when my team wants to trilane because I know I will be lv 4 and the offlane will be 6 and those 2 supports with downs will walk mid to 'gank' unsmoked and sit mid for a hour"


                                  It's by far the best fucking way to play pubs but people see a mirana or clinkz or clockwerk and get happy in the pants, OOOO TIME TO JUNGLLLEEEZ or TRILANEZ

                                  Undying is a strong solo offlane, but he's a fucking beast if you pair him with one more lock down. Stun under a tombstone? Goodnight.


                                    Lol sry op when I see 4 cores I always pick legion, ursa, huskar, tinker, am or storm jungle

                                    cigarettes after hex

                                      i am not sure about sub4k but if you are higher than 4k and u have solo sup your oppenents prolly get agressive trilane or smt that can rape dual lane.