General Discussion

General Discussionwhat u guys think about my gameplay

what u guys think about my gameplay in General Discussion

    I just want to see u guys opinion about my gameplay, it is a long time ago since my last mmr game at 1969 MMR i believe. Then i played mmr again recently a week ago maybe, and i got 2 times win. With one of them got rampage with invoker. I will say that my hero versatility is really low, i like playing as mid player using invoker or puck, or TA in some cases only. I can say that i cant/really bad on playing str heroes, also i need some support heroes that fits me or maybe the easy one. Im quite sure that i can at least play right click carries and lh relatively good for me (maybe bad for u guys, Coz u know im only 2k mmr)
    Just for anyone who cares, what is ur opinion about me and what i should improve? Like i should play more MMR maybe?

    Sry maybe this is a bad discussion (if it is like im being so selfish)

    Edit: any player who reply this pls add me if u want, from dotabuff number (im sure u guys know what im talking about) so maybe we can play together or i can just see you playing coz i dont want to be bothersome for high mmr players like u guys, so i can see how to be a better player :)

    plz do

      u should go professional, im sure Dendi retires soon.

      no but seriously, just play more and find it out urself. There are heros who have a low skill cap, which are easier... but in ur MMR trench, it doesnt really matter that much - just get good w some heros u enjoy (!). But overall u should improve everything - lh, map awareness, decision making, timing, simple game knowledge.

      anyways, im not sure what u want to know? liek det holy grail of dota? get gud!


        First of all i would like to thanks first coz u have time to replay my discussion

        I really enjoy playing heroes between agi and int and actually the one that use more hotkey reflexes etc like puck and invoker

        And the one that i ask:
        What support heroes that is easy to use?

        Should i try more heroes or just play with that versatility and play more mmr?

        Do u see any bad things ive done? Like bad LH or too much farm maybe?

        And whats ur first paragraph mean? R u trying to make me happy? :p

        After all thx for give ur opinion here :)


          ez support are imo: witch doctor, treant protector, warlock, earth shaker, crystal maiden, venguful spirit

          it doesn't matter how many heroes you can play, but you should know every hero.

          looks like you do all the standard bad stuff, probably bad positioning, unnecessary deaths. especially as supports.

          King of Low Prio

            euls invoker players are disgusting


              I would say the following to everyone who's sub 4k:
              -Improve your farming
              -improve your decision making
              -improve your ability to play WITH YOUR TEAM(!)
              -improve your laning

              For supporting:
              you die WAAAAAAYYYYY too much.

              Let me pick this lich game of yours as an example:
              You were playing against heroes that ruin your life as a support. Riki, Qop, Jugg. If you get caught you are JUST DEAD. So what do you do? right. You just don't get caught. If you need to ward never go alone. If you want to go for ganks or teamfights, never go first. As a support it's your job to just sit back in fights and try to get off your spells as often as possible. Meaning: You use your q, Armor your allies throw out your ulti and when your skills are on cooldown u just go back a bit. Cuz as i said: you get caught by the enemy team => you are guaranteed to die with the items you went. Against heroes that can catch you ez for something like a forcestaff, glimmer cape or ghost scepter. Simply because when u have those u can just use them to tp away.

              Hope that helps


                Thx again for the replies
                But recently my invoker games with eul i never use it for combo like the old one coz 6.84 make the mana
                mana cost become 175 (100 higher) i use eul for counter silence maybe or to cancel some chanelling spells like bh or pudge dismember. U can see my replay if u really kind or have time to see it :)



                  IM REALLY REALLY SORRY GUYS BUT THIS ACCOUNT THAT IM TALKING ABOUT. Since it has same name so i got mixes up -_-

                  Welt aus Eis

                    stop smurfing it wont do you any good


                      Maybe im wrong, but aren't you smurfing too?


                        For axaxa thx for your replies and it does help me a LOT and ill try ur advise

                        For everyone thanks for the replies im really appreciate it but one more this is the wrong account im talking about im really sorry about that

                        U can check the right one on above comment


                          Normal skill smurf LMFAO


                            Thx mango for reply but im never playing that smurf account again :) cause i post with the wrong account

                            And normal skill, yes im noob so pls give me some pieces of advice :)

                            plz do

                              me - "u should go professional, im sure Dendi retires soon. "
                              u - "And whats ur first paragraph mean? R u trying to make me happy? :p "

                              didnt realize this kind of innocence is still on this earth


                                having two accounts and smurfing are not the same thing.

                                King of Low Prio

                                  yea it is


                                    Ahaha im just joking hushhush dont take it that much lol

                                    We just released an updated hero and facet statistics page featuring more data and advanced filters. Oh, and it supports Turbo!