dead 年 - 月 - 28Hmm how come most of you guys get lp? is it because you guys are too good and ppl report you guys or you guys are toxic af?这回复被编辑过 年 - 月 - 28ywn 年 - 月 - 28n v m ' e dTripleSteal- 年 - 月 - 28florian will u play?faw 年 - 月 - 28yes i guess? how longs the tourn i want to do battlecup TripleSteal- 年 - 月 - 28its a decent open qualifier untill we meet the first good team =() d2cl starts in 1 hr btw这回复被编辑过 年 - 月 - 28TripleSteal- 年 - 月 - 28we can play battle cup later as well, idkMekarazium 年 - 月 - 28此评论已被版主移除 年 - 月 - 20Nah, I'd win 年 - 月 - 28I want the phone number of your sister for the bookywn 年 - 月 - 28florian is like mini me anywayTripleSteal- 年 - 月 - 28florian is a giga retard TripleSteal- 年 - 月 - 28ok where did allison go nowfaw 年 - 月 - 28arent u 4k triplesteal? 4Head the realm's delight 年 - 月 - 28to bedD 年 - 月 - 28shak doto u guys very good 6k player gets killed buys back gets killed again xD ywn 年 - 月 - 28shak used to be 8k lOLD 年 - 月 - 28ROFL no way man easiest 1v1 of my life xDD 年 - 月 - 28my team was jsut "very slightly" garbage not a whole lot u can do when ur am gets bfury @ 25 mins u guysTripleSteal- 年 - 月 - 28starts in 5 mins if we lose in the first 3 rounds, we can paly battlecup afterwardsfaw 年 - 月 - 28You are banned from talking in admiralbulldog for 85017 more seconds. banning subs in 2017 smh D 年 - 月 - 28alright I was tabbed and was too late to pick safe/mid so YOLO ALRIGHT XDTripleSteal- 年 - 月 - 28im also in lpTripleSteal- 年 - 月 - 28 [Developer] player_behavior_score_last_report: 9415D 年 - 月 - 28on main acc I can abandon 2 fucking games I think and I dont get lp but on this fucking acc I abandon 1 or get 2 reports and I'm in a fucking lp its behavior score is like less than 1k I think LMAO这回复被编辑过 年 - 月 - 28faw 年 - 月 - 28i got lp as well, after they reset lp yesterday NotLikeThis D 年 - 月 - 28ROFL no way I thought it's like 1k I abandoned and afked in so many games or just fed so they can end faster XD [Developer] player_behavior_seq_num_last_report: 145 [Developer] player_behavior_score_last_report: 7338TripleSteal- 年 - 月 - 289.5k beh score muted lp WTFD 年 - 月 - 28I just received this Seoulmate 年 - 月 - 28[Developer] player_behavior_score_last_report: 9735 I don't think it's possible for me to be in low priority the realm's delight 年 - 月 - 28why can u only play 15 heroes in this eventthe realm's delight 年 - 月 - 28ppl cant report inn this event right???the realm's delight 年 - 月 - 28 [Developer] player_behavior_seq_num_last_report: 973 [Developer] player_behavior_score_last_report: 6154 thanksfaw 年 - 月 - 28tehy can report in the event x] Nah, I'd win 年 - 月 - 28They can and reddit is crying about thatfaw 年 - 月 - 28idk considering valve has changed absolutely nothing in lp system, yet reset lp for everybody im hoping for dota overwatch soon TripleSteal- 年 - 月 - 28whos willing to do the battle cuP?Nah, I'd win 年 - 月 - 28spunki asked me to join youfaw 年 - 月 - 28ye and triple doesnt want u CUCKED (because u can't sup) the realm's delight 年 - 月 - 28what the fuck is this.. the realm's delight 年 - 月 - 28whys invoker got ice blastfaw 年 - 月 - 28? whys invoker got 100000 hp ftfy the realm's delight 年 - 月 - 28ye this shit is broken the realm's delight 年 - 月 - 28these battle pass sets are so garbage my godfaw 年 - 月 - 28i think ember phoenix and wd are okish, not very good but ok i'll just sell my treasure(s) the realm's delight 年 - 月 - 28no i mean from th epathsTripleSteal- 年 - 月 - 28they were garbage previous time as wellfaw 年 - 月 - 28i really like am alternative style, but the style 1 is dogshit faw 年 - 月 - 28nvm actually i like all alternative styles and all original styles are awful the realm's delight 年 - 月 - 28i like the clinkz one i have from last summer.TripleSteal- 年 - 月 - 28i have all of them full unlocekd and i cant even sell them normally发表评论请登录用Steam登录
Hmm how come most of you guys get lp?
is it because you guys are too good and ppl report you guys or you guys are toxic af?
n v m ' e d
florian will u play?
yes i guess? how longs the tourn i want to do battlecup
its a decent open qualifier
untill we meet the first good team =()
d2cl starts in 1 hr btw
we can play battle cup later as well, idk
I want the phone number of your sister for the book
florian is like mini me anyway
florian is a giga retard
ok where did allison go now
arent u 4k triplesteal? 4Head
to bed
shak doto u guys very good 6k player gets killed buys back gets killed again xD
shak used to be 8k lOL
ROFL no way man easiest 1v1 of my life xD
my team was jsut "very slightly" garbage not a whole lot u can do when ur am gets bfury @ 25 mins u guys
starts in 5 mins
if we lose in the first 3 rounds, we can paly battlecup afterwards
You are banned from talking in admiralbulldog for 85017 more seconds.
banning subs in 2017 smh
alright I was tabbed and was too late to pick safe/mid so YOLO
im also in lp
[Developer] player_behavior_score_last_report: 9415
on main acc I can abandon 2 fucking games I think and I dont get lp but on this fucking acc I abandon 1 or get 2 reports and I'm in a fucking lp its behavior score is like less than 1k I think LMAO
i got lp as well, after they reset lp yesterday NotLikeThis
ROFL no way I thought it's like 1k I abandoned and afked in so many games or just fed so they can end faster XD
[Developer] player_behavior_seq_num_last_report: 145
[Developer] player_behavior_score_last_report: 7338
9.5k beh score
I just received this
[Developer] player_behavior_score_last_report: 9735
I don't think it's possible for me to be in low priority
why can u only play 15 heroes in this event
ppl cant report inn this event right???
[Developer] player_behavior_seq_num_last_report: 973
[Developer] player_behavior_score_last_report: 6154
tehy can report in the event x]
They can and reddit is crying about that
idk considering valve has changed absolutely nothing in lp system, yet reset lp for everybody im hoping for dota overwatch soon
whos willing to do the battle cuP?
spunki asked me to join you
ye and triple doesnt want u CUCKED (because u can't sup)
what the fuck is this..
whys invoker got ice blast
? whys invoker got 100000 hp ftfy
ye this shit is broken
these battle pass sets are so garbage my god
i think ember phoenix and wd are okish, not very good but ok
i'll just sell my treasure(s)
no i mean from th epaths
they were garbage previous time as well
i really like am alternative style, but the style 1 is dogshit
nvm actually i like all alternative styles and all original styles are awful
i like the clinkz one i have from last summer.
i have all of them full unlocekd and i cant even sell them normally