General Discussion

General DiscussionAyy lmao

Ayy lmao in General Discussion
D the Superior

      my tea's gone cold i wonder why I
      got out of bed at all


          are these queue times normal? whenever I queue I need to wait 5-7 mins mostly wtf??


            nvm I think I just lost queued into a 7k stack x)


              She said stop smoking
              I stop smoking
              She said stop drinking alcohal
              I stop drinking alcohal
              She said stop watching ANIME
              I stop her Breathe


                  No one ever thinks about you.
                  Your mom is the only exception and she's just concerned with how much of a loser you turned into.
                  She stops washing dishes sometimes, grabs the edge of the sink for support and just stares at the floor rocking back on her heels slowly trying to put the blame on herself, her work schedule, where you were raised, your school, your father......she tries to figure out why you can't be successful in any facet of life; socially, professionally or emotionally. She tortures herself over it because you don't. She thought you were special but you're okay with mediocrity, that's the worst thing for her.
                  But she's your mother so in some major way it's her fault.
                  That's what will end up killing her. That failure as a mother, a guide, a protector. She couldn't protect you from your own apathy.
                  You were always somewhat skilled at verbal and English but she coddled you too much so you felt superior to working hard on anything and thus never had the grades or work ethic to succeed. That superiority complex slowly turned into feeling outcast and bitter.
                  You're indignantly resigned to being alone but right before you go to sleep every night, you fantasize about changing. You imagine getting in shape, getting a good job and really making an effort at making friends, getting a gf, following your ambitions of being creative. You're not going to live like this anymore. Things can be different. You had potential. People told you that once, it must still be true?
                  But then you jerk off and go to sleep. You used those fantasies to soothe your deep discontent for just long enough to delude yourself into sleep. Like an alcoholic and his discount gin, you tell yourself that intricate story of your resurrection.
                  Tomorrow the cycle starts all over again just like it always will.
                  Look around you. Look at your life.
                  This is exactly how your life will be when you're 50.
                  This is exactly how your life will be right before you die.

                  one syllable anglo-saxon



                      is this like some fetish or something

                      Jay the Bird

                        I guess magnus has recently broke up with his fur-waifu


                          i flamed autists in all chat during battlecup and now im in lp


                            one syllable anglo-saxon

                              me, government hooker

                                idk if these niggas are laughing at him or laughing with him

                                me, government hooker

                                  probably with him cause otherwise that guy wouldve pulled out his glock by now

                                  lp pesok #2

                                    About him.
                                    When I saw this on IG the title was "he will never wear those shoes in school again."

                                    me, government hooker

                                      its the same title on fb
                                      still doesnt mean theyre laughing at him

                                      me, government hooker

                                        wtf is happening dendi building lothar orchid on tinker


                                          why the fuck am i being added by 10000 girls on facebook i have no friends in common with?? hello? wtf

                                            me, government hooker

                                              YEEEEEEEEEE SON

                                              one syllable anglo-saxon

                                                  xDD what

                                                  one syllable anglo-saxon

                                                    i kid u not
                                                    there's rly good acoustics in the wc and sometimes when i go take a shit i just hear screams or screeching or just loud voices speaking some foreign language
                                                    and a few times i heard the same stuff from the hall, esp. when the door is open and when i go look for the source it's african students going down the hall having their fun
                                                    idk what's their problem honestly


                                                      maybe its their language? i had one guy in my class who always imitated africans and he made really weird noises

                                                      but that sounds hilarious xd


                                                        ROFL no i dont have pic on fb


                                                          also im not a F ffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff


                                                              23:03 xntNova: sinned ResidentSleeper kys
                                                              23:03 You are permanently banned from talking in zai.

                                                              wait what


                                                                i get lp every day, im permabanned on every stream, im being suggested arabic stuff on youtube

                                                                can i just restart my internet life?


                                                                  time to watch bubu stream

                                                                  me, government hooker

                                                                    im perma banned in bulldog and envy stream

                                                                    lp pesok #2

                                                                      How can my division jump from diamond 7 to 10 after 1 game?
                                                                      Top 30 Storm now LUL


                                                                        because the last game u played in idvision x matters

                                                                        u can grind 20 kda and 100% winrate in fucking bronze 1 or whatever it is, change to diamond 10 and ur stats count (afaik)

                                                                        i went from top ~300 invoker to top ~900 invoker just by raping 1 game with 3k friends

                                                                        me, government hooker



                                                                            is that all duel damage LOL

                                                                            me, government hooker





                                                                                  ur supposed to show items too man


                                                                                    i think 300 duel dmg istn that uncommon anymore

                                                                                    me, government hooker


                                                                                      me, government hooker

                                                                                        i dont think u can get that much duel dmg without lvl 25 talent
                                                                                        i saw some lc with 1k duel dmg tho

                                                                                        me, government hooker

                                                                                          in this video


                                                                                            ye, i had a 1.2k dmg LC in my lp game once, and y i meant w/ talent

                                                                                            me, government hooker

                                                                                              just end me


                                                                                                u got lp? xd

                                                                                                me, government hooker

                                                                                                  not yet