General Discussion

General DiscussionAyy lmao

Ayy lmao in General Discussion
Nah, I'd win

    dobra pička = good pu$$y


      dobra pitchka?


        aaaaa naisch


          streamers get swatted all the time, and i suppose its their fault if they leak anything but he was streaming irl and i didnt get to see him get to the airport or boarding the plane so idk if he leaked anything but regardless i dont think its hard to find out the flight, most likely dont even need to as long as ppl know ur name, but im pretty sure i havent heard of streamers getting swatted on a plane, i dont know why he would deserve that

          Nah, I'd win

            he gave out the terminal number, the target location and the boarding time and people can check his current time
            also they know his name


              as i said none of that matter as long as they know the name

              Nah, I'd win

                will you tell me your name? <3


                  im billy


                    no you arent

                    Nah, I'd win

                      hi billy, i'm florian


                        damn i can tell ure pretty fukin gay already


                          is there a chance u might be an online forum moderator?


                            skim takes a deep breath.
                            hsi finger twitches as his cursor vibrates over the "Ban User" banner




                                i love u retards




                                      arin confirmed?

                                      Nah, I'd win

                                        it really triggers me when people suck at singleplayer games like outlast, i mean wtf
                                        i want to see the story and maybe the reaction of the streamer but when they die multiple times because they fall of the cliff or they don't know how to use doors it gets me mad



                                            theres memes like these on fb too god damn


                                              haHAA good meme haHAA


                                                one syllable anglo-saxon

                                                  man the weather outside is so fucking good too bad ive no friends and no places to go
                                                  and i dont wanna just walk onthe streets with no purpose like an autist


                                                    i feel u


                                                      but i guess u are an autist anyway so why not walk on the streets?

                                                      one syllable anglo-saxon

                                                        [Verse 1]
                                                        I feel you
                                                        Your sun it shines
                                                        I feel you
                                                        Within my mind
                                                        You take me there
                                                        You take me where
                                                        The kingdom comes
                                                        You take me to
                                                        And lead me through Babylon

                                                        This is the morning of our love
                                                        It's just the dawning of our love

                                                        [Verse 2]
                                                        I feel you
                                                        Your heart it sings
                                                        I feel you
                                                        The joy it brings
                                                        Where heaven waits
                                                        Those golden gates
                                                        And back again
                                                        You take me to
                                                        And lead me through oblivion


                                                        [Verse 3]
                                                        I feel you
                                                        Your precious soul
                                                        And I am whole
                                                        I feel you
                                                        Your rising sun
                                                        My kingdom comes

                                                        I feel you
                                                        Each move you make
                                                        I feel you
                                                        Each breath you take
                                                        Where angels sing
                                                        And spread their wings
                                                        My love's on high
                                                        You take me home
                                                        To glory's throne
                                                        By and by


                                                            nice superficial pretentious shits

                                                            Jay the Bird

                                                              Umm so?


                                                                21:56 - More Life: its like 10 stone

                                                                nice savage weight system


                                                                  Nah, I'd win


                                                                    dookie daddy

                                                                      Day 2, they cannot ban what is verified!


                                                                        Nah, I'd win

                                                                          Hail Sam


                                                                            u already got a smurf ready sir?

                                                                            Jay the Bird

                                                                              I'm half African and I'm also bisexual so I rightfully own the right to call anyone a nibber or a fabbot or even both, and if you get offended or ban me it just shows how much of a racist bigot pig you are.


                                                                                oh my god i just watched a gw1 gameplay video and nostalgia hit me so hard i loved this game so much when i was 6 or something and then i got perma banned for no reason


                                                                                  they'll unban him they close channels when sm1 gets swatted


                                                                                    The community has closed this channel due to terms of service violations.


                                                                                      Totentanz to The King: M ...

                                                                                        HOLY SHIT SECRET HAHAHAHAHA. FUCKING INVO-TIMBER DUAL CORE WITH BEASTMASTER OFFLANE. FUCKING 0 PHYSICAL DAMAGE. GREAT DRAFT AND GREAT PLAY BOYS. When MidOne doesn't deliver, they are just done for. Better buy Bloodthorn against BKB/Linken/Lotus Orb Slark, that sure is useful.


                                                                                          [Verse 1]
                                                                                          I am clearly broken
                                                                                          And no one knows what to do
                                                                                          Pieces of the puzzle don't fit
                                                                                          So I pound them into you
                                                                                          Itching is the pulse inside
                                                                                          Creeping out to come alive
                                                                                          It's just doing what it's gonna do

                                                                                          Times are looking grim these days!
                                                                                          Holding on to everything!
                                                                                          It's hard to draw the line!
                                                                                          Shut the fuck up, get up!
                                                                                          Shut the fuck up, get up!
                                                                                          Shut the fuck up, get up!

                                                                                          [Verse 2]
                                                                                          I can't wait to rip my eyes out
                                                                                          And look at you
                                                                                          Peace through pain is precious
                                                                                          Especially when it's done by you
                                                                                          Itching is the pulse inside
                                                                                          Creeping out to come alive
                                                                                          It's just doing what it's gonna do

                                                                                          Times are looking grim these days!
                                                                                          Holding on to everything!
                                                                                          It's hard to draw the line!
                                                                                          And I, I'm hiding in this empty space
                                                                                          Tortured by my memories
                                                                                          Of what I've left behind
                                                                                          Shut the fuck up, get up!
                                                                                          Shut the fuck up, get up!
                                                                                          Shut the fuck up, get up!
                                                                                          Times are looking grim these days!
                                                                                          Holding on to everything!
                                                                                          It's hard to draw the line!
                                                                                          And I, I'm hiding in this empty space
                                                                                          Tortured by my memories
                                                                                          Of what I've left behind
                                                                                          Shut the fuck up, get up!
                                                                                          Shut the fuck up, get up!
                                                                                          Shut the fuck up, get up!

                                                                                          one syllable anglo-saxon

                                                                                            whats with the recent wendy memes/art/r34 surge? did they just introduce this mascot or what?


                                                                                              wendy's twitter blew up for some reason. mostly because they're pretty savage about their rivalries

                                                                                              doc joferlyn simp

                                                                                                Guy's a genius I tell you. It's like those absurdly savage and fitting comebacks on movies but except it's real life

                                                                                                Nah, I'd win
