General Discussion

General DiscussionAyy lmao

Ayy lmao in General Discussion
D the Superior

      For the first time in history a president of our country has openly proposed altering one of society’s (not to mention God’s) most fundamental laws: that marriage should be between a man and a woman. While I am not suggesting that President Obama is the Antichrist, the fact that he was able to propose such a sweeping change in God’s law and still win reelection by a comfortable margin illustrates how a future world leader will be able to oppose God’s laws without any repercussions.


        i dont understand you

        what country are you from blue dragon

        germany, rusia, peru?


          you take ur phone right now go walk for 15 mins in crowded places and record ppls legs

          ROFL is that even legal


            the usa, and im a christian who believes that obamas policies paved the way for the antichrist



              Jay the Bird


                one syllable anglo-saxon

                  weeb retard


                    i choose death


                      ^^ the fuck is that photo Arin???? WEEEBO STUFF FOR REALZ?


                        me, government hooker

                          no fucking way



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                              When i was in 8th grade i shaved my legs and arms once. I told this to 2 school friends when when they asked. They told me they did this also in the past but its so fucking gay, only girls shave legs so they stopped. Also they said i should keep this shit secret i should never ever talk to anyone about this.
                              So i stopped and never did it again.




                                  confessions of a leg shaver - author: aimstrong published 2017

                                  me, government hooker

                                    so ure not doing it cause some 14 year olds told u not to
                                    S E E M S G O O D

                                    < blank >

                                      I'm typing from phone btw

                                      You should shave armpit, dick'n balls and face. If you are ripped (not like moiez) then you can wax your chest, waxing not shaving

                                      < blank >

                                        It's my experience
                                        Also i never seen anyone admitting that they are shaving legs and believe me i won't ask them because i really don't care

                                        But for me it's gay, my opinion
                                        Deal with it and move on

                                        meteor hammer

                                          the mask struggles to contain that massive manly square jaw btw

                                          < blank >

                                            Also let's all meet up at havoc's marriage in august


                                              i dont want spunki and allyson to hit on me


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                                                  I asked my younger brother, he is around 16 (?) and he said if you have skinny legs and super hairy legs (like me ook ook aak) then it's kinds understandable but because i think you aren't that hairy i said no.

                                                  He replied, ok then it's ....GAY
                                                  Lmao 😂☠️

                                                  Here you have the answer of a younger generation

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                                                    He said if you are a football player then it's also understandable


                                                      i have no idea what u said in ur first phrase

                                                      skinny legs + hairy = shave?

                                                      < blank >

                                                        skinny + hairy like this = no shave

                                                        skinny + hairly like this = shave

                                                        < blank >

                                                          that was his opinion, oh and he is 15 btw

                                                          me, government hooker

                                                            ill bet my kidneys i have more hair on my legs if i let it grow than u and ur brother put together

                                                            me, government hooker

                                                              its worse than 2nd piuc

                                                              me, government hooker

                                                                it looks really fukcing bad

                                                                < blank >

                                                                  ill bet my kidneys i have more hair on my legs if i let it grow than u and ur brother put together

                                                                  you lost already

                                                                  < blank >

                                                                    you are talking to the monkey king


                                                                      yea im pretty sure my legs are closer to 2nd one esp since im so pale



                                                                        what is this
                                                                        i thought that's just for t8 consecutive winners?


                                                                          no, if u achieve x points during hte season u get this, its for every tier

                                                                          Jay the Bird

                                                                            Valve knows you have 6k+ skills and are being held back by teammates so they send you a ticket exclusively

                                                                            < blank >


                                                                                Jay the Bird

                                                                                  Hey aimstrong since you're an expert on this matter should i shave my legs or not?

                                                                                  < blank >

                                                                                    my hair level looks similar, i don't shave
                                                                                    in your case i would be more worried about your bone structure lmao

                                                                                    < blank >




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                                                                                            nice repost

                                                                                            < blank >


                                                                                                I got an assload of hair, I'm 17 and I have some of the hairiest legs in my grade lmao
                                                                                                but I don't shave cuz I'm proud and because my legs r so hairy everyone wud notice

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