General Discussion

General DiscussionAyy lmao

Ayy lmao in General Discussion

    idk, id consider moiez fit, but neither ripped nor athletic

    Yowai Mo

      kolleg, ich mach de hundeführer muss nur im oktober bestah


        o shit if he sees this im done get this page over with asap


          musst du dann den hund nicht behalten?

          Yowai Mo




              aimstrong will become seargent and then work for civilian or military police i see it coming

              Yowai Mo

                ma huere blieb ich dete, aber ich han au kaderempfehlig becho, wie jede wo tauglich gsi isch :thinking:

                Jay the Bird

                  oh boy so many nigers to shoot

                  Yowai Mo



                      HOW DARE YOU

                      Jay the Bird

                        hey i mean nigerian people


                          military police is like civilan police but people dont spit at you randomly

                          Jay the Bird

                            people spit at police randomly in your country?
                            smh 1st world manners


                              military police is lit

                              special forces is liter


                                kids loosing respect and you got to be gangster.

                                ofc policemen then dont react because if they would, they had to fill in reports for 5 hours

                                Yowai Mo



                                    idk here in germany they arrest u for insulting officers

                                    literally not worth it, apart from demonstrations where ppl throw whatever the can get at officers / u yell insults at them from far away

                                    Jay the Bird

                                      yeah you get 6 months in jail or a fine or whips or two of them or all of them for insulting cops here


                                        guys what happened to the riki spammer guy who swore that rapier and crystalys were core on that hero?

                                        Totentanz to The King: M ...

                                          I am not very fond of Megadeth generally, but after giving Rust in Peace another listen... it's fucking good.



                                            poster quality has really dropped a thousand fold


                                              one syllable anglo-saxon

                                                thnks is like probably 23-24 at most himself, "lol xD stuPId KIDs?? hahAhxaxD"

                                                meteor hammer

                                                  military service an IT guy wont make you fit.
                                                  if anything it makes you fat, since you will eat food portions designed for soldiers that work in the field, while sitting at your desk all day. eating 4k calories while doing nothing=murica

                                                  this guy definitely knows what he is talking about

                                                  ppl eating MREs at their desk job


                                                    LMAO someone actually wrote that ?

                                                    one syllable anglo-saxon

                                                      i switched to 16:9 screen from 4:3 with about te same screen area and i cant see anything on the fucking screen gG

                                                      meteor hammer




                                                            u dont know nothing

                                                            hes an adult



                                                                    there is no such thing as MRE's in the swiss army. everyone eats in the camp and they get served high caloric foods.

                                                                    Its not like anyone of you has been in the military, because you would know that desk job soldiers getting fat because they eat in the same dining facilities as everyone else is a common problem in all militaries i had contact with.

                                                                    Even in the US camps i have been you always got to have ice cream with cookies, and most people dont pass that up...because icecream and cookies are delicious


                                                                      Just google soldiers overweight, 100% you'll find dozens of articles and guides referring to soldiers working in the office as a big cause of it

                                                                      Yowai Mo

                                                                        kackets mit hörnli


                                                                          this guys on a rampage

                                                                          meteor hammer


                                                                              hot af tho


                                                                                and yes, people eat MRE's on deskjobs, because there are many deskjobs on the field. for every infantry dude, there are 5 peopel somewhere in the back sitting in mechanised radae stations, tactical operation centres with dozens of officers and staff seargents, there are people sitting on communication lines, logistics, soldiers guarding stuff and so on. they will be eating MRE's, and wont move a lot. so even that cool funny meme is dumb.

                                                                                but i guess its absoluetly impossible that someone on the internet has any experience in things other then anime and video games




                                                                                  meteor hammer

                                                                                    if that guy passes out from lard-induced heat exhaustion theyre gonna need a forklift to move him


                                                                                      "thiz ddood haz no clu whit he iz tolkinh abut? bcuz only navy sealz eat mmr's u retard"


                                                                                        deskjobs = not in the field


                                                                                        meteor hammer

                                                                                          military service an IT guy wont make you fit.
                                                                                          if anything it makes you fat, since you will eat food portions designed for soldiers that work in the field, while sitting at your desk all day.

                                                                                          5 peopel somewhere in the back sitting in mechanised radae stations, tactical operation centres with dozens of officers and staff seargents, there are people sitting on communication lines, logistics, soldiers guarding stuff and so on. they will be eating MRE's, and wont move a lot

                                                                                          these are two different things

                                                                                          i hate to tell u but if u are overeating at a dfac thats not the fucking dfacs problem l m a o


                                                                                            well even if you think that deskjobs cant be defined as "in the field" they still wont be able to get the fitness menu with an avocadosalad.

                                                                                            meteor hammer

                                                                                              i hate to tell u but if u are overeating at a dfac thats not the fucking dfacs problem l m a o


                                                                                                i bet this guys fat


                                                                                                  dude all i said was that aimstrong is more likely to gain weight rather then getting fit if he gets into an IT job, stop being annoying about it.

                                                                                                  meteor hammer

                                                                                                    idk waht things are like in the swiss army but ive heard more stories of people having to run pt tests in 105 degree weather than 11Bs shoveling down finger sandwiches until they bloat


                                                                                                      ofc im fat i had a deskjob in the military