General Discussion

General DiscussionAyy lmao

Ayy lmao in General Discussion
one syllable anglo-saxon

    whats wrong with sniper vs pl

    Totentanz to The King: M ...

      He is shit against PL generally.

      one syllable anglo-saxon

        well they won and sniper did great vs pl

        Totentanz to The King: M ...

          Burning threw the game on three occasions. I also think his item build was sub-optimal.


            Hi I'm 6k I'm g o o d

            meteor hammer

              him not being a 8k core player doesnt mean that sniper isn't bad against pl

              slow vulnerable single target hero with aoe slows who can't let people get on top of him vs multiple unit melee carry effectively immune to slows who can get on top of people and is impossible to pike


                And dota is 1v1?

                Snipers team wink, end of story


                  you're really stupid


                    ayy lmao

                    one syllable anglo-saxon

                      can confirm, spunkis rly fucking stupid

                      meteor hammer

                        carry matchups don't matter, because dota is not a 1v1 game


                        Shadows Die Twice

                          ♿ TOP 8 ♿ TOO ♿ HARD ♿ FOR ♿ NA ♿ DOTA ♿ SCENE ♿


                            do i play normal ranked to play 4.1 avg games
                            or do i play int ranked to play 4.1 avg games
                            or do i play dmc4 and actually practice for the speedrun race in today's evening

                            one syllable anglo-saxon

                              play normal ranked and get actual 5k


                                why would i do that again though

                                one syllable anglo-saxon

                                  ur current 5k isnt approved by ICCM


                                    by the institute of cemetery and crematorium management? :thinking:


                                      sounds like a place alenari would work at LUL

                                      one syllable anglo-saxon

                                        Intetnational Committee Consisting of Me

                                        one syllable anglo-saxon

                                          rly though i just could use somed mmr donations right about now and 4.1 aint too far


                                            which way though

                                            one syllable anglo-saxon



                                                i mean are you above 4.1 and scared of dropping down there or you're even lower


                                                  why dont you try to play 10 int ranked calibration games

                                                  one syllable anglo-saxon


                                                    one syllable anglo-saxon

                                                      why dont you try to play 10 int ranked calibration games

                                                      not only int ranked seems like the wrost place to play ever, it also seems like cheating to me


                                                        doesnt seem like cheating to me

                                                        like yeah sometimes you get matched with lower mmr people but that doesn't change that they like to lock cores sometimes while you're playing against 2x 6k and one 5k in enemy team etc

                                                        i'd just call it more..diverse in terms of skill/willingness to play the game

                                                        and it's certainly not worse than normal ranked

                                                        one syllable anglo-saxon

                                                          i know id feel much better about myself if i climbed all the way up from here than if i were to instantly jump several hundred mmr via calibration


                                                            werent you already like 4.7 at some point

                                                            one syllable anglo-saxon

                                                              yes i was
                                                              what does it change?

                                                              Shadows Die Twice

                                                                📞 BabyRage HELLO VP? 📞 BabyRage THIS IS ARTEEZY 📞 BabyRage CAN I JOIN? 📞 BabyRage YES I CAN SPEAK RUSSIAN 📞 BabyRage CYKA BLYAT 📞 BabyRage


                                                                  mback to first page

                                                                  Yowai Mo

                                                                    keep playing int ranked wtf
                                                                    How can you be afraid of just a number? Same for clockwerkula. If you drop to 3k so what? I'm sure you can get it back. What do you guys think how many times have I been from 4k to 3k and from 4k to 5k? Just play you mmr-care-bears


                                                                      im probably not touching ti ranked until it ends
                                                                      im pretty sure valves already preparing bunch of flat 4ks to put in my team and playing during off-hours doesn't help this either


                                                                        man why are neck pillows so expensive


                                                                          neck pillows for wat


                                                                            dont tell me ure buying one for gaming, otherwise im buying a ticket to ur city and ill personally beat u up

                                                                            Chance Boru

                                                                              Depend on where you buy it ?


                                                                                DanSHITblunt LUL


                                                                                  I've noticed since the TI started that the swing in MMR games is quite high.

                                                                                  Last night I had 2 games one Av. mmr of 4.3 k mmr followed by a 5.8k mmr game. I think this is because the international is drawing away people playing and just watching so the swings are greater???? anyone else experiencing this?

                                                                                  ALSO MORE MEEMES PLOX!


                                                                                    No rubick my hearth breaks, so near and such a shitty thing.

                                                                                    I cant honestly believe ppl voted more for pudge..


                                                                                      We must have Chad Nationalism. That is what will make guys want to join us, that is what will make girls want to be our groupies. That will make us look like bad boys and heroes. That is what we are going for here.



                                                                                        nationalism is the new counterculture, florian :salty:


                                                                                          ofc this is counterculture


                                                                                            hahaha shieet i meant CONSERVATISM not nationalism

                                                                                            my inner na zi getting the hold of me i guess




                                                                                                poor yoshi

