General Discussion

General DiscussionAyy lmao

Ayy lmao in General Discussion
Yowai Mo

    i'm a weeb now


      just kill me already


        fake weeaboos


          cnn died for this

          meteor hammer

            i have finally been muted RIP

            meteor hammer

              im commended more than 1/4 of matches but i guess it doesnt help


                I got commended all the time
                Get good noob


                  Yowai Mo

                    how can can i like it on dotabuff?

                    meteor hammer


                      meteor hammer

                        i think it should be deep fried though


                          illaryHilledMe • 6h
                          Every week we learn not to trust even our own eyes. The evil MSM has perfected the art of deceptive video and audio. They prey upon the innate weaknesses of human perception and the mental "blind spots" inherent in our species. Trump is literally evolving our brains into something higher, something more advanced and in tune with the real reality.


                            D the Superior



                                  is there a way to share videos from twitter here?


                                    posting spoilers no im not gonna help u sry


                                      u bad boy

                                      死の恐怖 Haseo


                                          cool thank you
                                          what's the bbcode for it?

                                          死の恐怖 Haseo

                                            [ tweet ] [ / tweet ]


                                              oh lmao. I tried [twitter] and gave up


                                                Kitty plays dota again?

                                                死の恐怖 Haseo

                                                  i tried [twitter] too and found the correct answer here xD


                                                    yeah for a while now, I'm sad boi once again

                                                    one syllable anglo-saxon

                                                      spunki ure a BITCH


                                                        one syllable anglo-saxon

                                                          You really do need to get into the mindset of the fa­g­got atheist Redditor to understand why this show is so popular. These people have never heard of adult animation in their lifes that wasn't stuff like Family Guy, it was completely alien to them. And they can't laugh at these shows because they consider these shows stupid. They want a show that isn't necessarily smart or funny or well-written, but that appears to be to appeal to their surface-level taste. Because these people live for that mindless self-validation. They don't actually understand what makes for good writing or good comedy, nor have they ever picked a book about physics. They want to pretend they do so and circlejerk themselves, that's what matters. Rick and Morty is just perfect for its demographic: these same college-age self-important Bernouts who "fucking love science". The entire foundation of the show is built upon the dichotomy between "silly sci-fi humor and references" and " things are super deep and tragic bro". This pseudo-intellectual "nothing even matters, I'm insecure about existence, we are all going to die" bullshit that R&M shits out in almost every episode is what appeals to it's audience. The show doesn't actually have the tact to even begin to offer an interesting presentation and discussion of any philosophy, so it spouts these edgy teenage catchphrases. Nevermind the bean-headed, noodle-limbed unexpressive character design, or how the story is non-existent and only comes up when the writers beg you to feel something for these characters so devoid of substance, or how the entire show is a trendy forgettable scenario of the week memefest with just enough sci-fi references to trick kids into thinking they are smart for understanding them, or how the characters have somehow been reduced to even more obnoxious caricatures than before, none of these things matter. What matters is that it appeals to the millenial redditor audience, and that's what's selling Rick and Morty


                                                            when people give me mid for 10 games

                                                            all values go 1 slot left if i have to sup for 10 games



                                                                and here i am, being able to read and do simple math except dividing since age of 3, spending my best years by thinking of new ways to shitpost

                                                                one syllable anglo-saxon




                                                                      Lol american school supplies should've been that picture with guns that says "own the school year like a hero"

                                                                      one syllable anglo-saxon

                                                                        one syllable anglo-saxon

                                                                          fantasy pts levels are out btw

                                                                          D the Superior

                                                                              你的影子: sir
                                                                              ywn-: what do you want? breton trash
                                                                              你的影子: ?
                                                                              你的影子: cmonBruh
                                                                              ywn-: I ran into some goblins in the woods the other day, nasty little things.
                                                                              你的影子: why do ppl use proper punctuation on the internet
                                                                              ywn-: By the Nine Divines. Assault! Assault!
                                                                              你的影子: man thats the kinda shit magnus would say
                                                                              你的影子: dont trigger me
                                                                              你的影子 is now Online.
                                                                              ywn-: I dont think so...
                                                                              你的影子: what is kuroky yes basket?
                                                                              ywn-: I heard there was some goblins around here recently, awful creatures..
                                                                              你的影子: fuck off
                                                                              你的影子: reporte4d
                                                                              ywn-: The Fighters Guild is recruiting again, not a bad way to make some money... if you've got the stones for it.
                                                                              你的影子 is now Offline.


                                                                                1 more cancfer and im done


                                                                                  Well, well. Another maggot to squash beneath my boot!

                                                                                  me, government hooker

                                                                                    lmao nice memes


                                                                                      wow nice



                                                                                        21:39 - .C: man why did that girl spam my steam profile like this
                                                                                        21:39 - .C: wats wrong with u people



                                                                                            me, government hooker

                                                                                              AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA GOT SPOILERS IN FUCKING TRADE CHAT FUCkiqtnui9235nu91i 3tgwa swawaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa fd1354


                                                                                                u watched the last episode twice what spoiler are u afraid of

                                                                                                D the Superior
                                                                                                  one syllable anglo-saxon

                                                                                                    is it worth keeping the treasures to sell in a year or will they be worth nothing when the time comes? id be fine with selling them for 1.5-2$ on avg, with silt it will probably pay off the compendium

                                                                                                    Totentanz to The King: M ...

                                                                                                      A year is a long-ass time. They prob won't be worth shit, but even if they were, I don't think it would quite be worth it.