General Discussion

General DiscussionAyy lmao

Ayy lmao in General Discussion


    me, government hooker

      u know this threads gone beyond retarded when people argue over whos posting the better memes

      me, government hooker

        while everyone has their own perception of what a good meme is


          Lmfao you guys got jebaited so hard, was fun trolling u guys for a couple days on this thread.
          Can't believe none said that this is a troll.

          one syllable anglo-saxon

            would love to see a person who still find school shooting memes good in septermber 2017

            one syllable anglo-saxon

              oh wait


                i mean everything can be a meme, some are funny and some arent

                but there are some memes that are simply dumb/tasteless, if i go to /r/td and copy paste the quattuordecillionth pepe meme its just rly not funny anymore


                  Alenari please pick me a profile picture that you find acceptable





                        E X P O S E D (kinda)

                        one syllable anglo-saxon

                          Alenari please pick me a profile picture that you find acceptable

                          Your profile picture is beatiful, you are beatiful and your soul is beatiful and don't let anyone tell you otherwise!


                            I believe you've told me otherwise a couple of times by now

                            one syllable anglo-saxon

                              well why did u let me?

                              one syllable anglo-saxon

                                actually i can lend u mine since im gonna change it soon anw



                                    I'm just fucking with ya

                                    Jay the Bird

                                      hey friends i got some super funny pictures from google i'm going to share with you so we can all have some lols together :D

                                      Jay the Bird

                                        more to follow soon!

                                        one syllable anglo-saxon

                                          well if u wanna keep embarassing urself with that "avatar" of urs its ur choice my man!

                                          one syllable anglo-saxon

                                            wow 30% of the stuff u posted is actually not bad, great increase from the usual 0 percent

                                            Jay the Bird

                                              hmm hard to tell who's embarrassing himself here me or the cOoLl kid Xxd who proves his CooXdlness by criticizing literally everything and everyone that ever existed because i'm cool as fuck 😎 right Xd and everything not me/posted by me/related to me is cringy and uncool :DD

                                              one syllable anglo-saxon

                                                the avatar comment wasnt even directed at u buddy

                                                one syllable anglo-saxon

                                                  also nice strawman i tell u ur memes are shit => i hate everything ✓






                                                          one syllable anglo-saxon



                                                              i dont have my desktop on the dorm yet (might take around a week, depending on when will the guy who promised to help me have time)
                                                              and i wasnt able to connect to the wifi for some unknown reason so i'll be solving that tomorrow

                                                              one syllable anglo-saxon



                                                                  wait u actually got 100 mbs real download/upload? i thought this is a joke or something


                                                                    900 u blind fuk


                                                                      i don't have personal experience yet but we are supposed to have 1gb line so it's most likely legit


                                                                        900 mbps /8 = 100MBps no?

                                                                        sick man i dont think this existds in germany at all


                                                                          why its /8 ?


                                                                            900 megabits, 8 bits = 1 byte => 900/8 and afaik those sites always measure in bits

                                                                            what it shows u in steam when u download is megabytes per second



                                                                                ten thousand IQ points?


                                                                                  im VERY smart


                                                                                    are u as smart as alenari?

                                                                                    Jay the Bird

                                                                                      Spunki verified cs genius confirmed


                                                                                        alenari is genuinely smart i believe


                                                                                          spunki is correct
                                                                                          but 1 gb sounds better (also because everyone ignores capital letters and then it becomes a mess)

                                                                                          Yowai Mo

                                                                                            network is always in bits, ihr neandertaler


                                                                                              warum eigentlich? weiß auch dass das in bits ist und daten etc in bytes aber wofür der unterschied



                                                                                                22:52 - EternaLAuGu: missed abed mEEPO
                                                                                                22:52 - EternaLAuGu: NOTLIKETJHIS
                                                                                                22:53 - sry: ?
                                                                                                22:53 - sry: meepo in
                                                                                                22:53 - EternaLAuGu: guyess i can watch highlight video on youtube tomorrow
                                                                                                22:53 - EternaLAuGu: while taking a dump
                                                                                                22:53 - sry: 22:53 17.09.2017?
                                                                                                22:53 - EternaLAuGu: ya n'aamsayin?
                                                                                                22:54 - sry: ye sure
                                                                                                22:54 - sry: i always tinder while im on the toilet
                                                                                                22:54 - sry: because that app has the same quality
                                                                                                22:54 - sry: as my shit
                                                                                                22:54 - sry: (shit quality)
                                                                                                22:55 - EternaLAuGu: wow
                                                                                                22:55 - EternaLAuGu: alenari?
                                                                                                22:55 - EternaLAuGu: is that u
                                                                                                22:55 - sry: i love alenari
                                                                                                22:55 - EternaLAuGu: are u actually alenari?
                                                                                                22:55 - sry: no
                                                                                                22:55 - sry: but i wanna fuck him
                                                                                                22:55 - EternaLAuGu: thats what alenari would say
                                                                                                22:55 - sry: understandable
                                                                                                22:55 - sry: hes so sarcastic in everything
                                                                                                22:55 - sry: so critical
                                                                                                22:55 - sry: so smart
                                                                                                22:56 - sry: yeah
                                                                                                22:56 - sry: thats someone id want to have babies with

                                                                                                exposed ?

                                                                                                Yowai Mo

                                                                                                  ich zitiere den lehrer: "das ist einfach so"

                                                                                                  Jay the Bird

                                                                                                    You guys wanna become really intellectual? Start watching Rick and Morty