Tribo: who's this
********** is now Online.
Tribo: who's this
**********: You are a shit faagot
**********: Your lina is fuc*ing shit you are a noob fu*k face faagot
Tribo: ok but who's this
**********: fu*k you
**********: you shit piece of faagot shit
Tribo: ok
Tribo: but who's this
**********: you are l ow skill shit f*g
**********: FAAGOT.
Tribo: YO
Tribo: Who's this
**********: low skill faagot
Tribo: Oh lmao that bara guy
**********: fuck u
Tribo: xd
Tribo: dude why so tilted
**********: noob faagot
Tribo: kkk
Tribo: but why you sent me a friend request
same, just that it seems to be a somewhat common (or at least compared to normal ppl) for NEET or similar ppl
ive been browsing r9k and it seems like a fairly common occurence/sentiment
no why? idk how it works but im assuming u get female hormones so that there is more estrogen than testosterone in ur body
once u stop ur body will regulate it back to usual, with an increased amount of testosterone (i believe)
thats why u get titties if u use testosterone to build muscle, if u do it wrong after u stop there is more estrogen than testosterone in ur body and u get tits
also idk why (transgender) people actually change their gender? i barely see how my gender matters over the day, except for what i wear, how i talk, how i act and sex
going from male to female probably gives u more disadvantages than advantages
i frequent tumblrinaction and there are a couple of legit trans folks(or at least they say so) and one described why did they opt for a sex change, from what i read it looks like a mental illness where ur own body start feeling alien to u(as if indeed u were placed in a body of a pesron with an opposite sex)
seems believeable to me, people dont go trans because they have a good life, unless its for attention whoring
no in fact im pretty positive im gonna be seeing him every wednsday for a couple of weeks at least, our group is a total shitshow and i have to go to other groups classes to pass labs
i dont know what western media say about it but nobody at all gives a shit if u support navalny
western media aren't saying much except that he's repeatingly getting jailed for organizing protests and that he wants to candidate for president despite laws telling that he can't for said jailing
he was arrested way back in 2013 with a non-political charge, i dont know how legit is the case but since then he cant legally run for president
now hes getting jailed for 10-20 days for repetitively organizing protests that werent legally allowed(for every large gathering u need a permission from the local authorities), u can say they are not allowing protests on purpose and its probably true but the fact remains that his jailings are completely legal
if u werer wondering about why only kids care about him its because hes a populist and for most people insetring le funny maymays and being "for everything that is good and against everything that is bad" isnt enough to take him seriously
college life
New page more shitposting keep it up like dat
who's this guy, is he a troll or smthing?
Just exposing a guy, don't ban please
ur lina is awful tho
no it's not, I was being ganked the whole time and this guy was doing a duo-lane top(with bara apparently).
which one?
the girl in the racoon pic looks endearing, what furry? its just an owner loving her pet, i find that cute
2nd pic is kinda cute but it looks like she will get rabbies from that
arin have you wanted to be a girl or do hrt?
i'd never do hrt
same, just that it seems to be a somewhat common (or at least compared to normal ppl) for NEET or similar ppl
ive been browsing r9k and it seems like a fairly common occurence/sentiment
whats hrt
also there seems to be an unhealthy obsession with traps (whether ironic or no)
hormone replacement therapy
id do hrt for a few years to see what being a girl is like
fucking furries is more of a meme rather than actual sentence making sense
the girl is rather cute
(the fat one)
wotn that like mess with your stuff? xD like uh irreversible long term consequences even if u took it for abit
not exactly sure
no why? idk how it works but im assuming u get female hormones so that there is more estrogen than testosterone in ur body
once u stop ur body will regulate it back to usual, with an increased amount of testosterone (i believe)
thats why u get titties if u use testosterone to build muscle, if u do it wrong after u stop there is more estrogen than testosterone in ur body and u get tits
also idk why (transgender) people actually change their gender? i barely see how my gender matters over the day, except for what i wear, how i talk, how i act and sex
going from male to female probably gives u more disadvantages than advantages
i frequent tumblrinaction and there are a couple of legit trans folks(or at least they say so) and one described why did they opt for a sex change, from what i read it looks like a mental illness where ur own body start feeling alien to u(as if indeed u were placed in a body of a pesron with an opposite sex)
seems believeable to me, people dont go trans because they have a good life, unless its for attention whoring
also im pretty that force feeding ur body hormones will have irreversible consequences, especially over the course of years
that's just r9k being ruined on purpose by tumblr and lgbt while mods aren't doing anything about it
hot load incoming
I see it does me good to stay away from here, lmeo
Too much shitposting
Way Too Much!!
oh man i actually got triggered good job
aaaand finished third Rick and Morty season. Whats next?
cursed image
you actually watch them?
Yupp, finished them all :)
why so surprised? :D
thats you?
Pretty much true Arin
no i dont have a laptop and if i did id never put navalnys sticker on it
i was taking the photo
you overestimate my understanding of cyrillic alphabet to recognize that word
is that guy never to be seen again?
no in fact im pretty positive im gonna be seeing him every wednsday for a couple of weeks at least, our group is a total shitshow and i have to go to other groups classes to pass labs
i dont know what western media say about it but nobody at all gives a shit if u support navalny
is he the guy who talks shit at putin? read some interview that hes scared of his life etc
ye boi idk from what ive read he seems kind athe cool guy
hes a populist "leader of opposition" and a beacon of hope for 14-20yr olds
pretty much every1 else either despises or doesnt care about him
why's that
western media aren't saying much except that he's repeatingly getting jailed for organizing protests and that he wants to candidate for president despite laws telling that he can't for said jailing
whys what
was that a troll question? because mine wasn't
whys that can be asked about anything i said here, how am i supposed to gues what u wanted me to expand on
he was arrested way back in 2013 with a non-political charge, i dont know how legit is the case but since then he cant legally run for president
now hes getting jailed for 10-20 days for repetitively organizing protests that werent legally allowed(for every large gathering u need a permission from the local authorities), u can say they are not allowing protests on purpose and its probably true but the fact remains that his jailings are completely legal
if u werer wondering about why only kids care about him its because hes a populist and for most people insetring le funny maymays and being "for everything that is good and against everything that is bad" isnt enough to take him seriously
wtf does this mean