General Discussion

General DiscussionAyy lmao

Ayy lmao in General Discussion
Guess who

    Doesn't matter what type of government you have when it's run by the same kind of people.

    Chairman Mao is Dearest

      whats this

      61 y.o.

        real stuff

        Chairman Mao is Dearest

          damn thats rly litty ty fam !!

          61 y.o.

            < blank >

              yo grandpa
              you like them young, dont you?

              one syllable anglo-saxon

                gamers rise up

                Chairman Mao is Dearest

                  and a final one, can we get a clap for aocs incredible hypocrisy?


                    whose hypocrisy?

                    one syllable anglo-saxon


                      Chairman Mao is Dearest

                        Guess who

                          Chairman Mao is Dearest

                            Guess who


                                Cute owo.

                                < blank >

                                  lmao, good one alenari

                                  Totentanz to The King: M ...

                                    I got cancer from this page

                                    Chairman Mao is Dearest

                                      me too


                               can a meme be too relatable?

                                        Chairman Mao is Dearest

                                          idk my dude it seems pretty unrelatable


                                            this thread is dying, help

                                            Guess who



                                                < blank >

                                                  real meka died long time ago


                                                    i died ~3 years ago, and i still have problems of recovering from that shit

                                                    Guess who

                                                      Guess who


                                                          Symmetrical on ACE? Pog


                                                            def. Pog
                                                            proud of my boy


                                                              symetrical on what?

                                                              (unironical question, i genuinely have no clue)

                                                              < blank >

                                                                on acid

                                                                Guess who

                                                                  Chairman Mao is Dearest

                                                                    PepeHands poor dude


                                                                      holy uck symetrical won his match against general


                                                                        lets go dooooooood

                                                                        Guess who


                                                                            symtrical made gorp smash his computer and all his teammates AHHAHAH

                                                                            I'm sO fUcKInG BaAd

                                                                              ♿gorgc♿ XD


                                                                                actual moiez boss

                                                                                Guess who

                                                                                  Chairman Mao is Dearest

                                                                                    @meka have fun at ESA, happy u made it there, iirc its something u rly wanted to do


                                                                                      the worst shit that oculd happen now, is that the bus that will take me to vantaa will arrive 2-4h sooner than supposed to, as my visa opens 20th, instead of 19th, essentially fucking up the travel plan. idk if bus will wait for me, idk if the entry will be denied, but if that happens i'll do a barrel roll


                                                                                        Good luck

                                                                                        Chairman Mao is Dearest

                                                                                          is that the bus that will take me to vantaa will arrive 2-4h sooner than supposed to, as my visa opens 20th, instead of 19th, essentially fucking up the travel plan

                                                                                          like, 2-4h before midnight? i hope u get a nice immigration officer