TripleSteal- 年 - 月 - 21@79 two games today one in 3 hrs, jdl, bo2 other one in 6 hours, also a bo2 jdl matchNah, I'd win 年 - 月 - 212 games, 2 blames这回复被编辑过 年 - 月 - 21Nah, I'd win 年 - 月 - 21lm ao 年 - 月 - 21Shouldnt have played in the weekends but fuck my brain X(这回复被编辑过 年 - 月 - 21faw 年 - 月 - 21... ^lm ao 年 - 月 - 21i wish people start listening to me when i say fight under towers, let them get greedy so we can find an opening to fightfaw 年 - 月 - 21 das ist besser Pale Mannie 年 - 月 - 21Ahh mein bizeps brenntthe realm's delight 年 - 月 - 21Andy Milonakis PogChampthe realm's delight 年 - 月 - 21holky shit badmans owning did he start spamming spec in 686 or he spammed her be4 too ?Mekarazium 年 - 月 - 21此评论已被版主移除 年 - 月 - 20faw 年 - 月 - 21seemsgood, 6k trash 4Head Nah, I'd win 年 - 月 - 21My team literally hold me back for 9 months now I escaped Vertoxity 年 - 月 - 21Proof Storm is still broken, kappajus chillen 年 - 月 - 21why are people picking supports, why are they not flaming me for being 0 1 against trilane, why am i winning gamesjus chillen 年 - 月 - 21where is the hidden poolthe realm's delight 年 - 月 - 21right here jus chillen 年 - 月 - 21xDDDDDMekarazium 年 - 月 - 21此评论已被版主移除 年 - 月 - 20Mekarazium 年 - 月 - 21此评论已被版主移除 年 - 月 - 20the realm's delight 年 - 月 - 218800 wutfacejus chillen 年 - 月 - 21road to 8.8kfaw 年 - 月 - 21 WutFace who commends me Mekarazium 年 - 月 - 21此评论已被版主移除 年 - 月 - 20faw 年 - 月 - 21wtf does badman play roam ck ? faw 年 - 月 - 21thx 4Head Mekarazium 年 - 月 - 21此评论已被版主移除 年 - 月 - 20Mekarazium 年 - 月 - 21此评论已被版主移除 年 - 月 - 20D 年 - 月 - 21Ck is fucking broken confirmed.faw 年 - 月 - 21roam ck because he had lower gpm than offlane undying, but alright then ^^ faw 年 - 月 - 21and 77 cs EleGiggle the realm's delight 年 - 月 - 21he has 77 cs it does look like roaming or somethingMekarazium 年 - 月 - 21此评论已被版主移除 年 - 月 - 20TripleSteal- 年 - 月 - 21we got 1st game in half an hourfaw 年 - 月 - 21u can always nerf harder, look at elder titan Mekarazium 年 - 月 - 21此评论已被版主移除 年 - 月 - 20faw 年 - 月 - 214Head D 年 - 月 - 21Man today I'm going to rape shit, I'm getting way better boners than yesterday. Ladies prepare for easy games.jus chillen 年 - 月 - 21boner7 D 年 - 月 - 21Oh yea, I just wanted to say that I'm feeling better than yesterday, I'm not sleepy anymore 4HeadPale Mannie 年 - 月 - 21How did you got back from 3k to 4k in one match? Tell me your sorceries @Aimstrong 这回复被编辑过 年 - 月 - 21Nah, I'd win 年 - 月 - 21you need to git gud so gud that the enemy spectre commends you这回复被编辑过 年 - 月 - 21Pale Mannie 年 - 月 - 21Does it mean you can skip mmr?Pale Mannie 年 - 月 - 21By getting gud?Nah, I'd win 年 - 月 - 21i'll stop trolling you, those were party gamesPale Mannie 年 - 月 - 21Pale Mannie 年 - 月 - 21Top kek m8这回复被编辑过 年 - 月 - 21faw 年 - 月 - 21knallerfrauen ftw, schade dass es keine neuen staffeln gibt Pale Mannie 年 - 月 - 21Ja Nah, I'd win 年 - 月 - 21Some people hold me back again, Icefrog pls发表评论请登录用Steam登录
two games today
one in 3 hrs, jdl, bo2
other one in 6 hours, also a bo2 jdl match
2 games, 2 blames
Shouldnt have played in the weekends but fuck my brain
... ^
i wish people start listening to me when i say fight under towers, let them get greedy so we can find an opening to fight
das ist besser
Ahh mein bizeps brennt
Andy Milonakis
holky shit badmans owning
did he start spamming spec in 686 or he spammed her be4 too ?
seemsgood, 6k trash 4Head
My team literally hold me back for 9 months now I escaped
Proof Storm is still broken, kappa
why are people picking supports, why are they not flaming me for being 0 1 against trilane, why am i winning games
where is the hidden pool
right here
8800 wutface
road to 8.8k
WutFace who commends me
wtf does badman play roam ck ?
thx 4Head
Ck is fucking broken confirmed.
roam ck because he had lower gpm than offlane undying, but alright then ^^
and 77 cs EleGiggle
he has 77 cs it does look like roaming or something
we got 1st game in half an hour
u can always nerf harder, look at elder titan
Man today I'm going to rape shit, I'm getting way better boners than yesterday. Ladies prepare for easy games.
Oh yea, I just wanted to say that I'm feeling better than yesterday, I'm not sleepy anymore 4Head
How did you got back from 3k to 4k in one match? Tell me your sorceries @Aimstrong
you need to git gud so gud that the enemy spectre commends you
Does it mean you can skip mmr?
By getting gud?
i'll stop trolling you, those were party games
Top kek m8
knallerfrauen ftw, schade dass es keine neuen staffeln gibt
Some people hold me back again, Icefrog pls