INV MENYA LP PARTY 年 - 月 - 17y ours its ok actually but dires.. also i think its captains draft not captains mode, was afk during the picking phase TripleSteal- 年 - 月 - 17@vohiyo no, thanks|||||||||||||||||||||||||... 年 - 月 - 17finally i was stuck on 59 for 2 days  INV MENYA LP PARTY 年 - 月 - 17 Wtf? these windows 10 backgrounds are so good  INV MENYA LP PARTY 年 - 月 - 17 PogChamp I hope this video works |||||||||||||||||||||||||... 年 - 月 - 17 |||||||||||||||||||||||||... 年 - 月 - 17nvm servers are dead FeelsBadManNah, I'd win 年 - 月 - 17^ You could just create a new australian apple ID and play it about a week ago 这回复被编辑过 年 - 月 - 17Mekarazium 年 - 月 - 17此评论已被版主移除 年 - 月 - 20arin 年 - 月 - 17how the fuck do i siege hg|||||||||||||||||||||||||... 年 - 月 - 172nd song SourPls SourPls SourPls |||||||||||||||||||||||||... 年 - 月 - 17man CAN THESE FUCKING SERVERS WORK I wanna catch some pokemonsayaka 年 - 月 - 17dragon lance might have been good idk INV MENYA LP PARTY 年 - 月 - 17catching pokemon at night WutFace allison u know u have to go outside right? LUL  INV MENYA LP PARTY 年 - 月 - 17i found pokemon go to be quite boring tbh |||||||||||||||||||||||||... 年 - 月 - 17??? no shit ill go out right now if servers worked INV MENYA LP PARTY 年 - 月 - 17ull get raped|||||||||||||||||||||||||... 年 - 月 - 17who cares gotta catch dat dratini INV MENYA LP PARTY 年 - 月 - 17true D 年 - 月 - 17best build and also best lc the world has ever fucking seen dumpstering kids since I was born dat attack speed is so crazy like 0.30 sec per attack or less with W hooly fuck kids just die in 1 second or less xD |||||||||||||||||||||||||... 年 - 月 - 17ok pokemon is finally working i have to select a name i tried like 50 and thheyre all unavailable FUCKING RETARDSsayaka 年 - 月 - 17how does both og and wings pick jugg against drow/huskar 15 min push strats do they even know what the hero does这回复被编辑过 年 - 月 - 17Totentanz to The King: M ... 年 - 月 - 17The fact that Wings pick Drow themselves A LOT yet they have no idea how to play against it just shows how stupid of a team they really are. I honestly have no idea how everyone keeps losing to these morons.sayaka 年 - 月 - 17do neither of these teams play brood actallyNah, I'd win 年 - 月 - 17You left your fridge open, somebody just took a sandwichBesn1q 3.0 年 - 月 - 17My dick is stuck in a socket, how can i remove safely without damaging it?Nah, I'd win 年 - 月 - 17Make it wetBesn1q 3.0 年 - 月 - 17I chopped it off. I became a woman with no tits, time to get really fat so i get myself some tits. sayaka 年 - 月 - 18Trust the plan 年 - 月 - 18That feeling when I'm not the only person here who listens to edenbridge.D the Superior 年 - 月 - 18此评论已被版主移除 年 - 月 - 24sayaka 年 - 月 - 18 easiest 9 low priority games of my lifeThinking without a box 年 - 月 - 18^ PogChamp is so nice lul hahahahahahahahahahahaahMekarazium 年 - 月 - 18此评论已被版主移除 年 - 月 - 20Hatsune Miku 年 - 月 - 18 INV MENYA LP PARTY 年 - 月 - 18 PogChamp finally theyre here HartzFear 年 - 月 - 18^ poor Taiwan Kids. D the Superior 年 - 月 - 18此评论已被版主移除 年 - 月 - 24robert 年 - 月 - 18"Stop the memes" ~Lod[A] 2016D the Superior 年 - 月 - 18此评论已被版主移除 年 - 月 - 24D the Superior 年 - 月 - 18此评论已被版主移除 年 - 月 - 24Mekarazium 年 - 月 - 18此评论已被版主移除 年 - 月 - 20D the Superior 年 - 月 - 18此评论已被版主移除 年 - 月 - 24robert 年 - 月 - 18ДГД Г ДD the Superior 年 - 月 - 18此评论已被版主移除 年 - 月 - 24Hatsune Miku 年 - 月 - 18wwwwsD the Superior 年 - 月 - 18此评论已被版主移除 年 - 月 - 24D the Superior 年 - 月 - 18此评论已被版主移除 年 - 月 - 24D the Superior 年 - 月 - 18此评论已被版主移除 年 - 月 - 24D the Superior 年 - 月 - 18此评论已被版主移除 年 - 月 - 24发表评论请登录用Steam登录
y ours its ok actually but dires.. also i think its captains draft not captains mode, was afk during the picking phase
no, thanks
finally i was stuck on 59 for 2 days
Wtf? these windows 10 backgrounds are so good
PogChamp I hope this video works
nvm servers are dead FeelsBadMan
You could just create a new australian apple ID and play it about a week ago
how the fuck do i siege hg
2nd song SourPls SourPls SourPls
man CAN THESE FUCKING SERVERS WORK I wanna catch some pokemon
dragon lance might have been good idk
catching pokemon at night WutFace
allison u know u have to go outside right? LUL
i found pokemon go to be quite boring tbh
??? no shit ill go out right now if servers worked
ull get raped
who cares gotta catch dat dratini
best build and also best lc the world has ever fucking seen dumpstering kids since I was born
dat attack speed is so crazy like 0.30 sec per attack or less with W hooly fuck kids just die in 1 second or less xD
ok pokemon is finally working i have to select a name i tried like 50 and thheyre all unavailable FUCKING RETARDS
how does both og and wings pick jugg against drow/huskar 15 min push strats do they even know what the hero does
The fact that Wings pick Drow themselves A LOT yet they have no idea how to play against it just shows how stupid of a team they really are. I honestly have no idea how everyone keeps losing to these morons.
do neither of these teams play brood actally
You left your fridge open, somebody just took a sandwich
My dick is stuck in a socket, how can i remove safely without damaging it?
Make it wet
I chopped it off. I became a woman with no tits, time to get really fat so i get myself some tits.
That feeling when I'm not the only person here who listens to edenbridge.
easiest 9 low priority games of my life
^ PogChamp is so nice lul hahahahahahahahahahahaah
PogChamp finally theyre here
^ poor Taiwan Kids.
"Stop the memes" ~Lod[A] 2016